3x3 thread

3x3 thread
I'm not up to actually draw one right now, so
>deus ex
>shenzhen i/o
>dwarf fort

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All of you 3x3 posters that post pictures without the name of the games ought to publicly executed. Like... am I supposed to know what games these random ass pictures are supposed to be? Smh.

>Not even posting the drawn one

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Don't care about number but here are my favourite games

FF 7, 9, 12, and Tactics
Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro
Yakuza series + Judgement
Hitman series
Ace Combat 7
Civ V
Old school Ratchet and Clank

I think pointing out that people have a lot of the same games in their 3*3 says more about the variety of good games that come out than their taste, really.

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>pick games Yas Forums likes and be called a conformist
>pick games Yas Forums hates and be called shittaste

Which one, Yas Forums?

Pick games you like and don't give a damn what Yas Forums says


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>play a lot of games
>naturally come find that only a handful are really great, therefore provide the best experience, therefore are your favourite
>hurdur how come you like games that everyone agrees on are good

I cannot be arsed to draw anything

Witcher 3
Spec Ops: The Line
pre-renewal Ragnarok Online
Mega Man X
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
Monster Girl Quest

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Aaaa it was harder to make this than it was supposed to be i guess

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Guys I care whether you accept me, please tell me my taste is good.

4/6 +MGS, Hotline Miami, Blood, Doom
-IHNMAIMS, Majoras Mask
7/7 +Metal Slug, Nioh, FFIX, NGII, DKC2, BF2, Bloodborne
breddy good

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MG2,ACZ,BB are great
P5 so so,XC2 was a mistake

It has a lot of flaws but all in all it's the best xeno game. It doesn't shit itself halfway through like gears or x do and it doesn't feel like an offline MMO like XC1 did.

Boomers and storyfags be damned

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I'm too lazy to make a picture
Homeworld 2
Deserts of Kharak
Dead or Alive 4
Dragon's Dogma
War Thunder
Total War: Warhammer 2
Final Fantasy XIV
Monster Hunter World

How about a 2x4

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alien is tops.
Nice, Hotline is my fave of those.
I hated playing D3 but like your other picks.
+ rpgmaker

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Graphic Design is not my passion, so here goes:

>Dark Souls 2
>Resident Evil 7
>Condemened: Criminal Origins
>Tales of The Abyss(interchangeable with Symphonia)
>Pokemon White
>Ace Attorney Trilogy
>Team Fortress 2

>I have no dick and I must coom

based taste


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Eve Online
Planetside 2
Space Station 13

Space Engineers

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Payday 2

I think I might be autistic... I like games where I can do the same thing over and over, and lull myself into a hypnotic bliss of action/reaction.

That's all that can occupy me anymore, I can barely even get immersed in rpgs.

Anyone else have the same thing happen?

>moeshit really sucks
>Nier Automata
i like automata but cmon son

You're not alone on this one, user. I have 700 hours on PD2 for a reason

Yas Forums has shittaste

Wish more people would post some fuckin titles
But no gotta be autistic
>+Doom, tf2
>+MGS, Doom, Majoras Mask
>+DeS, Bloodborne, Sekiro
>+MGR:R, Majoras Mask, TF2, Minecraft, Pokemon Emerald, Bloodborne, Yoshis Island, MGS3, Portal, Super Metroid, Dark Souls
>+Witcher 3, Spec Ops, Bioshock
>+Morrowind, Fallout
Fuck MMOs
>+MGS2, Bloodborne
>+San Andreas, TF2, Mario Odyssey
>++PacMan World 2(?)
First time ive seen that mentioned here
>+Team Fortress 2, HL2, Quake, Titanfall 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy
Also based
>+Demons Souls, RE1
>+Dark Souls 2, Pokemon White, TF2
>+Metroid Prime 2

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Between all of those games I probably have 20,000 hours plus. Not Including world of warcraft that i clocked a year and a half time played in during BC/WOTLK

finally got around to making one of these
kinda ugly for my first one imo, might make a prettier one later
+2/2 DQV, DKC2. DQV so close to making it onto mine
+2/2 love p5 and havent put a ton of time into unist but ive really enjoyed what ive played
+Echoes. MP1 gets the tiniest edge but echoes is still great
+4/4 MP1, F-Zero, TWW, and SMG2
based gamecube bro

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>+Metroid Prime, Smash Melee, Ocarina of Time, BOTW, Super Metroid, Pokemon Emerald
Based nintendofag

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>pathalogic 2 aswell as liking generic action shit

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That's the first Pathologic, dipshit

that is Pathologic 1 my friend. I am just honest and have diverse taste, I don't exclusively play artsy experimental games.

Yeah, I'm not making an excuse just posting my top 10 in text

Resident Evil 4
The Last of Us
Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony
Resident Evil (2002)
Devil May Cry V
Pokemon White
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon Quest VIII Journey of the Cursed King
Wipeout HD

you have to go back


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>say something objectively incorrect
>get corrected

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>+REmake, Pokemon White, MGS4

Realistically the problem I have with that 3x3 is not the "these are games I pretend to like" sentiment, it is the doubling up on MGS and to a lesser extent Nier.

Like for me personally I didn't put both StarCraft and WarCraft 3 on my own 3x3 because it feels somewhat redundant and takes away a spot from showing other tastes.

Put another way, you could easily see someone be an absolute nut about something like Street Fighter and have over half their 3x3 filled with various entries from the series. Sure it gets across how much they like the franchise but in my opinion kind of goes against the whole appeal and purpose of the 3x3.

who the fuck cares, you autist? If someone loves one series more than anything, it makes sense to put like 2 entries from it.

Yeah I'm similarly picky about what I include. On top of not doubling up franchises, I also don't like to include games like Smash or any MMOs I play, because they're largely multiplayer games and the enjoyment I get from them comes more out of playing with friends than the intrinsic experience of the game. So I usually limit my list to singleplayer titles even though I probably have more hours in Smash Ultimate than everything on my 3x3 combined.

all of that is entry level stuff...

The real, honest list as comes from the heart, no sugar-coating fluff.

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banned from posting images so
>deus ex
>pokemon crystal
>tony hawk underground 2
>yakuza 0
>risk of rain 2
>yume nikki
>fallout 1

Interested in oath of felgnana

fuck i put the 3d moon
disregard that mistake

>+Pokemon HG/SS, Dark Souls, Majoras Mask
>+Morrowind, Pokemon Crystal, Fallout 1

TTYD sucks though. There's only one good Paper Mario game and it's the first one, sadly…

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>+Smash Ultimate, Link Between Worlds, Super Metroid, Rocket Slime
>Mario World, LttP, Yoshi's Island, Mario 64, Majoras Mask, Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Luigis Mansion, Dark Souls, Mario Odyssey
Bssed and Nintendo pilled

>Rocket Slime
What an odd choice. Did you play the multiplayer a lot? The tank battles were incredibly fun but never quite reached the concept's full potential in the single player story, and the normal gameplay was fun but nothing particularly impressive. I wonder what they did with the 3DS sequel. Apparently there's a fan translation now so I gotta check that out.

I feel like this is a good thread to ask about this, does anyone have Yas Forums vidya recommendation charts/tables images? I like using these threads for recommendations but the 3x3 format is pretty limited I'd also like to make updated Yas Forums recommendation charts based on Yas Forumsirgin recommendations but my backlog is still too big for that

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>choosing 2 out of all the disgaea games
why do you like suffering

>3ds sequel
Not him but holy shit there was a sequel?

Yes. It was never officially localized though.

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The point is you shouldn't give a shit what Yas Forums says either way, and that a favourites list consisting of something like those nine games shows you're probably a pussy who has let Yas Forums bully you into thinking only a specific set of games is acceptable.

I have New Vegas on mine and I don't give a shit whether that makes me pleb or conformist. Nor do I care if I get shit on for having Witch and the Hundred Knight there.

Hmm interesting
Boats this time around, might have to emulate

This will do. R8 and h8 plz.

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Nah never got to play multiplayer. I loved collecting all the slimes and seeing their dumb personalities. Then they'd rebuild the town and that was satisfying to see done. The story was super dumb in a good way. Loved the Pladipunks and most of all I just loved the constant upgrades and building of my tank.
There's just a lot to the game that I picked up on more than I'd like to admit. Super satisfying to 100%. Did that like three times since 2010.
I don't recommend the game to most people. I just love it for what it is. I've got a few games that are like that. Maybe I'm just retarded.
As far as the pirate sequel goes, man I'd love to play it. Just haven't gotten around to it.
Playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX at the moment. Pretty decent remake.

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>no silent hill 2 in that picture
one job

Mount and blade: Warband
Oldschool: Runescape
Dota 2
Halo 2