How did you pronounce Mako before you actually heard it (whether Advent Children or Remake)
How did you pronounce Mako before you actually heard it (whether Advent Children or Remake)
in japanese faggot
Uh oh, better get Maaco
Like the shark.
May co
MAC-OH. MAC as in a MAC computer
>Rainbow dialogue boxes
Who actually thinks this shit looks good?
Exactly the same way as the official pronunciation, because I'm not retarded.
mako like the shark
planet jizz
>There's people that leave it blue
You are trash and your opinion are trash.
Ma's coat.
The correct way because i'm not retarded (American).
literally how it's spelled you fucking retards.
It's based off Makoto which mean sincere.
>wanting the dialogue to be even harder to see in places
Dark style text boxes or get fucked. Especially since you can't change the text color.
May-co. The actual reading has disappointed me more than the gameplay.
MACK-oh. SEPH-uh-rauth. AIR-ess. Jeh-NO-vuh.
I have no problem reading text when it's like that so I don't know what's your problem is.
Exactly how it's spelled. Mah-ko. Most languages don't use dipthongs nearly as much as English does, so for the most part, pronouncing foreign words exactly the way they're spelled with pure vowels gets you most of the way there. This is hard for a lot of English speakers.
>I pronounce things autistically because I'm SO educated
Very cool, user.
an american made this post
probably. you still talk like a fag tho.
The letters are outlined in black, dumbass.
>glorifying idiocy
yep its an american alright
We cant all be turbo weebs
You forgot to tip your fedora.
ur a dipthong lmao gottem
Is it Shin-raw? Or Sheen-rah?
Otherwise correct
my cow
Based Aeris chads.
touch the my cow reaCtOW ClOW(d) do it now
Aw fuck. I always thought "Shin-Rah"
That's stupid. And it would make her Japanese/"corrected" name air-reethe. Which is double stupid.
Imagine having a language so retarded that you can't spell a word before hearing
Don't they say Mayko in the AC dub?
I always pronounced it Tiff-Uhh
At least I said Clod's names right
I always read it as May-ko
It's may-ko like mako sharks. Have you people never watched the discovery channel?
Nah dawg. I hate learnin n shits for nerds
Always pronounced it Shin-ruh.
Shin like the body part
Ra like cheering at a football game
Mayko. Because the work mako already has a proper English pronunciation. There are no accents on the word, so using the Japanese pronunciation is retarded.
Yes Square's localization team is retarded.
Mach Oh
>people on Yas Forums are this uneducated on Japanese pronunciation
I remember when this was a respectable weeb site.
Retard. It's Ay-riss.
I don't pronounce it, because i don't have to read out loud to understand it you fucking ingrate
So when you talk about it to others, what do you do? Wait you don't have friends, because you're an acidic puddle of urine, fuck off.
>he talks to people about video games IRL
urine is on average more base than acidic, you fucking mongoloid.
People do it because they can, not because it looks good.
ok piss boy