Are you excited for new 5.21 patch Yas Forums?

Are you excited for new 5.21 patch Yas Forums?

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I wont be excited for 14 until they fix healers.

when's the next expansion due? I'm gonna get back into the game with the next expansion, but I haven't played since heavensward, and I don't want to join part way through one since I'll be missing so much content. Do they give you all the old expacks if you buy the newest? Preorders?

Comes out next month

>missing so much content

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All the shit that's not part of the new patch is irrelevant, that's just how MMOs are. Joining part way through an expansion means you're paying money for tons of shit you'll never play with anyone but pugs, and that's just not what I'm interested in.

>when's the next expansion due?
1 and half year.
>Do they give you all the old expacks if you buy the newest?

>they nerfed Cid


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It's a final fantasy game before an mmo
please never play again

All that stuff is still played so your point doesn't really have a point

I traded in Ishgard scrip for the hairstyle like a FOOL and I don't even fucking like it

>Gunmetal Black Dye
Please be a good shiny dark dye

How does E8S compare to the other final tier fights difficulty-wise? I only started raiding in Alphascape, but it definitely feels like the hardest fight I've had to deal with for a Savage so far

I'd rather they add some actual content instead of filling the game with useless crafter + gatherer casualshit.

Once you finish Savage and Ultimate then FFXIV has nothing going for it

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this isn't wow retard

Its the toughest since Alexander

Any Elementalbros here, how often do the nips run BA? Just got the Hydatos and I can get 60 pretty quickly

>RAID tranny

Get fucked sub human

They really should have at least added the relic in 5.1, not halfway through 5.2


Except you aren’t paying for months you didn’t sub. It’s 40 dollars and shadowbringers is worth it for the story alone. Hands down the best MMO story ever, and the best final fantasy story in like 15 years.

June of next year most likely.

>I'd rather
Bitch at least I've got something to do now instead of mindlessly farming savage
I've finally managed to claw out a nice plot of land in Mist and now I can start playing amateur home designer deluxe thanks to my omnicrafting skills

thanks for the info.
randomly pulled shit in a queue where people immediately expect you to know everything about it and have read 10 guides and watched a youtube video is a shit experience, and not what I want out of an mmo. I like the experience of learning something with people. The later in an expack you join, the less opportunity you have to do that, no matter how hard you try to say otherwise. I don't eat shit, sorry you all do. See you in a year and a half.

Mechanics wise it's fairly simple. The hardest mechanic is Light Rampart and that happens 2 minutes into the fight.

However the DPS check is one of the tightest we've had in a long while

no one really cares in dungeons if you don't know what you're doing. Just ask.

if you don't know what a boss in xiv does (outside of savage/extreme content) after the first pull you have fucking down syndrome

>Actually nerfing Thunder God even after you get default Echo
This community is a fucking disgrace.

>you have fucking down syndrome
Son have you SEEN E6N pug parties?

It's absolutely baffling to me how hard E6N turns pugs into retards

>Another RNG based reward system like wondrous tails but for crafters/gatherers this time

Fuck off

Relics are coming now or in 5.25?


.25 alongside crafter relics

>less that 50% chance to get the magicked prisms
>will get magicked prisms every single time
I can see it now



>Expert recipes
>Recipe shown has 9k progress and almost 65k quality

wew lad

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does anyone have a download link for all the 5.2 music?? I want to hear it on the go

well, guess they are gonna make us get mileage out of Veneration and Groundwork.

You still have to clear that shit retard

They're literally made for actual crafting rather than macros
Time to actually get mileage out of the proc-based effects

>Divine Ascenion
Place between 1st and 12th in the skybuilders rankings.
>Minor Miracle
Place between 1st and 100th
>Skyward Saw/Smithy/Hammer/Gemstone/Knife/Needle/Science/Skillet/Sledgehammer/Scythe/Rod I-III
Earn 50k/150k/50k toward your skyward score as [class]
>Crafting/Gathering in the Air
50k skyward score as DoH/L
>Handking/Landking of the World
500k pts toward your score as every DoH/L
>Castle in the Sky
500k pts as every DoH and DoL
>The Height of Carpentry/Smithing/etc
As X, Craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgard Restoration
>Height of Mining/etc
As X, submit 50k expert recipe materials during... (300 artisanal seafood items as FSH)
>Let Luck be a Moogle I-III
Claim first prize 5/10/30 times
>With Mines/Scythes Unclouded I-III
Mine 50/500/1000 clouded minerals or outcrops/tress or vegetation
>Dauntless Trader I-III
Catch 5 Fish that only appear during an umbral flare, duststorm, tempest, or amid umbral levin
>Force of Nature I-III
Fire your aetheromatic auger 50/500/1000 times
>Second Changes
Complete the quest "To Thaw a Frozen Heart."

>Saint/Beatus/Frame/Forge/Hammer/Jewel/Knife/Weave/Panacea/Pan/Pick/Hatchet/Rod of the Firmament
>The Hand of Creation
>Divine Provider
>The Nest's Own Carpenter/etc
>Fortune's Favored Kupo

Also Zurvan weapons are in

>was actively farming the Ivalice raids without an issue at the end of Stormblood
>only had the occasional wipe and it wasn't a big deal, usually cleared it right after and it's a good learning experience for new players to encounter something somewhat challenging
>somehow needed to be nerfed despite having Echo and people having ShB gear

Oh well, I guess it'll at least show up in Alliance raid without people jumping ship right away.

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How do we get the mount? Scrip exchange?

there's no way i'm beating any of the dedicated crafting autists out there

>max 50%
just get all the items HQ are no problem


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the skybuilders stuff to gather didn't have HQ versions

then why does it say quality 50% max???

>Also Zurvan weapons are in

maybe they're too lazy to change that just for these recipes? pretty sure it says that for the current skybuilder's recipes too

>Zurvan weapons
I assume that we arent getting DNC and GNB versions this time like shinryu?

Will they fucking fix tanks in this patch? Why the fuck would I even play this stupid fucking role that plays itself for me?

>Also Zurvan weapons are in
why the fuck did they do Shinryu before Zurvan when they clearly had Zurvan ready to go

Susano better be in 5.25

Only 60 durability too, AND no Excellent procs. You really will have to make the most of the special procs to get anywhere near max quality.

It's too bad though that the ranking system is just based on sheer turn-in quantity. It just means that the only people on the leaderboards will be autist jews who can buy as many materials as they need and craft continuously for 10 days straight. No one else even has a chance.

whats wrong with them?

Not really, nothing relevant for me

>Do they give you all the old expacks if you buy the newest? Preorders?
Yes, just buying the recent expansion pack gets you everything.
>and I don't want to join part way through one since I'll be missing so much content.
This is the worst thing you could do, HW and SB are long games expansions that will take time to complete.

Just go ahead and finish the current content so you can enjoy the expansion pack and everything it has to offer.
The best thing you can do is just max everything before the next expansion so you can be at an advantage compared to everyone else.

it's going to be and you're immediately going to buy a ten stack on mogstation when the patch goes live

They didn't have shitryu weapons until last patch didn't they?

Sure we break some balls here tonight but I go way back. And in light of... recent humiliations, it's an honor to be joined by men. And not faggot ass CORNHOLIN' COCKSUCKAS LIKE THAT NEED HIM NERFED TO CLEAR. THEY SHOULD FUCKIN' DIE.

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Link some zurvan weps pls