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it's up there but it's not Portal or Metroid

>he says 16y after half life revolutionized gaming industry and made everyone ever after mimic it

literally any Nintendo mascot franchise

*refutes it*
what now nerd
and no I'm not giving your shitty site a click


>Half life ruined the FPS genre because it was so successful everyone started copying it
>Half life is overrated because of it's success
choose one and stick to it


They just weren't there. I still remember absolutely chomping at the bit to get home and play cs 1.5, day of defeat, hostile intent mod. Playing over shitty dial up or DSL if you were lucky and loving the shit out of it


Are you the guy that wrote the post or something? Did you not get a good enough response from your forum mates back in 2016 or something?

> 1. GTA
> 2. RDR
> 3. Uncharted
> 4. Witcher
> 5. Fallout
> 6. Halo
> 7. Pokemon
> 8. Souls
> 9. Elder Scrolls
> 10. M.Effect
> 11. COD
> 12. Half Life
> 13. T.Raider
> 14. A.Creed
> 15. K.Hearts

lol why is he comparing it to RPG's?

it is overrated, but not even close to THE most overrated. even most normies don't know what half-life is.



they know what half-life 3 is

the real question is what is the most overrated game on Yas Forums and the answer is undeniably new vegas

Portal is better than Half-Life
Both are in the top 5 shooter series of all time.


No it would be every Zelda game.

Do you retarded zoomies think hl is on the same level as ultima underworld or system shock?


I'm not clicking your clickbait.

It's a message board.

HL2 has aged so much worse than HL1. EP1 is straight up dogshit. Where is all of this sudden hate for HL1 coming from? The release of Alyx?

he is a highly autistic individual even by Yas Forums standards

Whenever I mention Half Life around normies they always, ALWAYS think I'm taking about Half Life 2. It's infuriating...

Zoomers are realizing their favorite games will never be remembered as fondly as games like Half-Life.

>Half-Life 1 Innovations:
>* an adventure without ANY cutscenes or stops, you are NEVER taken out of your hero's body and you never jump to a place where you were not before while conscious. System Shock 1 came somewhat close here but failed to include any NPC interaction from said first-person.
>* Half-Life's level design is really clever and is one of the first instances where the places you go through actually feel like real, sensible places. Again, System Shock 1 tried to do this too but failed somewhat in my opinion due to a few unrealistically mazy levels.
>* I actually think that is the big one: Half-Life basically introduced environmental storytelling to a wider audience. This obviously goes hand-in-hand with the point made above. It is not really about the writing, it is about the fact that you can gleam so much history and plot from the environment alone and what is happening with it. For instance, nobody EVER tells you that humans made contact to Xen before the initial experiment goes wrong. This is all made clear through exploration and the environment.
Any attempt to question the majesty of HL1 is a sure sign of mental illness. Please report yourself to the nearest police officer so that you may be shot immediately.

mortal petroid is overrated trash

Cybermage, Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, Dark Forces 2 were better hlcucks.


Please leave Yas Forums forever. I'm so tired of you.

can't be the worst in a competition with no other contenders.
Not the best two player game tho

Even Trespasser was better because it was more innovative

There is a number of co-op puzzle games
But they are way more focused on communication, in the style of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

I can't

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>ruining an entire genre because your game is so good

Except Trespasser was shit :)

HL was good but it's a "you had to be there" thing. In hindsight anything can look overrated. It was an immersive FPS unlike anything before. Not least because of the groundbreaking (at the time) graphics / modified idtech engine. It was a real sexy-looking little thing; it hit the ground running after other games laid the groundwork in convincing every pc bod to pimp their rigs with openGL graphics cards.

As I said in hindsight and without context it just looks like a mediocre game with mediocre graphics and a mediocre story. But so do most tgames where a lot rested on its groundbreaking graphics or innovations, since tehnology moves so fast.

>it's another "retconning history" episode starring some random autist with an axe to grind

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Who cares every game that isnt complete garbage is mediocre when you really think about it

No idea what youre trying to say here

How about "Half-Life was innovative" or "Half-Life was well-received" or "Half-Life was widely recognized as a new gold standard." All apply.

No i legitamtely have no idea what youre talking about. What is your point?

Seethe and cope

Do you honestly believe when you play dumb you've won an argument? I guess you'd have to bury your head to stay in denial about HL's importance this long.

Sven Coop?

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Im just curious about what you even mean by "random autist with an axe to grind"

Not many puzzle elements in Sven maps. I think that's too bad, really.

There's no such thing as an overrated product.


Half Life 1 and that expansion for it were the only good half life games

in what way?

see, schizo-kun here keeps on posting about Half-Life being 'universally hated' by everyone else, even on release, but then he states that Half-Life ruined the entirety of the fps genre because everyone started copying it, while also stating that it is an overrated game because it was very popular.

He can't even get his narrative right. He just simply spouts 'REFUTE IT' and '[obscure old game] is better than hl' and post screencaps of some post from an old forum site and believes that it is somehow the objective truth.

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Are you really this self-unaware?

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Half Life was shit even when it came out. True FPS fans stuck to Doom and Quake while casuals loved interactive movies like Half Life.

Seems about right.

I just wanted to point out that the best COMPETITIVE local multiplayer puzzle game (could be considered a puzzle, since you're figuring out who is who) has to be Hidden in Plain Sight.

It's by no means the best series, but they're extremely well made games and hold a ton of replay value for me.

Most overrated is probably GTA or elder scrolls. GTA is a decent franchise, I don't like it personally, but Rockstar clearly tries to improve their games. Bethesda is one of the worst devs I've ever seen and yet their games are always hyped to no end by normies.

Self unaware about what, nigger? Just explain what your point is already.

Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda exist.

even the guys at iD said that Quake sucked and that Half-Life was something they had wished to create instead.

I think if you examine your actions up until this point, you can add that 2+2=4

I value your intelligence too much to break it down any further. You should be able to solve this.

Do you think im the OP or something? Because im not.

one thing that never sat right with me about HL was the jankiness of the movement and physics. It felt like a step backwards somewhat in that regard, despite it being more realistic than prior FPSs, It was also stiffer.

If you're not OP, you're equally retarded for jumping into the middle and running interference for him when you don't understand the situation. But I'm not convinced you aren't just lying. Because both are baffling enough to make me question what you think you're doing.

HL2 EP2 >HL >HL OF> HL2 EP1 > HL BS > HL2
fight me

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>interactive movies
bitch, half-life 1 only even had one cutscene, and that was when gordon was being carried into the compactor, and that was still in first person.

the game never took away control from you except during in that scene and when you are confronted by the gman at the end of the game. this just shows how you have never actually played the game at all.

that was most likely due to the skeletal animations they used.

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hl2 is better than ep1 nigger

Doom and Fallout are.

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It's contrarianism as a lifestyle. Trying to fight against every popular thing just because it's popular.

I don't know how you can say that when Ep 2 was such a minor change from Ep1 and HL2. All that waiting and for a game that added 2 enemies and no guns.

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is it a good time to be a HL chad?
>Black mesa finally done with the Expansions in development
>HL aylx
why are we such fucking chads, bros?

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Are you trying to turn this into a circlejerk?

>story is worse than contemporaries
Certainly, but the way the story was told was very effective. OP seems to confuse a good story with a complex story. HL1 shines in the environments, the oppressive atmosphere and gradual destruction. You don't need audio logs to say everything's gone to shit when you can just show it.
>HL2 is worse than other games
HL2 plays far more smoothly than Deus Ex, Thief, etc. Even if it is just a simple shooter, it's very responsive, looks lovely, and doesn't have many rough spots. This doesn't mean it's a better game, but it's plenty of fun while being very polished and straightforward.
>Why is Freeman a hero?
Because he repelled the initial alien invasion. He freed the Vorts, at least, and they could have spread the word of his accomplishments. And it's not the 'Black Mesa' logo sprayed everywhere, it's a lambda. Considering the leaders of the resistance are former Black Mesa scientists, it seems appropriate. There are several people who recognize Freeman and react with surprise, but there's almost always a lot of pressure and they don't have time to get an autograph. They're freedom fighters, they don't have time to sit and chat.
>The rhythm of getting attacked when important information is going to be delivered
I can't think of an example of this outside of maybe the first couple of chapters. Usually important information is delivered after a fight.
>Levels are not interesting
I can understand not liking the sewers, but they're over with fairly quickly. The city, Ravenholm, the sand, Nova Prospekt, the Citadel... I'd say those are all very interesting locations with nice set pieces, at the very least.

Yeah, I'll jerk my dick and my bros dick off with OP's tears

I'll be more excited if they actually confirm an HL3 or TF3 but this is a damn good start.

Wait until Operation Black Mesa releases, and THEN the Chad Time really starts.