Sekiro had shit atmospher-

>Sekiro had shit atmospher-

Attached: Sekiro atmosphere.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

no one ever says that

on max settings this game is stunning. if you guys have computers that can handle it then you know what i am talking about.

what? not really. it looks good. but not "stunning". it looks like just another AAA game.

i really dont play other AAA games so that might explain my praise. Just have not played a better looking game though.

yeah looks stunning for a 2010 game

Is that supposed to prove a point? What's so atmospheric about it?

Nobody has ever said that as an unironic argument against the game's quality. Fuck off.

dab on them haters

Attached: sekiro 2020-02-23 10-51-18.png (1680x1050, 2.22M)

Attached: Sekiro_Giant_Carp.jpg (1280x720, 155.04K)

It really doesn't. It looks nice but I wouldn't say stunning. I think The Witcher 3 and AC Odyssey look stunning. Even without lighting mods those games look good.

Only retarded fucking magicspamming redditors hate Sekiro.

>every other modern big budget game runs like shit on my system even after turning the graphics to medium/low
>Sekiro, DS3, SotFS all run at a stable 60 while looking beautiful
Is Jap programming magic?

yeah i take back what i said about stunning, i dont drop money on other AAA games so i honestly dont know what I am talking about.

Sekiro had the best atmosphere.

Attached: 350-1558924332-869415229.png (1920x1080, 3.3M)

It does though.

no they just use a 15 year old engine with a fresh coat of paint

It doesn't.


Attached: file.png (360x450, 162.99K)

So did RDR2

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.78M)

Old engine that they continue building on.
Same reason why Elden Ring's taking so long. Chances are they're using a new engine or at least making a drastic change to the one they have.

>while looking beautiful
they may look good, but they're not crazy good. all of it is good artstyle, elsewise they are not graphically stunning. SOTFs also looks like absolute garbage, N64 tier in some bits. So not sure why you decided to include it.

>DaS2 looks like shi-

Attached: Lost_Bastille_DaS2.jpg (640x360, 49.75K)

lmao how fucking dare you

Agreed. It’s underrated visually

MGSV and the witcher 3 2015 games literally looked better than this.


They literally didn't.

Attached: Sekiro Cinegrid.jpg (4000x4055, 3.52M)

>playing soulsborne games for the graphics
You play it for the atmosphere and art design, you fucking simps.

yeah that looks pretty bland, son. I can get visuals like that in any AAA trashfire.

nice compressed images, bro. why don't you show them in their real resolution so we can see those unimpressive, bland textures.

i did not play either, i am sorry i do not play most AAA games. I made a retarded statement and took it back.

Goes to show that art>graphics. The graphics don't make a shit unless they're displaying something worth looking at.

im gona hijack thread to ask -- how's Demon's Souls on RPCS3?

works fine if you have a god tier pc.

It's raining. Shit's on fire. I'm cold. My feet hurts. Yeah, this is bad atmosphere.

Nothing special. TW3 looked better than that.


What would change apart from the image resolution?

Don't listen to this retard , it only needs a modern-ish 6 core CPU or better. Runs full speed on my i5-8400.

Attached: mychar.png (1185x1368, 2M)

where do i download the game?

Not gonna lie the visual direction is amazing but being made by from that's really no suprise. Game is unnecessarily difficult either way though.

>Game is unnecessarily difficult either way though.
Haven't seen bait this obvious in a coon's age. Thanks for that.

Attached: lol.jpg (895x890, 59.68K)

>Game is unnecessarily difficult either way though.
Low tier b*it.

'unnecessarily' this game is a joke to certain people and absolutely impossible to some people. You might just be bad at the game.

Steam or your favorite torrent site, literally like the 3rd search result

>this game is a joke to certain people
>absolutely impossible to some people

Sekiro? More like CHADkino.

>Any from software game
>good optimized
They are average, you could have named resident evil 2 or DMC5 which actually runs at 4k60fps on a bunch of configurations.

It's probably the easiest From game outside of the last 3 bosses (Owl 2, DoH, and ISS).

The entire game can be cheesed by running and attacking when they stop doing their attack animations, like literally every single time, i did it up until juzou the drunktard and stopped doing it after there because the game played like shit that way.

What's with reddit not being able to post full sentences?

You can do that with any fast weapon in any souls game. Thing is it's time consuming and boring.

>t. reddit


Attached: Demon of Hatred.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

>he had to cheese him
kek he's not even hard enough to warrant that, but congratulations.

>Unironically using the term 'cheese'
Back to r*ddit.

>he couldn't handle DoH without cheesing

Attached: laughingquarians.jpg (600x538, 65.01K)

why not just install a cheat engine if you're a pussy?

I played it in 800x600 for the FPS and I still thought it looked good

Attached: 20190426024237_1.jpg (800x600, 103.58K)

Last AAA that i could use word "stunning" would probably be Bioshock. And that was what, a 10 years fucking ago?

Attached: 1493212841248.png (668x528, 170.67K)

I can't do that shit, i played it on 1080p at 30fps, the true hard mode.

jesus fucking christ you're serious?


>Batman arkham knight back when it was released
>Crysis 3
>Battlefield bad company 2
Did i miss anything?

that sounds like cucksole mode

Attached: 20190427002533_1.jpg (800x600, 108.12K)

>not wanting soulful retro gameplay
youre missing out

>for the fps
what fps did you have the game running at?

Control visuals were impressive. All those shifting rooms.

>gets called out for being a shitter
>b-b-back to r*ddit
man, you really are a faggot huh?