Reggie to join GameStop board of directors

Will this save the sinking ship known as GameStop?

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I'm really curious what ideas he has

>switch games can only be bought brand new and returns are thrown out

>Mr. Fils-Aimé’s appointment will be effective April 20, 2020
The madman is going to turn Gamestop into a dispensary.

Probably a marketing gimmick that will allow them to raise their position for restructuring or limp a long for awhile longer, they're in the same position as print media and vhs, the forces working on them are greater than anything a slick businessman can deal with.

This is the first smart business decision GameStop has made in years. Memes aside Reggie is a good businessman, he did great things for both Nintendo and Pizza Hut. Then you have the headline itself which probably immediately gives GS good PR because everybody loves the guy. I could see their stock rising for a bit from this announcement, but then probably continue to fall until real action is taken.


This. Reggie is a marketing man. Whatever good he can do will ultimately and technically only be short-term.

>we're proud to introduce the gamestop digital storefront and unveil our lineup of indie games that will now be exclusive to it

Reggie couldn't save Iwata.

>reggie holds mass bonfires of all funko shits
Yea that's a based from me

OMG I've never despised a hunk of plastic or vinyl or whatever as much as I loathe those fucking funkos.

>gamestop ultimately sinks
bros not even reggie could save gamestop
>gamestop rises from the ashes

literally a win-win for him

So if Coronavirus delays the next gen consoles, will that finally sink GameStop?

>go to reggiestop
>clerk at counter wants you to reserve wii music 2
>says "my body is ready" as you walk up

god this might actually happen

That's not saving gamestop in any meaningful sense.

Why did he leave Nintendo then? I thought he retired. Did NoJ piss him off and he didn't want to lose his meme image?

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Why on earth would you put yourself in this position?

Men like challenge. You wouldnt understand.

Reggie's a textbook workaholic. He is literally nothing without a job to do, and retirement reminded him of this. He went back to work as soon as he realized that work is how he enjoys life.

Close most of the shops, and convert a few in nice areas to premium Nintendo Stores

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Guys, what do you bet he's gonna go the Steam route?

the virgin safe-space seeker
The Chad Risk Taker


Reggie has been a "brand manager" for most of his career. He specializes in "rebranding" a company's "image". He was one of the people who turn VH1 from "MTV for old people" into what it became in the 2000s. He did similar "updating" of various "corporate images" for other companies.

tl;dr: Reggie isn't an executive usually. He's a "marketing strategist". He's being brought in to help develop a new marketing strategy for the company.

What the fuck does that mean? Games sell as well at Wal Mart and other retail stores as they ever have. It's literally ONLY Gamestop that's having these problems.

>Yas Forums before
>Yas Forums after Nintendo gets invovled

Big if true

He honestly probably got bored. He obviously loves doing this kind of thing and probably realized he should keep going while he still has time. Not everyone wants to veg out for 30 years of retirement.

Who cares?

Because big retailers can sell games at a loss. This is what killed Toys R Us, but with toys.

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it would tie into the real stores, go visit a real store to get a code for a free ingame hat

someone needs to create a FUCKING GAMESTOP pasta featuring Reggie

Vh1 was better before though

What's the risk? He's already set for life from Nintendo.

Who cares? Gamestop is fucked at this point where he and some other heads are doing "restructuring" to give themselves a fat check at the end of it. Never understood this worship.

Because people go to Walmart at least weekly to buy their groceries.

People rarely go to gamestop, and when they do they do so maybe once or twice a year and spend maybe $60 each visit.

Well he’s on their board of directors. He’s not technically an employee of the company. Most boards are a mix of people from the company and outside of it.

The only issue with gamestop is that is sucks. If reggie can make gamestop stop sucking that would be great.

Hell, with walmart pricing new titles at 50 bucjs in store why would anyone even go to a gamestop? Your more likely to pass a fucking walmart on the way to a gamestop anyways.

I sort of wonder what they can do.

They've done what a lot of companies do and ruined any goodwill by making every employee a walking sales machine full of propaganda by force. That may work on grandma with the cable TV subscriptions but it just pisses off introverted game players.

After driving away people that buy games with subscriptions to crap magazines and bonus cards they went to being a toy store years after those were already dead. Its like a Spencers Gifts with less black lights and dick jokes.

I kinda get it in that console sales make nothing and new game margin is pretty small, so they artificially forced shortage to sell trade ins more, but they had a lot shady practices behind that, and people knew.

I'm not sure what they could do. Maybe become like a local game store, with card and game days, but local game shops full of DnD books and old consoles have a charm and someone who cares running it so doing that in a corporate hell way wouldn't work. Not that they wouldn't try it. Not sure what could even help now.

there are two before the closest gamestop to me lol

Well you can still stick one in a strip mall. You can’t do that for a Walmart.

How to fix Game Stop:
>massively scale down operations, currently impossible to maintain their size while being profitable
>remove all the "nerd" merch or at least reduce it to a minimum
>start focusing on offering experiences that you can't get by buying digitally or in a larger retailer, i.e. put a heavier focus on retro titles, have accessible play set-ups for both new and older titles in the store like what they do in some japanese stores, maybe even have some arcade machines
>stop turning staff into serial harrassers, instead focus on having competent staff that knows stuff about gaming and can offer advice or hold conversations, but isn't obnoxious about it
>potentially offer PC services, i.e. sell some parts, give advice on building and other PC related topics, maybe even make builds on request (could work especially well in places without Microcenter-like stores)

There you go, Game Stop is now a functional business again that will retain an active costumer base while also being able to draw in new people.

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>local game shops full of DnD books and old consoles have a charm and someone who cares running it so doing that in a corporate hell way wouldn't work.

fuck that, I would like to be able to buy smash brothers without being intimidated by hardcore dnd players...

>Downsize operations
>Invest in better talent and totally new product lines
The whole issue is that they don’t have money in the first place, and computer hardware requires a shit ton of supply chain that they don’t have.

>but local game shops full of DnD books and old consoles
Didn't gamestop use to have stuff like roleplaying games, manga, anime, merchandise and all that kind of stuff? Or am I thinking about another chain?

Ive never seen a walmart that didn't have a strip mall nextdoor or attached to it.

That sounds like F.Y.E.
Damn I wish I had money when those stores were around

>get rid of nerd merch
You do realize normies eat that shit up and it's literally the only reason GS is still in business, right? The profit margin on cheap plastic shit from China is WAY higher than used games, mostly because there's practically zero labor or training involved by comparison.

they should sell doujins

Best Buy manages to stay afloat despite the pressure
Gamestop can manage but it will take a lot of work

But you can’t stick a Walmart IN a stripmall storefront is the point.

Because Best Buy has been doing that shit FOR YEARS and already has all the warehousing and supply chain they need on top of more high-ticket items like TVs and appliances.

Starting from 0 and going into that is not something GameStop has any ability to do right now.

That's why they need to downscale massively, even if they go down to 1/5th of their current size, what matters is being able to fix their reputation.
As things are right now, they will 100% die, likely won't make it even halfway through the decade.
What GS should want is for people to go "I wish i had a Game Stop in my city, it seems so cool", like how people talk about Microcenter.
Then they can expand again.

I know, but it's unsustainable the way it currently works. Funko Pops are propping the corpse up, but they won't save it.
Only way for them to possibly become a sustainable business again is by taking a risk and doing massive overhauls to their system.

Here's how to fix gamestop:

1. stock some battletoads games
2. tell people to not come in with food
3. do something about the bears roaming the store
4. tell people to not dance that stupid dinosaur walk this is annyoing

There is a private game store in my town that has managed to thrive by doing this
They do still sell the nerd merch, its too easy for profit, but they’ve have a ton of legacy game support as well as romhack cartridges and other things that are hard if not impossible to get elsewhere.
Lots of imported games too from Japan and Elsewhere,
To be honest, retro sales and related stuff seem to make up the bulk of their income
That and peripherals/or custom gear.

Just looked it up and it was a mix between Tradition(board,role,card-playing games and etc) and EB gfames in Sweden.
I remember they used to have all kind of shit and loved those stores as a kid

Start selling gen 6 games again you fricks

Best buy has a bigger competitor in Amazon who can do all that and more
Their advantage is people like to “window shop” and ask someone for advice

No, Reggie. Don't board a sinking ship.

Microcenter has been doing that shit for years, have all the supply chain in place, and they also have much larger stores to accommodate all their products.

You can’t just completely change your entire business like that overnight when you’re bleeding money, and closing a few 1500 sq ft stores isn’t gonna raise enough capital.

They’re just gonna try to last into the next console cycle, get some hardware sales, and then die off. That’s all they really can do.

>>stop turning staff into serial harrassers,
Honestly this is all I need to go to gamestop again

You don’t think GameStop competes with Amazon, too? They were the first ones to get hit when Amazon starting selling shit like CD’s and games instead of just books back in the day.

>But you can’t stick a Walmart IN a stripmall storefront is the point.
Thats just some retard point you brought up that has no value.

>just do all these expensive things with no money!
Good thing they hired Reggie and not you pinheads

how come this board doesn't know what "board of directors" mean

You say that like it's unprecedented and impossible when it really isn't, as long as they scale down enough and have some competent management (this is the real difficulty here), doing most of what said would be very conceivable. Maybe the PC part is a bit out there but the rest is very doable for them, if they want to.

in all fairness why the fuck did he stop working for Nintendo in the first place? Stop working at Nintendo so you can work for Game Stop?!

Why people like that clown again?

Maybe he was just lowkey fired, NoJ's leadership is now mostly made up of soulless suits who care about nothing but money, maybe they didn't like Reggie that much.

No, it makes complete sense. You need a fairly large space for a Walmart. You can just pop a GameStop in a 500sqft spot.

It’s definitely not enough to save them of course, but that’s basically what they have over them.

Closing stores and firing cheaper employees to hire more expensive employees and purchase retro shit isn’t feasible by any means.