Should I play the Witcher 3 if I hated the first one, or should I try 2 first? I've been mostly enjoying the show...

Should I play the Witcher 3 if I hated the first one, or should I try 2 first? I've been mostly enjoying the show, so I tried reinstalling Witcher 1 but it's a chore to play.

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>enjoying the show,
You'll hate all three games.

The show is Cultural Marxism

>I've been mostly enjoying the show
Forget The Witcher, and get yourself to a hospital ASAP - turns out you have serious brain damage.

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they're all very different games. try 2 at least

It's shit but stop using words you don't understand Yas Forumsack

just look up a story recap for the first and second game, they arent worth playing through

>so I tried reinstalling Witcher 1 but it's a chore to play.
and witcher 3's ubi levels of open world busywork isn't?

>mostly enjoying the show

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I was thoroughly bored with TW2 and a greater extent 3 but really liked the show and books.

Go back to Twitch.

>really liked the show

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Yeah I guess it's kindof that way considering I liked the books, and the show is a better representation of them. I'll take a good story over a shit game pasted with a thick slathering of boring exposition any day of the week.

I don't know user, that's why I started the thread.

Is 2 or 3 a better game than 1?

I mean it's obvious that SJW got their hooks into it, but it's still fairly enjoyable and I like the creature designs.

Ok, I'll give 2 a shot instead of jumping immediately into 3.

stop being a lil' bitch and finish both

and if you hate 2, try 3. but I think 2 is probably the best choice for someone not totally convinced by the series. lots of narrative and interesting characters, not a lot of filler

let's be honest the only people who hate the witcher series are gaymer g*ters or triss is their waifu and they're mad she's no ginge minge.

You can tell it's a fantasy show because that nigger's name is Triss Merigold

> another red hair character gets recast as a black person
someone post the image, I don't have it.

>Loved the show
>Hated the first
I'm surprised you even tried it, bet you didn't even finish the prologue
Neck yourself my man
You'd love Dragon Age Inquisition though.
Hell I know this is bait, I'm just bored at work.

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Fuck off. This place isn’t for you.

>I've been mostly enjoying the show

They made a live action tangled?

tbf, Yenn is passable, but fuck that triss and frigilla.

I agree with OP but also this post.

dilate tranny

>half poo

you're a fucking idiot. plz don't breed

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Yeah but renfri and tissaia are both waifus. It's a wash.

Hope your restricted dna serves you well when the covid hits my boy.

That sentence somehow unlocked my mind's ability to be attracted to this woman.

The first one is weird kinda RPG experiment with that rhythm-based combat and overall clunky mechanics, the game didnt age well. Even though i've enjoyed it, i played it at the release date back in 2007, wouldnt recommend it for anyone trying to get into the Witcher series

The second one is more railroaded, but offers you completely different chapter 2 depending on your choices in chapter 1. Great game, though still a bit clunky, i think you will enjoy it more that the first

The third one is a huge openworld filled with great sidequests and filler shit question marks, tons to do, great 2 DLCs, really great game and you 99% will enjoy it

I would recommend you try the third anyway

And i recommend trying Thronebreaker after the third, even though its a gwent based game, its absolutely amazing, Gaston and Meve are great characters

"passable" doesnt mean "good", is just like say, meh, it could be worse, bare minimum to not complain, but yeah, when you add Triss and niggrilla, yeah, she is just too much, "the straw that broke the camel´s back" as some people say.

>I don't know user, that's why I started the thread.
You started the thread to discuss the Netflix series

It's mixed, all European. Plus I don't bathe in the Ganges.

>I've been mostly enjoying the show,

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>Fringorilla Nigro the negromancer
Yup, you're right

the show is good (but lol at some of the cast)

witcher 1 2 3 are all good

books are shit

>I've been mostly enjoying the show
shitshow, seriously, too much about yenn, and somehow she fucked up everything and everyone forgives her for no reason at all, also that fucking shit about she didnt knew what she will loss with the transformation, when the person who transformed her told her several times about it before starting the ritual.

fuck off

Thanks user, I'll try 2 first and jump to 3 if I'm not enjoying it. Does the combat get better? That's my big problem with the first game.

Show is nothing short of a steaming pile of shit
>watching kikeflix brainwashing at all

>I'll take a good story
lol, not from The Witcher on Netflix you won't, shit belongs on UPN as a Voyager lead in

Name 4 things bad about it without using the N word

>I've been mostly enjoying the show

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Yes, the combat in 2/3 is a lot more fluid and fun

Middle school drama class performances, visual effects were rendered on a super nintendo, incoherent and laughable writing, ridiculous and hamfisted twitter pandering

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Yeah but how is the show actually?

It's almost identical to the books minus the needless (yet ultimately unimportant if you actually read the books) time mixup. And the games are basically the same with the pacing all fucked to hell and with an even more needless "character choice" element that throws it to the wind.

Can you believe that creatura is 28 years old?

>I've been mostly enjoying the show
Check out Watchmen, V Wars, and Blacked too while you're at it, you fucking human wasteland.

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Yenn is a mary sue.
>fucks up everything, not only gets forgiven instantly, but is put in charge.
Geralt doesnt have too much importance to the story, He is the GODDAMN WITCHER, its more about Yenn, until the very end of it.
The creatures, god, they look awful, specially the dragons.
nifelgard armors, and most props, they look cheap as fuck and they could had used actual merchandise from the videogames and obtained a better result.

how come damon walked off this project anyway? did they ask for something too woke even for him?

worst part is that i love tangled and now even if she is perfect cast for her, i would just straight up hate her being on any big name movie.

Seriously bad. I went into it thinking the woke casting and over-powering messaging would be huge issues, but it honestly doesn't even crack the top ten. I'm not making a joke or using hyperbole when I say this, it looks, sounds, and feels too low budget for CW. It unironically feels like a spin-off of Xena, but without any soul. It is allegedly the most expensive show Netflix has put on, and if you watch it, the only explanation is money laundering. I've never seen anything like it. I'd almost recommend that people DO watch it, as the television equivalent to The Room.

You're fucked my man. The show paints Yenn as a bitch that Geralt is only attached to because of magic fuckery. Same as the book. The games paint her far more as mary sue. Blocked.

>Three Jackdaws zerrikanian twins
>brokillon dryads
Negroes and some male ones

>It's almost identical to the books
You gotta keep it believable if you're going to troll lmao

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>tries to be based
>post a straight shitpost screencap

i dont give a fuck about the magic fuckery attraction, i talking about everything else she fucked up with the mages and everyone just pretending it wasnt her fault, and trusting enough in her to follow her orders.

Anyone who's experienced both knows who the shitposter is.

You had an extremely biased viewing if you think people weren't extremely apprehensive about her. There were whole arcs dedicated to people not taking her side. It was all incomparably more true to the books than the games are.

I can remember television before Oz, The Sopranos, and The Shield, back when TV was a medium barely more respected than porn, when they'd air any garbage you could write. I have never seen anything worse than The Witcher. It has to be seen to be believed.

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>did they ask for something too woke even for him?
it sure as hell seems that way. he loves to make tv shows full of epic twists and mysteries (for better or for worse) but we got this flaming trainwreck of dog shit and durian.

The Room at least is enjoyable

This troll is bad. You'll often see trolls, shills, and redditors do this weird thing where they claim to have read the books, and proclaim that the show is just like them, as some kind of weird tranny way of lending credibility to whatever they're arguing for. But they always make claims about the book, or show, that is easily researched and revealed to be horseshit. Why do they bother?

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>I've been mostly enjoying the show

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Reminder that if people claim to have liked this steaming pile, they are doing it for reasons of social virtue, for contrarianism, ironically, or because they are contractually obligated.

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Accept you have shit taste and stop forcing yourself to like things that Yas Forums likes.

They literally believe if they say it enough times it will become true.

And how is that important to the story in the slightest? If you want to shitpost about your dick's lack of fap material go ahead I'll join youbut it isn't worth this much effort.

>I've been mostly enjoying the show
Sure you have

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>think for me
Corona needs to kill everyone

>the person disagreeing with us must be paid

>dark-skinned people might be pale at certain situations
lol try telling this to a nigger to his face and get your head ripped off. What a stupid statement.