Choose a male character

>choose a male character
>enemy spawn rate triples

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how can she slap

bitch had it coming

>all those chads getting in when he got physical with a girl
absolutely based
chivalry is still alive

>that one guy who was keeping lookout before he jumped in
That guy was in for it before that started.

He got physical first so the gang rape was justified.

See this is why I stay inside and call women bitches online from the safety of my home



Why are sois like this.


whether she deserved it or not, you deserve any robbings/beatings/violence if you take part in drinking/bar culture.


>defend a roastie
>accidentally kill a man
>go to jail

for the love God, everyone on this thread should have sex.

>twice his size
incels assemble

he asking for it

Jumping people three on one is never fucking justifed. The only people who believe the opposite are literal cowards.

holy fucking cuckold


>incel victim complex
Calm down chinlet, no one will beat you to death if you stay out of sight.

I would join them, anyone hitting a girl deserves this.

those are dudebros, not sois.

>shove a couple people
>get beat on and your head stomped in
and people around say "yep checks out" because simp culture

You first.

Just carry a gun and you won't have to worry about 3 homos jumping you like this desu

Mega Simp

>hits first
he deserved it.

natural selection

bend over whore



Not him but right away I said "that's some pussy ass white knighting" without thinking about it. Plenty of women get pushed around in fights and people don't get jumped by a mob for it. Those guys wanted it to happen. They weren't defending her. I mean they shove her out of the way lmao.

I wonder if his face looks like this

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is the guy that got his ass beat in here trying to defend himself or something

live a life without buzzwords you dumbfuck

if that was me, when I recovered from my injuries, I would legit find and beat that woman until she was unrecognizable and send everyone one of those white knight faggots a photo of her mashed potato face with a note that says, "see what you did?"


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are dude bros simps?

hey incel how are you recovering from those injuries


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call it whatever, but i'm glad that "simp" has become such a meme of late so we can finally shed some light on how problematic this kind of behavior is.

This. If he kept his tism in check, he would've been fine.

ok incel

incel thread


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lmao imagine actually jumping on somebody because they pushed a roastie. What a bunch of monkeys.

Fucking based

People are just cowards simple or not.

>Dumbass shoves a woman who hasn't touched him yet around a bunch of drunk chads
What the fuck did he expect?

curb your manlet rage

>shoe comes off

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Based and redpilled

>waiting for any reason to fistfight a stranger
>not a dudebro

>hit a slut
>they chimp out
why are normalfags like this?

what does simp mean?

>who hasn't touched him yet
not like that part matters. she could literally be stabbing him with a knife and he'd probably get a similar response.


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imagine hitting a girl because she's weaker than you
that's free reason for me to dropkick you and snap your noodle arms like twigs, bro.

ill rape her still

>touch female npc

jumping people is not fighting. you can see the second guy waits to see if his friend is going to attack first then charges with a haymaker. They weren't trying to fight. They were just trying to look cool while collecting good boy points.

even if she's a corpse already?

Yeah, I'm thinking based.

The faggot punched his girlfriend probably, what the fuck do you expect him to do? Dude was being an asshole already.

hello, based department?

>assuming she's weaker just because she's a girl
kinda misogynistic sweetie