Yfw no E3 this year thanks to the Coronavirus

>yfw no E3 this year thanks to the Coronavirus

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Where's your band now?

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Couldn't care less about E3. I'm more worried for TGS.

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Good, I hope this crashes the video game industry

They have the perfect scapegoat now to hide the fact they have nothing to show.

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No work either, based corona

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Companies will just have their own Direct and be done with it.

I had a respiratory infection and they just shoved some antibiotics down my throat and now I'm fine.

I thought it was just a flu

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It's just the flu you pussies.
Same scare happened with Swine Flu. Just wash your fucking hands.


Why do americans wipe their ass with fucking paper? Seriously how can you call yourself 1st world when you do that?

>No life this year thanks to the corona virus

This is pretty based to be honest

holy shit Death Stranding is real

Neat. Too bad this is a virus, and antibiotics don't have shit to do with viruses.

>Squirting water up your ass
>Spraying shit everywhere

So we draw sick vidya characters for the squilliam drawthread now?

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>We are still on the fucking rude cruise

This'd be an extremely convenient scapegoat for them.

>chinks develop bioweapon
>accidentally release it on themselves
>it targets boomers and their factories
>all the markets are crashing
>the payment is that E3 gets cancelled
Based timeline

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The fact that the world hasn’t disowned China for this shit along with all their totalitarian nonsense kills me a little bit inside.

>Anime Expo gets cancelled
>SDCC gets cancelled

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E3 is going to be shit this year anyways, might aswell cancel it

How can they disown China, they will need China to build all the shit again in 6 months when this is all over.

good,it was going to be just incel shit anyway,I really hope it gets cancelled

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Moving manufacturing to some other third world shithole would be better

They are already moving to the other asian shithole countries near China

The entirety of the first world is dependent on China for goods. If they suddenly decided to ban all trade with China, their economy would be destroyed overnight. Instant depression, shortages, riots, etc. Ironically the rest of the world is dependent on China's human rights abuses so they can enjoy human rights in their own countries. Unless China nukes someone there's really nothing they can't get away with.

>one of my favorite anime's new season being postponed 2 fucking months because of corona
Fuck China holy shit.

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Yep, pretty much. This reality is some other reality's hell.

Thanks Bill Clinton

>2 months
Pretty sure it's 3 months

Then the image I responded to needs to be changed, huh

Weren't they doing some sort of 'political good will' driven event with celebrities and streamers this year? Why would anyone want to partake in that?

>high-risk individuals (and Asian males) stay home
>everyone else goes and accepts the fact that they might get the equivalent of a cold or flu
It's not hard. But we've gotta go apeshit and shut everything down instead. 2009 H1N1 killed between 12,000-18,000 Americans and up to half a fucking million people worldwide and no one gave a damn.

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>he doesn't have a plastic watering can to fill up in the bathroom sink and pour down his buttcrack

The worst part is we don't need them when there's other 3rd world shitholes to take advantage of, it's just the 1% loves new sources of revenue and China is a huge potential source of income that everyone is fighting for their wallets despite being ass backwards.

>it was going to be just incel shit
what did he mean by this

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ANYWHERE Smash fans gather, this is bound to happen.

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not directly, but bacterial pneumonia often piggybacks the flu, so it's not wrong to give such a case antibiotics.

For the best given what they are looking to turn e3 into.

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They can just host a hazmat suit cosplay contest with a big prize.

I saw some libs on twitter defending China. Bull-fucking-shit. If they didn't fucking JAIL THEIR DOCTORS instead of reporting the matter we wouldn't even be here.

but these anons are right. The real blame falls on the vile boomers who sought China's cheap slave labor and fucked their homes up to get it. Bastards.

Everything is concentrated in China so it doesn't make sense to make a factory far away from there since you are going to need shit that's already being made in China anyways

>fuck vidya, lets get woke points
this year is going to be a riot

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>prize is corona-chan

China itself is already using Africa for THEIR cheap labour. China invests heavily in African infrastructure and basically controls them by granting/denying new projects to countries which support China politically in the UN. It benefits the African economies by creating jobs and infrastructure and China gets their own source of cheap goods which they then sell on to the rest of the world. Other countries can't get away with this because it's seen as colonialism, but they have to turn a blind eye to China doing it, since like I said, everyone depends on China.

reminds me how there was some noise about how one of the star wars movies included gay stuff but then removed it from the chink version.

>white dudes want to get some cheap labor
>end up accidentally enslaving Africa again
my fucking sides

Could immunity dog beat corona-chan in a fight?

I love that that basically admit they are doing it so the scummier publishers can get away with more shit.

It was dead this year regardless

Good. Less time showing off, more time making vidya.

It's funny because when it released it was super obvious they purposely put it in in a way that made it easy for it to be removed for China but somehow none of the liberals picked up on this until it actually happened.