She looks like a sex worker

she looks like a sex worker

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so does the original
but ghost in the shell was a sub-par story elevated by god tier animation
i somehow doubt a neftlix show will be able to replicate golden age japan animation

she always did

I know that one face anywhere.


why is Yas Forums so obsessed with prostitution?
is this what years of 3DPD porn does to your brain?

I want SAC Major back.

>Netflix anime original

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here comes the fundie with the dipshit "coomer" memes

i want to say that it was intentional, as it helps with infiltration

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She was never "small" I don't know where these meme came from but Arise and now. This isn't GITS.

>netflix is going to ruin Ghost in the Shell

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Hollyjew already did with the live action

gonna enjoy ignoring it

based ilya making it big

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>Character design by Ilya Kuvshinov

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this is a prequel, right?
everyone looks younger, even the chief

I miss the days when anime had SOUL

You know the movie is just an adaptation, right? She is much more petit in the manga.

By design. She put her mind into that of a sex bot to blend into areas better. Sex bots are cheap, easy to mass produce. For a spy/hacker, it makes sense.

Or at least that's how it was originally. I don't know how Netflix is going to butcher it.

this dudes not even russian is he?

>She is much more petit in the manga.
Looks about the same to me

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>Ilya "One Face" Kuvshinov
nah I'm good.

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>mfw i find out netflix is making another original anime

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The tank scene is legitimately my favorite animated segment, period. Major destroying her own "body" to such extent is fucking amazing.


I'm not watching this, I don't want to ruin what I enjoyed about Ghost in the Shell.

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Why is her armpit look soft?

Doesn't she have a sex robot body in the anime? I seem to recall they go into some rich coomer's house and he as a bunch of robot bodies like hers.

>Yas Forumsincels seething this hard over based kuvshinov
stay drawing stick figures that get 2 pity likes on twatter

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Very few depictions of women exhibiting that level of wanton self sacrifice in media. It's truly underutilized which is surprising considering how much grrl power is being pushed by modern media. They seem to be allergic to showing a woman actually trying to do something hard.


>one of his orbiter patrons defending his hack ass

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There has never been an accurate adaptation of the original manga's Major. Everything is derivative of the first anime's take on her.

>sex worker

American for prostitute

>redditor can't even reply to a post properly
go back lmao

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That's because she is, she fucks old fat men for money

Someone who has to work to get sex. A female incel.

I wanna go back to when anime was this niche nerdy thing instead of what it is now, also great we are getting more sequals and reboots to anime/manga just like my videogaems!

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OP should have posted the trailer to show how fucking hilarious this all looks. What a god damn flop this is going to be.

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He's Russian.

stfu f*glord

>sex worker
It's Pros. Ta. Tute. you simp zoomer.

Prostitute implies street walker. Sex worker can be used to describe bitches that wiggle naked in front of a webcam.

100% agree


Just denying you your (You)s, silly goose!

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>Ilya Kuvshinov
Biggest hack fraud of anime.

Wasn't she a camwhore?

Why doesn't Batou look strong?
He has always had a big cyborg body, and this is showing him with his ranger eyes so you know he is already cyberized.
He should be xbox hueg.


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It means whore

oh no no no

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She reminds me of that vampire chick from that animated Adam Sandler movie

that's a good thing


Correct, but the manga sucks anyway. So the first movie is the best part of the IP

Isn't she a lesbian prostitute on the side?

Russian, but he pretends to have grown up in japan.

Stickfigures are really all that piece of shit could do on his own. Everything he does is traced and copied from photos and other drawings he doesn't own, as well as figures.

>generic anime waifu
>public domain sound effect

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>Netflix after what they did to Castlekino
No way fag

Code Lyoko is getting a new season?!

Why couldn't Netflix have done an adaptation of Greaseberries instead? It ticks a lot of their checkboxes.


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Manga has fluff.

fluff or floof?
This is a very important distinction.


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Oh look it's another
>weebs are jealous of a fellow weeb who made it in japan

Not a prostitute but she fucks anything.

>tfw you don’t even have a netflix account

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I'm pretty sure he means specifically fluff and not floof. Unfortunately.

>she does it for free

Literally soul vs souless.

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Is he even involved besides the poster?

Not vidya.

I like snarky manga Major the best

story/world building fluff and floofy 90's anime gal hair

It has floof too.

he did the designs watch the trailer, its sad

This bitch looks horny.

You missed the janny drive friend, be faster next time!

She fucks guys and women alike and even kids.

Manga Major is best Major

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she *tries* to fuck kids but only finds the gay ones who turn her down.

I am now reminded of that one kid and I am angry

I skipped that episode since I hate shotas


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>he doesn't like /ss/
Nigga you gay?

It would be so god damn sexy if they used this aesthetic and artistic style with modern anime animation (not CGI)

I would coom for years and spend all kinds of money.

I will never stop beng mad about the episode

what the FUCK happened

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She was just teasing him, they weren't gonna fuck. She knew the kid was a pussy.

I love straight shota and it was shit. The kid was gay looking instantly so I knew he wasn't going to do it. And Marionettes are creepy and the origin of the Major should never have been revealed.
It was a 0/10 episode. Almost so bad I feel it was intentionally designed to be that bad for some reason.

I’m an /ll/ chad

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he doesn't know...

How much has jap style declined.

Her body is a modified off-the-shelf model that was often used for sex, so that fits.

In addition, she literally did do sex-work (neuro-linked, so it only worked with clients with similarly-female anatomy) in her off hours.

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Arise already ruined it lad

Just stop user.
You're just going to make everyone sad saying things like that

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why does every netflix animu have to be made with that shitty cg fx? It's not 2002 anymore

>he doesn't know
They revealed her backstory with zero ambiguity in SAC already.
She isn't and never was a man at any point in time.

>I'm a mentally ill faggot
Got it.

>was gay looking instantly
What else do you want your shota to look like? Like a dwarf?

it's okay that you're insecure with your sexuality homie, just know that Major is a dude and you jerk it to a tranny

I mean, it's the Major, so... yes?

I have exclusively read the manga and the only other piece of gits media I consumed was the standalone complex f2p fps on steam.

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I'm trying to find the pic of the 90s redline of this from /ic/ anyone have it?

I forgot about these things thanks for reminding me.

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