It's Krystal from Star Fox Adventures

It's Krystal from Star Fox Adventures

Attached: krystal-fox-760x428.jpg (760x428, 49.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Never the girl
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the ovaries to step out of her love interest comfort even when Nintendo threw millions at her
>Never had a good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the 00’s
>Main evented the lowest drawing DS exclusive of the 00’s
>Tanked the buyrate of Command so hard her sequel was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of furries because she was never a big enough deal
>Only the 6th best member of Star Fox Assault
>Only the 15th best member of Star Fox Command
>Her “characterization” was cringeworthy
>Her tribal outfit/skintight jump suit was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls herself """"""""FOX’S FORGOTTEN LOVE""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Nintendo crowd so badly she was reduced to an assist trophy in Smash Bros. which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being in one of 12 GCN games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Drew so poorly in her 2006 game that Miyu and Fay of all people had to take the spotlight off her
>spent the latter part of her career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact she had was being a furrybait porn character for sad neckbearded furry manchildren who can't grow up and get actual lives

Attached: krystalwojak.png (728x786, 77.64K)

Hey look. The (second) blue creature that spawned an entire generation of furfags.

Good game though.


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Someone at Rare approved it. I want to meet them.

No one likes them. There's a reason games stopped having furbait and moved to things people actually wanted.

I hope you're not talking about Star Fox. That series never recovered.

Isabelle is cute but I got nothing for her beyond that.


I fucking hate Isabelle. Boring and as plain as water and yet people drink her up.

Literally the best character design of all time, no contest, hands down.

>This is what humanfags jack off to

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I love Fox McCloud


Be the change you want in the world.

Babies first anthro waifu

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Worst Bandicoot

those fuckers at Rare knew what they were doing. they put Krystal right at the start so you want to keep playing then they throw you into the shitty dinosaur planet and the game goes downhill.

Did he just unfurl his tail in that chick's face


>becomes an edgy bounty hunter named kursed
>fox doesn’t recognize her
command had the best ending for her

Shes best one followed by Ami.

Attached: my fav bandibabes 7.png (1287x1103, 25.45K)

>lol my furry waif is older than your furry waif
>being proud of your degenerate fetish in any capacity

I am and normalkeks like yourself can drink bleach and go to another site.

Attached: Tawna Toon Squad.jpg (731x1078, 85.71K)

I wonder who would have been the fur fapbait queen if Miyamoto hadn't fucked around with Dinosaur Planet. Probably Renamon.

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I want to lick Krystal

Roooj is better than special k deal with it

based /asp/ie working these furfags

I agree, but at the end day Rouge and Krystal are still inferior specimens.

Attached: Trophy Babes 23.jpg (1980x900, 301.96K)

>not even best bandicute

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They fuck human men


Coping humancuck begone.
I bet you make Bleached threads, too.

Yes, me.

Not him but, if its not /hmofa/ its shit. End of story.

Attached: HMOAF.png (581x277, 218.92K)

Anthro girls don't want to fuck fat, disgusting NEETs who browse Yas Forums like you. If real women wouldn't, anthro girls would be no different.

lol what a stupid post!

Bitch I'm beautiful.

Attached: 4TAWNA.png (603x577, 327.38K)

Fluffy girls matter.

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Attached: Tawna 74.png (3600x3600, 1.21M)

I will fucking fight you.

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Nitro Fueled!

Attached: NitroFueledAcid.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

Attached: SquadDance.webm (900x506, 2.96M)

Attached: Ami n Liz.png (1140x1140, 582.83K)

I wish there was sfm stuff that was more smoother and higher quality



Attached: OH LAWD SHE COMING.gif (508x1304, 2.17M)


Right thats why Zero flopped,64fags i swear

Its meant to look weird its a shitpost.

Attached: Cursed Ami 3.jpg (814x1024, 125.83K)

Please don't remind me of the horror of Stairfax Temperatures.

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I mean, Krystal still would have existed in that instance, just as a cat instead of a fox

I used to be obsessed with this character.

Time really does heal people, until she gets featured in a new game that is.

Time to post it, again

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Based Post

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Me on the left.

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If you edit the gif to go from frame 1-2-3-1 to 1-2-3-2-1 and so on this looks like a very nice sex gif

i wish Gadget did that to my dick

all you could want from a starfox game is shitty third person brawling and crate puzzles or whatever the fuck. retarded devs