Game expects you to be able to read cursive

>game expects you to be able to read cursive

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name one (1)

>being a zoomer

>being nonwhite

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>tfw I can't even write any way other than in cursive

i can barely read cursive but can't write it for shit. just not how we do thangs in the ghetto.

I forgot most capital cursive letters. Like H and X are the same lines in my head.

your tags could look a lot nicer though

>game expects you to kill X amount of enemies

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wait, I can understand people not being able write cursive but are there actually people who speak English that can't 'read' it?

>game expects you to be able to read 1337

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>game expects you to know how to read music sheets

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Dorks are cool!

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>he can't do any of this
what a pleb

>baby brother is 13
>he literally can't sign his name because his school never taught cursive

>game expects you to be able to read analogue clocks and know how to tie your own shoelaces

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5/10, almost believed it

My signature is literally the only thing I know how to write in cursive

Team Fortress 2

>that one undertale puzzle where toby overestimated everyone else's ability to play music by ear

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It doesn't have to be your name or anything in particular

Zoomers rise up

video games aren't fucking fun anymore Yas Forums
I look at my massive backlog of shit I've barely touched and all I see are burdens that I have to finish and I don't want to play anything
if I do manage to somehow start something I just feel empty and stop playing
then I fall back on something like smash and feel like shit because I'm not chipping away at my backlog and also get mad because I fucking hate the game and I'm not having fun and only playing it because it's easy to jump in to so I just ragequit immediately and then I'm banned from online for hours
I think more about getting new games to increase my library instead of playing what I have already
I feel better watching streams or videos of other people playing video games than playing them myself
I don't have any other hobbies or interests and I have no one to talk to or play vidya with
I only feel motivated to play something if there are threads about it on Yas Forums so if I don't get something on launch I stress out over it and get really upset I'm missing out on the only threads it will ever have
even though I'm thinking about getting new shit more I can't ever fucking commit or decide on buying anything because I'm never 100% sure I'll like it and I don't want to regret it, so I just end up being fucking wishy washy about everything and never buying anything and making myself more miserable
I can't make threads on Yas Forums anymore because I'm rangebanned so I'm just completely alone and desperately scrambling to try and find something to do all day besides wishing for death
I have to motivate myself to buy a fucking gun so I can kill myself I can't fucking take this goddamn shit anymore I can't even make threads to vent anymore I have fucking nothing and no one and I hate everything

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It's like four or five different buttons, hardly complex.

I can do it because I have probably put over 100 hours into virtual piano

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I never played Undertale, what's the puzzle require?
I play bass and piano and playing music by ear sounds hard as fuck. I have to know the notes.

my signature can be something retarded like the first letter of my name and then boobs?

what is everyone's fascination with megumin?

Just tell him to put a zigzag. That's what my father does and he actually knows cursive.

it's anime girl from anime

I remember getting taught cursive in primary school, getting scolded for not using cursive, then getting to high school and no one used cursive.....
What was the fucking point?

Basically you give a statue that's getting rained on an umbrella. It then places a music box like song. There's a piano in an earlier room with 5 keys for you to play. You're supposed to play the first 6 IIRC.
It's piss easy and shouldn't take you too long but idiots got filtered by it.
After an update the game will just show you the keys to press if you listen to the music long enough.

>game expects you to read braille

didn't expect Pokemon to pull that

I want to marry and impregnate Megumin.

I liked this one better

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How do zoomers sign their name non electronically? I don't believe they teach cursive anymore in elementary school. Just all print?

your signature can literally just be an X or a line
That's what people who don't like signing things do

Shes cute, playful, caring and funny. What more do you want?

For her to be mine.

This, my print is godawful

I have literally never used cursive in my entire life AMA

and before you call me underage, I'm 19

>Game expects you to be able to read braille

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No idea why, she's just a stupid chuuni. Its weird that there's not as much love for a beautiful, wonderful, and USEFUL goddess in the same show
t. Axis cult follower

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>game expects you to calculate numbers in base4 without even using digits

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Imagine being unable to read and write cursive, holy fucking shit.

So you've never cashed a check then?

She's literally the cutest and best girl. Darkness is a masochist slut and Aqua is fucking useless.

Aqua > Megu ------ Huge power gap --- > Darkness

what is direct deposit

Never beat Dead Rising because i had a big screen and the game played in some kind of retarded res.
I remember who ever had the other walki talkie would not quit fucking calling me, I wish i could just shove teh stupid thing down a zombies throat.
I always imagined it like
>*radio noises followed by whispering
>Frank: What yuo need to speak up
>*More whispering
>Frank: Fuck off
>*Gets spammed to death by his fucking radio

Brilliant. The ultimate zoomer filter.

the fuck is a check?

>that guy who writes entirely in uppercase letters

tell me this isn't you

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Get a different hobby for awhile.

Who the fuck cashes checks?

>that one class of music theory I took in college actually paid off

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>That guy who capitalises the first letter of every word

>game expects me to solve puzzles
I’m not smart enough for this shit


Get off the internet Gramps

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Did you not have to take the SAT?

>Shes cute, playful, caring and funny. What more do you want?

is the anime any good?

my top 3 are : logh, hunter x hunter and shinsekai yori

I watched it on a friend's request. For what it is, it has no right being as good as it is. It's pretty damn good.

>he unironically STILL gets checks

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I was clumsily plunking out melodies by ear when i was 6 fucking years old on a shitty little keyboard. If a kindergartner can do it, you can do it.

post a picture of your hand

Not even Yas Forums likes Megumin as much as Yas Forums does. Really weird. I figured it'd be the other way around.

It's a hell of a lot better than a lot of series that actually tried to be good. The humour is spot on too

you have to write cursive to take the SAT

I love my wife Aqua!

I don't want a different hobby
I don't like anything else

It's not my fault I'm tone-deaf

It's a comedy

I did during the essay part, yeah.


I still get checks and I don’t need cursive to cash them. You just take a photo of it in the bank app and you’re done

Isn't cursive just normal handwriting?

I'm 22 here, I was taught cursive in like 3rd or 4th grade but never used it any year after and promptly forget everything except how to write my signature and I can barely read it.
What the one that has a two digit score and which one has a three digit score?
We took the one that has a two digit score, and I don't remember ever having to write in cursive for that test.

So do zoomers just sign documents using typed font?

There's a cast of four characters who repeat the same joke about their singular personality trait several times per episode for two seasons straight.

Bear in mind I took the SAT a decade ago. So who the fuck knows, now. Probably not because kids aren't taught fucking cursive nowadays. God forbid you little niggers write legibly.
Did you not have a writing portion?

caps lock is cruise control for cool


>Do You Mean Caps Lock Always On Or This Kind Of Incredibly Grating Shit

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>Game expects me to play with friends.

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do zoomers really?

Writing in cursive slows me down a lot and reading it is almost worse
The fact that everyone seems to make up their own shorthand letter and stick them into normal cursive doesn't help
It's nice for calligraphy but it's shit for legibility

Literally no reason to use cursive. Bad print is infinitely more readable than bad cursive, and good print looks better than good cursive anyway.

I only took the SAT once, and my memory of college is a hazy blur beaten into obscurity by the unending monotony of my daily schedule being nothing other than "wake up, go to school, come home, play vidya or shitpost, go to sleep" day after day for 12 years of school, so don't ask me.

I think the writing portion might have been optional and my goal was to get into an engineering college that didn't look at the writing section anyway so I skipped it, or something.

She's Ashley from warioware but more fun

You're welcome for making a bunch of those threads like 5 years ago

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is it true that American elementary schools stopped teaching cursive?

the funny part is that you have to read it visually, completely defeating the point of braille

You don't even have to be able to speak English, you think they teach formal script?

playing music by ear is one of those things where it seems brain dead simple to anyone who can do it, but it's a big struggle for people who don't have that gift. I mean have you ever listened to someone who isn't musically inclined try to hum a song you're familiar with, it's almost infuriating how off base they are

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Also, what the fuck is common core?

Please don't do this. You come off as an obnoxious tard.

>12 years of school
i assume you mean regular school? if you went to college for 12 years surely you've uncovered the secrets of the fucking universe.