I think she would be fun to have in smash

I think she would be fun to have in smash

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kys reimufag

I think reimu would be neat as well but I don't see what that has to do with Nakoruru

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Was it autism?

She's very smashy with her flying around. I still want to see Lucky get the invite so I can jump around throwing basketballs.

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>it's not pedobait, it's a literally who
how does that make it better?

Why is she wearing loafers with a kung fu outfit?

finally a rival for wii fit

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play SamSho, it's still alive(for now) and it's going to be at EVO this year

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>boring and slow fighter that uses archaic inputs
yeah no

so you entered this thread to shitpost aggresively

your loss

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ill call out shit taste when i see it
nah ill continue to have fun with an actually good fighting game

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Whatever conkernigger. Thanks for the bumps

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Both of them would be great.

oh so you're just trying to get replies

Honestly, yeah. Having the bird for a recovery that you could swat away/down would have been fun.
It would have made her low-tier as fuck but it would have been fun. She's used to being low-tier, anyway.

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Based conkerchad.

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>When your games are so irrelevant that being attached to children's party game garners more discussion

I doubt they would give SNK 2 new characters in 1 game and if they did it would probably be kyu

>shitty green ryu
Fuck off spic.

Maybe it would finally get people to shut up about muh black representation.

duh, but I was talking about what I think would be fun not what's going to happen

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please do not use good series to shitpost

If they way they are going is just adding Japanese hits, then fuck it add her as well.

I actually meant to type kyo, who the fuck is this green dude you think I was talking about?

The problem is that not even SNK fanboys wanted Nakoruru.
She's the definition of a forced character. She's worse than Athena. She was put into fucking everything when it became apparent that she was popular with a younger demographic in Japan. It's actually an inside joke about how much she's pushed in almost every SNK crossover game. She's in almost all of them.

Yeah, this. Athena or Kyo would have taken the spot if they got two slots.

IMO The characters SHOULD have been Kyo and Iori. Terry has plenty of games he's a crossover in; Kyo and Iori's rivalry would have been a way more fun dynamic to include in Smash that perfectly describes SNK's most well-known product (KoF).

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The bootleg, taco breath.

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it'd be great just to watch people call him sword ryu


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>Blocks your path

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why do people keep calling nakoruru a loli, do they even know what a loli looks like.
If anything it makes me feel worried that actual pedos may join the fandom, kula keeps being used as pedo bait when she was always 17.

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>Shoved Kyo in as the face of the vs Capcom titles alongside with Ryu over Terry, the company mascot.
Someone explain this bullshit to me.

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Ever since I found out those that Konata chick from Lucky Star was supposed to be 17 I've stopped giving a shit about ages in anime. Shit makes no sense.

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But he's not green

I'd like to have fun with her if you know what I mean

And what fighting game is that?

Yes he is coombrain

Depending on the game, she is.

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nigga lucky star is chibi.
Viridi is an actual loli though.

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>The characters SHOULD have been Kyo and Iori
But no one cares about them and likes the FF characters more.

Viridi, again like most anime girls is a way different age than she looks. The immortal loli thing is old and serves as one of the best reasons why age in 2d just doesn't really matter unless we're entering the single digits or some shit.

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why are you reimufags so delusional?

Bird reimufags you mean

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too bad she's no longer going to happen thanks to mii fighter

And let's keep it that way when Smash 6 arrives.


I meant kyo

>Konata chick from Lucky Star was supposed to be 17
Dude, Konata is 18.

Let's keep this joke going, it's funny.

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>that time when 2hufags quietly lumped onto Nako back during the SNK leak, only to throw her under the bus when she got btfo by Terry

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I can't believe there were people delusional enough to think it would be anybody but Kyo or Terry.

It's smash stinkies so what are you going to do about it.

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The fucking character is older than 90% of the people calling her pedo bait. If cartoons had legal fucking right she'd be way older than the age of consent on every country on earth.

and by this I mean her actual fucking age, as in the day she was designed and born as a concept in real life. I swear to fuck, people would call those statues of cherubs with their dicks hanging out pedo if they weren't sheep that fold under any perception of authority that tells them "this is art it's fine".

Rather have Charlotte

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I don't know what's worse between Stevies and reimupedos. What is with these contrarians and wanting literal who animeshit.


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they're both getting mii costumed anyway so who cares.

I think you need to get your eyes checked user

Nothing against nako but I'm glad we got Terry. The people that wanted nako just because she was a waifu were annoying as fuck. I still think she's cool though

I just think the bird is neat. I don't even play her in SamSho outside if for fun matches with friends. But I think she'd be really neat in smash