Play a fantasy game

>play a fantasy game
>oh boy, can't wait to see fantastical creatures such as banniks, changelings, dryads, dullahans, erinyes, fiuras, huldras, kikimoras, naiads, nixes, selkies, svartalfars, vetters, xanas, boggarts, jengus, pans, satryesses, or yacurunas

Why the fuck are game devs so creatively bankrupt? It's always goblins or imps or overused shit like that.

Attached: goblin_rider.webm (960x720, 1.95M)

That sprite moving around back there looks fucking ridiculous

ummm game??

all of those things are boring

need a /simp/ board for this garbage

Get past the first fucking level if you want to see more

Also to answer your question the reason why a lot of fantasy games are creatively bankrupt it's because they often try to get mass appeal from normalfags because their train of thought is more normalfags = more money


Attached: MEjbLYy.png (760x365, 72.2K)

To be fair, your example is a hentai game. I think the focus is on sex rather than creativity.

>playing shitty RPG maker games
your fault.
I do love Yokai takes in fantasy. Or yokai in games in general

Attached: 1583481429713.png (1080x1920, 241.84K)

>RPGmaker game in 60fps
for what purpose?

Based goty already announced. How can CP2077 hope to beat it?

It's not wrong.

To be fair, hurfa durfa durr, I can't wait to gobble on ten thousand dicks

Nymphomania Priestess
Welcome to coomtown user, now that you have a taste of h games, you'll never leave

>Nymphomania Priestess
Still no actual game and just scenario tests right? Been meaning to get back to it once there's a story as I left my Priestess with a kind gentleman who agreed to take care of her meanwhile the game developed.

Yeah. The dungeon test is set to end next month and then his plan is to do alpha and beta versions starting in April or May.

>technobreak art is absolute disgusting
>fap anyways because its different
i still love somehow Nymphomania paradox

Attached: 1583466495571.jpg (624x704, 259.02K)

I feel like this game is going to be the next dungeons and prisoners all these cool features and unique fetishes promised but its going to end up NEVER EVER.

Attached: 1565826593259.png (460x460, 429.45K)

Attached: cringe.png (1000x800, 245.61K)


>this game
>having many features
Dreameater is the real successor to DnP, including the dev getting an extreme physical condition that ends the game's development.

Attached: Dreameater.jpg (1500x500, 85.01K)

can someone just upload the CG art I don't feel like playing it

Attached: 1565135021941.jpg (603x466, 40.71K)

>expecting creativity from a shitty rpgm hgame

Attached: 1564420601829.jpg (293x557, 26.74K)

Its japs that are creatively bankrupt

~ara ara

>not edging for 7 hours to the story
Do Americans really?

What he said is applied to every game setting.
it's either:
>Orcs, goblins, ogres
>Demons, either generic or cthulluh types
>Ghosts, skeletons, necromancers
>Human thieves and baddies
>Colorful humans
>Sometimes random animals like boars and spiders

Western fantasy influences: Tolkien, Arthurian legend, Celtic mythology, European folklore
Japanese fantasy influences: Dragon Quest

Sounds like OP wants to play Shin Megami Tensei

>"damn this game looks hot time to download it"
>Search for the game only to find one download link in a website that requires you to log in
>Make an account and download the game
>whoops I don't know japanese so I'll have to fuck around and hope for the best
>Finally reach a sex scene except it doesn't look good
>Keep playing until a find a specific good scene where I'll only bust a nut to just one frame of it
>Realize that I wasted my time doing all of this shit when I could've gone to pornhub and masturbate to some slut with a huge ass in 5 mins and call it a day
Fuck you just let me see the cg art

jej just play better games stupid nigger

Attached: 1557680210804.jpg (1920x1017, 326.01K)

>whoops I don't know japanese

Imagine being this fucking retarded. If you don't know, why download it?

That actually looks hilarious.

>>playing shitty RPG maker games
>your fault.
Too bad, I'll continue.

Attached: karen3.png (1437x838, 942.73K)

idk or gaf what half of those are faggot


>Got creampied in the ass by Horse
Fucking nice
>Level 25 thug
God damn it. Why did you get my hopes up?

Attached: 1576994970596.jpg (773x659, 54.59K)

any harem games with lots of paizuri or anal?

Attached: thumbs.jpg (238x211, 20.35K)


Fuck off.



retards only play feMC cuckoldry or similar stuff



>being a literal EOO

Attached: a5a.png (680x686, 330.08K)

>female MC

what's the point?

>accounts to download RJ's
>sex scene is undesirable because no moonspeak
>bare minimum doesn't set up translator++
I don't know what to say, retard-kun.

Not self-inserting like a larper.

you're self inserting as a prostitute you tranny

But im not a janny.

>no pregnancy
>no childbirth
>no abortion

info on the game I keep getting a 3d one not what's your image

You can do everything.
There's an image the dev made just to detail how clothing density works, to determine when and when not to show nipples through your top, based on the type of cloth used for the shirt, the design of the shirt, and if you were wet or not.

Attached: 1578763105956.png (394x800, 181.35K)

Oh right, I found the images and I forgot it also relied on whether she had a bra and what THAT bra was made of.

Attached: 1583802363324.png (1200x675, 852.25K)

and a build was never released?

I can already feel the bloat of multiple GB.

It's dead, let it go.

Thighs too fat

That's probably why it didn't work out in the end. The shitty engine couldn't handle all that mass.

Multiple builds were released, all showing off different chunks of the game, and each could be described as demos for completely different games.
See the latex leotard she wears in the original image? There's a mechanic based around it getting torn, and taking it back to a friendly npc to restore it. But because her healing magic doesn't create matter, it "fixes" the suit, making the tears go away but the suit gets smaller and tighter each time you repair it.

It actually ran fine. But the dev's girlfriend caught him making porn, and he had ass cancer that caused him to shit blood.