FF7 Remake

Uh hello, BASED Department?

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200309221853.jpg (1920x1080, 257.89K)

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retconfags BTFO



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everything about aeris expels cuteness

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>remember to omnislash that like button SOLDIERS
I really don't like this fat man. In fact, most youtubers covering the remake happen to be insufferable faggots but what can you really expect

She has a kind of walk. I've seen that walk somewhere before...!

Did this game go gold already?
How long before someone jacks a disc from the factory.

that's how she walks after I fuck her up the ass

>no jump button, air combat is limited to auto-jumping at aerial enemies
>no aerial dodge or aerial abilities
>no i-frames on dodge roll, making it useless
>no directional inputs
>no weapon switching
>hold-button to attack with an auto-attack mode that literally plays itself
>you can literally heal party members at 0hp and it's only game over if the entire party dies and not only if party leader dies
>no consistent hitstun as seen on the dogs, sweepers, shock troopers, etc
>shitty RNG "miss" even if you hit the enemy
>no Impervious equivalent for tech roll recoveries
>hold button to defend with no cost
>only 1 shortcut bar
>laggy pause when scrolling the command menu
>stupid time wasting cutscene attacks in every boss fight where they jump out of the battlefield and vomit particle effects at you
>summons only available in bosses and mini bosses, entirely RNG no matter who you equip and can only be used against bosses if the RNG lets you and even them you have to fill up a bar before they can then be summoned only if the RNG let you even do so
>On classic mode every single enemy was killed without even touching the controller, including the scorpion.
>On normal mode every single enemy was killed by mashing one button

Attached: 7r press one attack to win.webm (700x394, 2.97M)

Ok Barry

I swear the only decent one is the German autist.

barry is here to dab on queers

11th time's the charm huh Barry?

That is the gait!

That's exactly the walk!


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who the fuck summoned him again


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Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200308024445.jpg (1920x1080, 342.91K)

You guys realize he only does it because you give him (you)s, right?
If you ignore him, he'll go away

nice were do I get the blender file?

Yas Forums is the most autistic board on this site

Autists like Barry don't go away when not given attention, they will samefag and give themselves (you)s until another person finally follows what he believes to be the rest of the monkeys and gives him a real (you), then you're right back where he started, retards feeding Barry

The only way is permanent removal from this site, but that doesn't seem to be a possibility since I can guarantee that Barry has already gotten at least one rangeban for being a persistent, serial ban evading mega autist.
He's not going away, get used it

Yes, it's the dance that's as old as Yas Forums itself

Nomura confirmed that it has gone gold in a recent interview.

what does going gold mean

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1.0. It's ready to ship and discs are in production.

Means a master disc has been made and they’re copying it to be sent out for distribution

Even if you did, after the KH3 debacle which pissed Nomura off really badly you can bet they'll only put partial game copies on the disk with the ending/other stuff missing and have a day one patch to download them

Blatant mockery is clearly the answer, but only to the extent of not derailing threads. We've had our laugh at him so now the thread will continue

Means the game is done and ready to print.

*goes gold*

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It's kinda pointless to do that with at 23 year old game no. It's not like you can't google what happens next.

s k i n n y

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200310005118.jpg (1920x1080, 247.14K)

im playing kh2 on my pscx2 and doing data battles in preparation for this game
i know it doesnt play the same and all, but i need to get used to a controller, specially when ive been a PC player for a long time

The only explosion you see is the Mako reactor blowing up, you fucking retard. It is the explosion of the Mako reactor which Jessie comments on, not her bomb which she never fucking see's explode because it's deep inside the reactor and she's not. Why are you people so retarded?

why do the guards just let Barret run past them
every time I start the demo it bothers the shit out of me

Review copies should also be handed out now in order of importance.


It's night time and he blends in.

would you try and stop a big black guy with a gun arm?

Honestly i think they just wanted to make it like the original, they didnt even tried to make like barret left cloud to the gaurds, he just goes past it

Yes. Both the fmv from FF7 and the new scene from the Remake show the REACTOR exploding.

Jessie deserves to be bred
She could’ve been a good mommy

>tfw pre-ordered as soon as it was announced
>genuinely thought it was never coming and I'd just been scammed
>got an email from best buy confirming that I could pick up my order on release date

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one month until the game avalaunches

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This is factual

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I still can't fully believe this exists

HONESTLY she deserves to die alone on some stairs

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>It is the explosion of the Mako reactor which Jessie comments on
Yes, which she obviously thinks was caused by her bomb and she says it wasn't meant to be that powerful.

You're a dumbass.

>the German autist.
Who's that?

Again, it is the Mako reactor explosion she didn't think would be that powerful. There is no way to watch these cut scenes and come up with any other conclusion without being willfully ignorant. They don't see her bomb explode, they see the reactor explode. Quit being retarded.

There's a way to save Jessie right? R-right bros?

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That one shot is the thing I dislike most from the remake. FF7 didn't have current day technology like touch screens or cell phones, not that they were common in real life yet at the time either. It was all 50s technology with a mix of steampunk and robots thrown in. One of the things that Advent Children did to make the FF7 universe somehow boring was to add that kind of shit to the world, and now it's in the remake too.

no she believes it was her bomb so she comments that she must have made it too strong and nervously jokes she'll make the next one stronger


shes just the appetizer
REAL best girl is just around the corner

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>ywn pump a litter of doomed brats directly into Jessie's womb

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why are people so mean to her

So your argument is that Jessie thinks the only explosion that happens is her bomb? She doesn't think the reactor exploded at all? She thinks that little bomb she built was what caused that giant fucking explosion? See the problem here is that if you were fucking dumb enough to actually believe that you'd have to be having your tard wrangler type this shit for you and read the responses and they'd just fucking make shit up to tell you rather than unleash your idiocy upon the world.

Dude, she talks about the plans she used to make the bomb. She refers to the bomb directly. Did you forget that this is easily referenced material?

God you're retarded.
She thinks her bomb was too powerful and blew up the entire reactor, when it was clearly just meant to destroy the pumps.

You of fags bitch about everything. Same with re fags and the remakes.

Holy fuck it's a REMAKE

go play original if you hate the new one so much

It's already explained in the video. Stop being a brainlet.

>when it was clearly just meant to destroy the pumps
Things that are clear have been referenced somewhere. Nowhere is it even hinted at that the mission is just to destroy the reactor pumps.

>walking around alone at night in an almost, see-through, flowy dress with nothing but bare skin underneath

I like that you can tell Barret had some respect for Cloud when he talked back in the elevator. Doubt that happens to him a lot. That's why he gets goofy immediately afterwards by flashing his gun arm like a kid.

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