This is better than Breath of the Wild.
This is better than Breath of the Wild
This is better than the Switch version.
everything is better than open world games
That's not saying much. Breath of the Wild was garbage.
This. I haven't played the shitch reskin but it's obvious that it's just soulless cashgrab garbage.
Why did you post a shit remake instead of the original?
>A ton of the items were nerfed badly. Hookshot went from super strong to bad, Fire Rod just sucks now, your own bombs hurt you over a huge area, Boomerang is worse... It's really annoying they did this. The Bow was made more useful, and it's the only item whose utility went up instead of way, way down. Just having worse tools isn't a contributor to fun.
>The sword hitbox is awful, tiniest sword Link has ever had in any Zelda game. I have no idea why they did this.
>Link's movement is just artificially slowed down versus the older versions. It feels like wearing Iron Boots all the time and is just an awful feeling for seemingly no good reason. A minor silver lining is that enemies aren't slowed down at all so the game is harder (LA was a very easy game so this is good), but this is totally the wrong kind of difficulty.
>The new jump physics with the sword are actually super clunky and awkward. The original wasn't even vaguely faking 3d, and if you swung your sword while jumping, it just hit enemies on the ground. In this version, a normal swing causes Link to do a downward swing that hits a fairly tiny area whereas a spin will almost always go over the enemy's head. Remembering the sword hitbox is bizarrely tiny in the first place, it's just super, super awkward to hit enemies while jumping and feels really bad; this is a case where the more realistic physics are a quality of life downgrade.
>The new Trendy Game is a terrible, terrible minigame that isn't fun at all. The old Trendy Game was basically free, and honestly, that was better than this. I didn't even explore fishing which I know was also tweaked; the new Trendy Game was enough to convince me that changes to the minigames were just for the worse.
But hey, from the same people who brought you ruined Zora swimming in Majora's Mask...
At first didnt care for style, music and all, cause it didnt fit with how i imagined links awakening world, like a romantic dream island, but after playing it i must say its a very good remake. Had some feels too. And links awakening along with oracle games were my first zelda games ever that i had on a pirate cartridge back in early 00s on my gba, so its a bit special.
Didnt care for not having the photographer mouse, it added lots of character and soul to the game, i know its not in the original either but still.
Also i had a feeling of the game being kind of a cashgrab, but only at times, when you see peach 3d model instead of a pixelart one from original, moblins look like link between worlds moblins, even tho they looked nothing like that in the original and just how the overall menu feels like breath of the wild a bit
Yes, it is.
>he likes all that item switching and accidental "no you can't lift that" every time you accidentally touch a rock
Everything you mention sounds retarded and like you just want to pick on a game.
>Zora swiming
What's up with that btw? I rememver struggling but i didnt play mm on n64.
Also, grezzo is literally like a cashgrab nintendo devs, all they did yet are cosmetic remasters for 3ds, cashgrab remake of links awakening and alliance game with artstyle that looks like a blatant copy of bravely default/4 heros of light. Ever oasis is great tho.
I wouldn't want to pay $60 for tiny quality of life changes
Its a completely remade game, Yas Forums is retarded lmao
A lot of things are better than Breath of the Wild.
I strongly disagree with your opinion
>he likes paying $60 for a 1-to-1 remake of a 27 year old game that was already near-perfect with a worse art direction, a half-assed "dungeon maker", and is littered with framedrops
I would say imagine being this retarded, but since I'm addressing an animeposter and nintendie, that's already a given.
or you can easily apply a mod to the original that gets rid of that on an emulator without paying $60 and without having to deal with the awful remake artstyle and framedrops
This, desu.
I haven't played BOTW either, or Link's Awakening for the Switch, or the original Link's Awakening, but it's that obvious.
>"1-to-1 remake"
that's a lie and (You) know it
Lol no you are wrong
They both are ass with no grit.
It's an actual Zelda game for starters
I'm firmly of the opinion that Link's Awakening is not worth $60, but I bought it at launch purely because I hated myself for buying BotW and thinking Nintendo would find a way to make me like bread and butter AAA open world games
like sex
pretty sure if the title has Zelda in it is an "actual" zelda game you stupid faggot
>Complaining about games he hasn't played
i wonder why Yas Forums hates botw
>the switch version still has the acorn and power piece spheel every time you touch one
Link's awakening is one of my favorite zelda games and one of my favorite games period.
The only downsides to the switch remake (at least, any ones that I noticed) were how they changed the sound effect for the pegasus boots and the sound effect for when you present the instruments to the windfish egg.
Even the music was pretty good with how they combined the original and some elements of orchestration, and I'm usually insanely autistic over music remakes.
>what a cool weapon! I guess it will be useful against this bo-
>weapon literally explodes after 15 hits
Fuck BOTW and everyone who likes it.
I just completed the remake and it was alright. I still prefer the original. Plus holy fuck the overworld FPS drops are pretty rough. I understand that the switch it underpowered but damn it almost made the game unplayable at times.
It has incredibly little to do with anything that you do in previous zelda games.
>But it's like the original!
No it's not, the original had dungeons, good music, and a reason to engage in combat.
The game's not even bad, I spent like 80 hours playing it, but it's hardly a zelda game. If you replaced the 4 divine beasts with Hyrule Castle-style dungeons then it'd be a much, much better game.
Its a good game but it over stays its welcome. They probably hit that point where they were out of shit to care to do in the game. And as much as I liked the cooking in it, I'm very done with cooking in games at this point.
Liked a lot of its characters though, and gliding (even if it made horses useless it was more fun), and it was very pretty. I would be game for a sequel with more of Zelda in it, the Master Sword quest not being frustration, and something to listen to that isn't the sound of wind.
>first party game
>drops fps to 20
>Liked a lot of its characters though
I remember when the game came out and everyone shit themselves over the lolibaba shiekah and then I forgot she existed because her and almost every other named character have like 10 minutes of screen time.
It looks like a chink mobile rip off of Zelda. The sudden change from the animation to the garbage in game graphics in the reveal trailer gave me whiplash.
>The sudden change from the animation to the garbage in game graphics in the reveal trailer gave me whiplash.
so you never saw the original intro for the game then, i take it?
>I'm very done with cooking in games at this point.
This. It's cute the first time you run into it but it's never not a pain in the ass ultimately.
Well the story parts are only like an hour of the game while climbing and gliding are like 50 hours by comparison.
I liked Zelda though, the fish girl was sweet and both voice actresses were nice for her, first time I remember liking a Goron (seriously those fucks got on my nerves all the way back to Ocarina), but yea I get you. Game is a bit empty so the vastness hits you with this wonder open area beauty but soon you find a lot of it is filler. The start area you can tell has so much detail and variation in it and when you compare some map spots to it they feel a less cared for.
Literally nothing to do with what I said.
no shit, sherlock. it's an actual game, not a walking simulator/physics tech demo.
saw some guy talk about the oracle games a few days ago and just made me wish they remade those since I only have spotty memories of those at best
liked the lava(?) area or something that was in one of them though, had a whole village of people
also i had the poster for the skeleton pirate crew
>over saturated with bilinear filter
Holy based
Fuck Basedward Sword, Links Awakening High Dud, and Barf of the Wild
>no dungeons
>no items
It was far from a real zelda.
Botw is just a very decisive zelda game. I loved it for what it was, but hated it too. The dungeons were fucking dog shit, the runes did not make up for there being absolutely no items, and weapon breaking made exploration pointless.
Was missing the treasure hunting aspect for sure. Some Zelda have done items badly with it just being get thing in dungeon and use on boss, but the better ones each item you gained in a dungeon or sometimes elsewhere gave you a reason to go back around the map seeing if it did anything to unlock a spot you couldn't get to before.
Only just realized that when reading your comment.
What was the last Zelda game that WASN'T divisive?
>there must be some way to tackle this obstacle!
>better than the switch version
not in a million years man
what filter is applied to this screenshot and is there more like it?
Do you mean divisive?
The items were the world affecting items and weapon breaking works for the game, only hoarders have a real issue with it, I will concede the lack of thematic proper dungeons did hurt it though, but I hope the sequel fixes that
In the slang presets folder there’s colour correction lcd filters for every handheld
>Link checked the chest. Wow! This is a nice chest!
I'm sure the next Zelda game will be divisive, as will the next one after that, and then the next one. Just like Majoras Mask. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, ALBW, and BotW. The Zelds team will never win with its fanbase.
terrible bait user but somehow it still worked so who can blame you
>Ever oasis is great tho.
>Nintendo will soon run out of Wii U ports and be forced to port 3DS games
Life is cool sometimes.
it will never win with the Yas Forums fanbase. Every where else people love this game.Everyone loves MM. Everyone but here will probably love the next one too, if they improve on the first
>including nintendo 3D zeldas as "real" zelda
cringe as hell
sorry I mean nintendo N64 zeldas