Is Yas Forums happy to hear about YIIK's new update in development?

Is Yas Forums happy to hear about YIIK's new update in development?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>*New Battle System that focuses on quicker battles/more strategic gameplay (the old battle system will still be available as an option.)
>*Improved Combat Balance (New and Old Battle System)
>*Refined/Streamlined Mind Dungeon.
>*Improving Rory’s usefulness in battle
Honestly this could make me buy the game.

hopefully the dev listened to the meme video, because honestly, he has a really interesting game if it were just different in a few design areas. will potentially buy

Fuck off shill.

>it took over a YEAR just to improve the battle gameplay

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Now make the writing not shit.

did they listen to Running Shine?

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show me 1 (one) kino moment that could convince me to buy it



>new update in development
is THIS why YIIKes has had shills suddenly appear a few weeks ago? Goddamn viral marketing

I kind of liked how they had a whole creepypasta message board that you could log into with people discussing the recent disappearances.

Now cut 50% of the Dialoge and stop being a pretentious wanker and I might like your game.

Should have learned from their mistakes and started something NEW, trying to fix yiik afterwards will make you end like yandev.


Pretty much. I found weird that Yas Forums would be so interested on a game that was heavily reviled all of sudden.


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Reminder that they also promised a similar, massive overhaul to Two Brothers, which is basically dead in the water.

> writing is still pretentious fucking garbage
> voice acting still varies from half decent to unlistenable
> but we fixed how a midgame battle could take 20 minutes guys. Now it takes 10. : ^ )

When are you releasing the fix to your game? Oh wait...

While I respect someone admitting they screwed up and trying to fix it, iirc they promised the same thing for their previous game and it never came to fruition

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Imagine defending YiiK or it's POS bitch ass dev

And YIIK ends by basically yelling at players for shitting on Two Brothers.

was the combat that bad

Cool I guess.
There's still a lot fundamental problems with the game so this doesn't really make the game better.

Literally everything about this game was "that bad"

imagine having to play a Warioware microgame FOR EVERY SINGLE ACTION

I can actually understand why some people would like certain elements of this game, specifically the setting.
I do not believe that is a single person who could watch that scene where Alex basically stops the game to shill Two Brothers, without cringing their skull out.

Try to imagine the slowest JRPG combat you've ever seen. Now slow that down.

Look it up on Youtube.
It's really really slow.

it takes 20 minutes of near perfect play to down a single midgame random encounter, when you're at the correct level.

Yes. It was slow and unfulfilling. Everything took 3 times as long to do as it should have been.

>Shitty game that no one should have cared about
>Some faggots keep posting it because it reminds them of liberals and they're literally obsessed
>game gets tonnes of free exposure on one of the biggest videogame forums on the internet
I swear to god you retards get baited into advertising for free so often its ridiculous.

just stop talking about this shit game
No one here wants to play it, buy it or talk about it, and the only people that make threads about it just want to piss and moan about liberals again for the millionth time.

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at least the Vella chick has quite a good voice actress

>Do 45 second long WarioWare mini-game
>Resulting damage is like 6% of enemy's health
>Have to repeat this several times to the point where even regular enemy encounters can take 25 minutes to over a half hour

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with the blatant shilling going on the last 2 weeks we can safely say anything that wasn't laughing at the laughably bad game was actual shill posting knowing they'd be revealing it again at some point.
The idea of all publicity being good publicity died 15 years ago user. People doing nothing but talking shit about your product is not going to convince anyone to buy said product.

Yes. Every attack (even simple ones) had a minigame to it. Sounds great on paper, but some of the minigames are slow, and aren't balanced correctly. There's one attack that goes on for an actual 17 seconds and it deals like no damage.

I just wish to know whose bright idea it was to keep her snarling model for the entire game, even when she's smiling.

>still no updates on the vita port

Surprising news! The game could be really great if they just change some minor things like the combat system, dungeon designs, artstyle, story, characters, music and voice acting, so I'm glad to see they didn't abandon it.

Even Warioware is better than this game.

I wish we could have thread specific IDs. I don't need any good reason to protect samefaging.

Game is shit but that song slaps.

user WE NEED TO RUN!!!

If anything the shilling also includes some guy youtube video with 4chanese "humour"

You know the Mario RPGs and how they make you press A to actually execute attacks in a turn based battle? It's like that, but every attack has like a 10-20 sec minigame attached to it and yet every attack hits like a wet noodle. Oh and then there is one single attack from the main character that you can exploit to one shot EVERY enemy in the game.


>last 2 weeks
It's been going on for way longer than 2 weeks.

Ok well I'm glad you posted this, I could never play something like this and the shilling nearly got to me. God that looks awful

why cant he be real bros

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This alone already shows what a huge autist the developer has to be. A normal person already wants to kill him/herself after the first few hours of the game, yet it can be assumed that the developer spent hundreds of hours with the combat system (one faggot has to test it after all) and somehow never managed to realize what trash he managed to produce.

They're all amateurs. The chick is just the least bad.

that was just the timeframe from when I noticed the threads showing up again with unnatural enthusiasm for a game that is universally reviled here.

He probably created the system, ran it once to see if it worked and then called it a day. He probably didn't play it for more than needed to see how tedious it was. Or he is a true narcissist which is possible given the things he's said or the way his insert is presented in game.

>He probably created the system, ran it once to see if it worked and then called it a day.
That's the thing. It's basically not possible to do it this way. After all, each new battle against a new enemy could contain bugs (faulty animations, attacks, etc).
He's most likely really is just a narcissistic autist (the worst kind of person, though they can be quite funny as everyone can see by the way he reacted to the criticism of the game).
I bet the new combat system is also going to be shit.

it's so hot

I think it was just slow. Really really slow.


Are the going to update the story to be not completely shit and update the characters to not be so completely insufferable too?

Anyone else kinda just fell in love with the game despite it being pretentious hipster garbage?

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Imagine the mini-game/QTE attack from Mario RPG's but it's a flat out 1 minute mini-game from Mario Party

