I will never understand why on Yas Forums people dislike this game
I will never understand why on Yas Forums people dislike this game
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It's not just Yas Forums, it's the majority or hardcore fans.
Also go back
because thanks to the medicore movie, they had to axe alot of the levels from the original and Ratchet's personality doing a 180.
Also stupid decisions like making the bouncer weapon preorder DLC-only and not adding an Arena.
the movie is trash and dragged down the whole game
and i'm still mad about it
>I will never understand why on Yas Forums people dislike this game
Because they're so blinded by nostalgia they think the PS2 games are perfect.
These are people that unironically think Crack in Time is a bad game, user. The people that in the same breath will defend Thug boss.
It's not the fact we hate it, specifically. On a fundamental level, it is a sound game. It's just competing against the original Ratchet & Clank which just had so much going for it and the rewrites weren't for the purpose of fixing plotholes, they changed Ratchet and Quark's personalities entirely (the two biggest reasons why the original was loved so much). When you remove the most endearing parts of a game in the remake, it becomes a bastardisation - one that people will pick up on immediately and it shows by the reception.
Should I replay 2 or 3?
He's very cute.
I would.
Pretty much this here. It’s an OK game on itself, but besides the core gameplay improvements, it pretty much just fucks up stuff that the original version had already nailed down. Fusing it with the Movie so closely shitted down the plot and writing real hard, and the game also lacks planets that the original had.
It just doesn’t feel like a definitive remake, but one step forwards, many drunk ones sideways, and then a stumble backwards.
I agree that the changer were shit, but aside of that is still a good game and we didn’t had a proper good long RaC since aCiT
>These are people that unironically think Crack in Time is a bad game
Nigga WHAT? A Crack in Time is one of the most praised games of the franchise, you turd. It's even considered better than Ratchet Gladiator (one of the PS2 originals, mind you). Are you confusing people hating the STORY of the future trilogy (it is pretty shit and convoluted) with outright hating the games? Because if you are, you're an idiot. Hell, if it weren't for the tiny length, Into the Nexus would have been loved just as much (if not more) than 1 or 2 from the original trilogy. Fuck off.
>The proffesor from 2 have the same voice as Quark
Great gameplay, great graphics
Trash story, characters, music
I've never seen Ratchet in this outfit before. Look no shoes. I wonder if they'll model Ratchet this way.
>Nigga WHAT? A Crack in Time is one of the most praised games of the franchise
I've been on several threads on Yas Forums that says otherwise. So blame your fellow Yas Forumstards.
Basically, Remake have better gameplay but OG have more SOUL
>ywn chill in an underwater home in Aquatos
>ywn sip a cocktail while staring at the tropical scenery in Pokitaru
>ywn visit the Maktar Resort
>ywn go shopping in the comfy malls on Notak, Kerwan, and Endako
>ywn crack open a cold one with the boys in the desert of Barlow
There's some of my favorite planets, what's yours?
>listening to Yas Forums
Ratchet and Clank felt so amazing back in the days. Me and my brother couldn't stop playing it.
I remember every weapon, every character, every planet and shit. It actually felt like an adventure.
Ratchet and Clank PS4, I had 90% with two play through and maybe 50 hours of play time. Piece of shit.
hopefully the next one will be the one we deserve
I'm mad they changed the music
How do we fix this series?
there's nothing to fix
It's fine, the next game will be better. All of the problems with the PS4 game can be attributed to Sony and the movie
Make a real sequel to A Crack in Time
They shouldnt have stuck so much Future shit into the remake. Going Commando took place in a different galaxy and made new assets. They didnt need to put Fongoids on Ratchets home planet, that just didnt make sense. Its not like theyre known for Future anyways, TJ was just a hack trying to act like he helped the franchise become popular.
Have you played nexus?
Hardly a sequel
Actually playing in Hard mode make the Remake more enjoyable. Is still a easy game tho
It felt more like a slightly longer DLC than a real game
Also made a lot of weird step backs in design, especially the drop to 30fps
So I don't understand what this game is? Is it based on the R&C movie or is it just a remake of R&C 1?
>eons ago the Polaris galaxy was under rule by the cragmites until the chad lombax race stopped them and banished the cragmites to another dimension
>years later the lombaxes discover a frozen cragmite in the mines of Fastoon. They decided to raise him, giving him the name, Percival Tachyon
>Tachyon grew up surrounded by lombaxes, he knew their secrets, culture, yet sought to destroy all of this once he got wind about his race being banished to another dimension
>Alister, a council leader, wanted to protect the galaxy outside Fastoon, like a militaristic, retard with a big brother complex
>Percival Tachyon brought ideas for tools of destruction to the high council
>Kaden (Ratchet's father) warned Alister not to trust the self appointed Prince Percival Tachyon
>despite his warnings Alister gave Tachyon access to the weapons vault
>in a matter of days Percival Tachyon laid waste on Fastoon killing hundreds, including Kaden
>the high council orders the lombaxes flee to another dimension, leaving Alister behind
My only gripe with the new lore is that Insomniac pretends like Lombaxes were only native to Fastoon, when everyone in the galaxy uses the Lombax language system. Literally everyone speaks Lomabax. Angela wasn't born on Fastoon, and neither was Ratchet.
this. god i want it so bad
>Is it based on the R&C movie or is it just a remake of R&C 1?
It's a movie tie-in.
But it is a good game
That's because the Future games are official fan-fiction.
I want her back badly bros...
extreme cherrypicking on ps4 exclusives at this point this hellhole says we have nothing but bloodborne
New game when? It's been four long years.
Ratchet & Clank basically died after it migrate from PS2. Arguably, the PSP titles are fine.
Pretty gay
Why not post some Angela instead?
>Arguably, the PSP titles are fine.
Size Matters is the worst R&C game. SAC is good though.
Predict the next games title
I can understand that point of view. But wasn't All For One the actual worst one?
This guy gets it.
Pump and Dump
Ratchet & Clank: All Jacked Up
>how the fuck do I rotate text in ms paint
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arse You Nigger
My man...
I didn’t get her greatness until recently
Glad I do now
Did you play the original?
What was your first ratchet game?
Solana > Polaris >>> Bogon
never seen the movie and loved the game, seethe
the most anti v post there is, any time a game has something going for it other than gameplay its straight to "moviegame"
If they added her back in (assuming they continue off the canon of the 2016 game), what are the chances of her flat out becoming Ratchet's hot girlfriend?
Shittiest opinion ever
Solana = Bogon >>>>>>>>> Polaris
Too bad insomniac hates her
Bogon is trash
>dude Megacorp controls everything LMAO
So boring, I can't remember the name of a single planet from Going Commando
They're clueless
My first experience with the series was with this game, and I really enjoyed it. Never watched the movie, but the game itself looked absolutely gorgeous.
Fuck you Size Matters is kino. I replayed the shit out of that
Sorry furfag Talwyn is here to stay
Remake bs