what gaem
i hate this game, i spent like 1 hour trying to get out of the fucking woods getting raped by wolves.
Also, scenes with Kylar and Robin when?
Pro-tip: don't go into the woods on your own. Schoolkids will take you in and out for free on weekdays, as long as it isn't raining. And there's no risk of rape so long as your social status is high enough.
needed to know this a lot sooner, thank you so much.
Also, with A-grade in history you unlock the "secret path to and from the lake", allowing you to make the trip at any time of day, on any day. Usually by then you'd not really need to go to the lake, but it's possible to blitz an A-grade in history in a week if you start off with the nerd perk.
I think it's called degrees of lewdity
Magnitude of Perversion
Degrees of Lewdity
so many details in this game, i feel stupid now. thank you user.
>still no vore
There's literally an option to turn it on/off. Personally I turn it off because I don't want to be vored by a fucking whale when I decide to go swimming in the ocean, or by a snake when I take Robin out into the woods to suck my dick.
No problem. History is an underrated stat in general, you get a punch of nifty passages throughout the game, and high enough history unlocks the abandoned sewers, which has a ton of valuable trinkets, though you want to max out your physique and carry some pepper sprays if you're going down there.
>raped by wolves
That's retarded, they'd just eat you.
You never die in DoL
>he doesn't know about the dickwolves
I always go into the woods so I can be captured and live the best life tending to our home.
not in rapefordshire
>devs still shilling this shit here
>still no new beast content
I sleep
The dev is way too dopey to be doing that. He's like some romanian who spends hours assembling lego bricks.
Report OP for pedophilic content. This game is straight up illegal where I live.
>This game is straight up illegal where I live.
Sneak into the school at night, approaching from the industrial area, get naked in the bathroom, then go to library and study history every night don't forget your glasses, nerd.
The developer was finally arrested and faces up to 15 years in prison, so update never.
Where you live is a shithole. All the characters are 18+
why would you go on to the internet and tell lies?
>not intentionally letting yourself get raped in the wolf cave so you can become a wolfboy
But why?
hopefully they let him continue working on it while in there, imagine the inefficiency.
Yeah right and all the animals are people in costumes.
>still no locker room scene
Excuse me but I play as a stunning and brave female girl.
Don't you know user? You learn faster when naked!
We need an update for Mason and Sirris. Neither of them do anything outside of class, and they do next to nothing in class, aside from Sirris showing you their amateur porn.
Mason could even be a love interest. They're like a couple of years older than you.
Is that like running faster with a knife?
How the fuck do I get Perfect Record? I'm already A* in every subject.
But there is.
>get 5 exhibitionism and promiscuity
>get into your gender locker room before swimming class
>strip naked
>get out of the locker room
>enter the opposite gender locker room and goad them to fuck you
>massive stress and trauma reduction via consensual gangbang
Yes. Speaking of running, you also get more swole if you excercise while naked, don't get caught!
>opposite gender locker room
just crossdress and it'll be the same gender locker room :^)
>help robin set up his lemonade stand at the beach so that he can pay his rent
>he is struggling to get customers
>suck off the local vendor for free water to increase his profit margins
>start stripping at the stand to attract more customers
we're going to make it bros
A* isn't enough, you have to max out the progress bar for each subject
>being a gay
super lame
>Strip top in changing room
>Swinging E-cup tiddies attract all the coomers in a 3 mile radius
>Robin doesn't even pop a boner
you don't understand, making good fucking lemonade takes dedication
any femdom elements yet?
>wanting to read about disgusting tuna-gashes
no user, you are the gay. just imagine the smell.
He should use some of my titty juice, just like the cafe
If you have enough defiance, yes. You can insult and belittle people while fucking/being fucked.
but do female npcs dom you
Yes, all the time. They can force you to suck their nipples, force you to penetrate, bite, spank, choke, etc.
the heck is quim?
please don't tease my ethics
sounds like they're forcing you to dom them
I heard many Englishmen suffer from this affliction.
>a woman's genitals
how disgusting, don't @me again.
It's literally rape, so think of it as you will.
If you make Whitney a girl, yeah.
All of the NPCs can force you to fuck.
>tfw scorning Kylar and making her jealous
>tfw she drugs you, takes you into an underground basement, and uses your dick like a sex toy to cum her brains out