This is unironcally the greatest game of all time

This is unironcally the greatest game of all time.

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i bought a ps4 slim with this game in 2018 and havent played it once

I'm tired of playing the "Zoomer or bait" game on this board

>1 boss type

Not of all time, but I'm super invested in what happens to Kratos and Atreus. I want Atreus to make it to other lands, but I think he'll get got and the end of Midgard.

I enjoyed it a lot, but this is far from the truth.

Yikes I actually pity you if you really think this

No, though my only complaint would be the camera position.

God Of War is nice because it's about healthy masculinity

It was decent. The combat was great but could definitely use some more fine tuning and improvements. The story was kinda meh. I really wasn't a fan of the simple premise being taken to such extremes. Also the bosses got underwhelming really fast and the last boss was disappointing as hell. Also the UI was ugly.

>linear punch enemies movie

It really is. Playing it now actually. I'm at the second mountain climb. Pretty kino if you ask me. It's hard like soulsborne at times (fire realm trials), but with excellent story, interesting world, rewarding exploration, and fun gameplay. This is how a next gen sequel should be.

Fuck Yas Forums for not recommending it to people. Always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says.

>Fuck Yas Forums for not recommending it to people. Always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says.
Thanks I'll hard pass on this movie

It's trash son.

with such taste OP i can recomend you more trash for you.
the last of us
the order
days gone
uncharted spin offs
death stranding
horizon zero fun
and soon
the last of us2
final fantasy 7 remake 1/?

It's great, I just wish it wasn't such a sequel bait. Would still recommend it though

Why is FFVII Remake in this list? The demo was fantastic.

he's one of those anally prolapsed trannies that seethe 24/7 about popular games

Wouldn't say greatest, but I thought it was good. I want less ARPG and more weapons in the next one, along with a proper camera and no weapon softlocking onto targets.
>dark elf
>magni and modi
Um actually there are four boss types you fucking dumbass. What to show you didnt play the game you dumb little stupidhead

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>zero enemy variety
>reused bosses all over
>only 2 weapons
>can't jump
>camera is stuck behind the character
>can't see shit when enemies attack you offscreen so the halfass solution is basically a traffic light
>macguffin: the story

truly a hack n slash western masterpiece

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you need to be 18 to post here

i can add to these some more masterpieces
mafia 3
wolfenstain the second one and the one with two chicks
Nu tomb raider
dragon quest inquisition and mass effect andromeda

What's wrong with a game being a movie? Shouldn't games have some sort of artistic merit?

>atreus dies
>kratos is back in the murder machine block
>with a beard

[in the movie dude's voice] This summer....

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>death stranding is a movie game
want to kow how i know you didn't play it?

you are right. Movies should also be architectural design.

I really enjoyed it, but it's not. Not even close.

because S-SNOY BAD

I think the 2 weapon limit (3 with unarmed) was fine but the problem was switching between them was not really fluid so you couldn't really do mixed combos very well. I agree that no jumping was retarded and the camera was also way too close to Kratos.
All that said I think the combat still felt really fun and satisfying even if somewhat flawed. They did have some serious issues during development and at some point had to scrape everything and start over so I hope that with the inevitable sequel they use what they built as a base and improve upon it. Could end up making a truly amazing combat system if they do it right.

yeah... so great I can't even bother to finish it, and I've tried three times lol. that is one extremely boring game m8. hate that kid, too.

the thing the game gets the most praise for (story) is fucking shit though
the gameplay certainly isn't great.

What about the metacritic score? What about the millions who bought it and praised it?

I'm all for more video games having stories about masculinity and passing the torch, but Dad of War wasn't that great. It was fine, it at least got me interested in the series again on some level.

>can't jump

It's time to grow up, user

You ever hear the phrase "Crap is King"?

Definitely one of the best games of the generation
I played it expecting a movie and got a massive game with tight combat and great lore

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It's a good example of what I call a "checklist game". Someone did a market study and came up with a list of stuff that should be in it, it's probably a God of War game because "recognizable IP" was one of the points in the list. The result is always safe forgettable garbage that wasn't worth the 100 million dollars it costed to make.

Atreus is Loki. You get the blades half way through. Baldur is the main villain and the witch is his mother. You kill him at the end and she's pissed. Thor in post credits scene. Kill yourself.

>was fine but the problem was switching between them was not really fluid so you couldn't really do mixed combos very well
thats ANOTHER problem on top of the few weapon choices

Wolfenstein 2 is the best fps out there by far.

If it's so good where's all the soul?

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Its trash bro. And I was the most hyped guy. Even listened to the fucking audio files and played their retarded facebook game. They delivered a hilariously empty and ugly open world with 2 NPCs. Not only were all the enemies color pallette swaps but so were those NPCs lmfao.
Father and son story? No interactions between them. Just hack and slash. Norse mythology? Hopefully you enjoy Korean MMO tier environments that have nothing to do with Norse mythology and have everything to do with 2001 level design philosophy.

Utter trash. Hope you get cancer.

>Atreus is Loki.
lol thats retarded

It's far from perfect but I liked it.

Hope that the sequel irons out the kinks and adds more content, while continuing the story in a satisfying way. While the Greek God of War trilogy had different directors for each game, I think it might be a good idea if Barlog stayed on for the whole Norse trilogy. Not sure if he would be up to it though.

You said a whole lot of nothing just now.

>Father and son story? No interactions between them.
Did you even play the fucking game?
I swear to god so many people who talk about the new GoW just watched snippets of streams and then pretend they're experts.

>Last of us 2
>FF7 remake
imagine calling a game trash that hasn't even come out yet


its shit

It's really not, the original games were a lot better

valkyries were fun, the repeated giants were almost never fun.

Game is really imbalanced in the beginning in GMGOW when you have no skill points, and you absolutely have to beat things with rage/cliff knock offs and or ledge abuse.

Games should be about player action and interaction, not disregarding them.

Nobody cares about your opinion dude, the game is fun which is why it won GOTY.

This is unironically the worst opinion of all time.

Fucking pedo, gb2/a/

One of the most 'ok' games of all time

>Dad of snoy being great at anything
How about a Yikes! For good luck.

Maybe if you've only played like 5-10 video games to completion.

>the game is fun
Then why did virtually everybody stop buying it only several months after release and it is commonly found in bargain bins?

You are unironcally a faggot

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God of War has plenty of player action.

Anyone notice that no one talks or cares about this game anymore?

it's funny how God of War's gameplay is more in depth and fun than anything nintendo or microsoft have shat out in the last decade, yet it gets dismissed as a movie (despite it also having a better story than nintendo or microsoft shit)

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Plenty of people do on Twitter.

>God of War's gameplay is more in depth and fun than anything nintendo or microsoft have shat out in the last decade
Doubt it. Nintendo has the 97 GOTD afterall.