ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
Other urls found in this thread:
I usually stick a bunch of cheese and licorice on flypaper and hang it around my head, keeps me focused during a long session
I have to call my AA therapist if I play any game with references to alcohol
Did anyone else ever play a visual novel and pretend the cursor was their hand on the h-scenes
No, but that is autistic
I love these threads.
There’s one autist who hates them and also sneedposters
Occasionally get up and play music while imagining in-game scenarios
Yeah, I've noticed recently people have been posting "make the same thread over and over again" as if this is the only thread that gets reposted.
>i make a "hurt" sound or a "death" sound everytime i get hit
i'm pretty good at it
Save twice.
It's so dumb, but I do it anyway.
I usually put myself and other people in the shoes of different characters because someitmes I would rather have those poeples personality be like the ones in vidya rather than in real life
When I watch LPs of VNs I hover my mouse curser over the mouse curser of the person reading since it makes me feel closer to them. Is that worse?
>playing a racing game
>leans into the turns
You know, I keep hoping that in the near future, VR and AI will get to the point where a "going into games machine" will be possible.
Someone whitepill me. Are we making strides?
It has to be an autist doing that because 99% of Yas Forums is reposts
When too much shit happens i pause the game and fucking spazz around my room until my hype dies out and i can continue playing normally until i remember i had this fucking hype because some shit is going on (This does not apply to online games faggots)
>i grip on one handle of a controller and pretend its a gun
>respond out loud during character dialogue scenes as if im right there with them
>if my character in game gets heavily damaged, i respond by jerking my body in a direction and grunt in pain as if im the one whos getting hurt
>I copy character poses when they do it in game
>if im fighting the big bad of the game, i dramatically yell/give him a powerful speech before making the final blow
That's Homer, dumbass.
I have fun
I always make the same character if the game has a character creator, give it the same name and pretend its the same character from my last rpg for example ant they can "world warp" (worlds being different games)
based info poster
>character does something cringe
>get up from chair start jumping around till the cringe dies down
My god....
I'm meticulous about the number of items in my inventory. Maybe more of an OCD thing, I dunno. If there's any number of things that ends in 7, I feel compelled to get one more, or if that's not feasible drop or use one of that item to make the number even. Also happens with any 20, 40, 60 etc that ends in a 3 or 7, or non item things like character levels.
thats just gay
jesus christ
>Sober two months
>Went outside today and a can of my old favorite liquor laying on the ground, same flavor too
>Had to look away
After I replay Bioshock I pretend I have plasmids and recreate the hand shape, walk cycle animations, and firing animations, refilling eve
what the fuck i've been suffering from this for my entire life and never realized it had a name. i thought i was just autistic or something.
I usually only consider a game "completed" after I've touched 100% of all areas inside of a game. I don't just mean fining every item, I literally mean I need to have my character go to EVERY location that is physically possible. The worst part? I need to do it in a certain order or the game is ruined. I've restarted GTA: San Andreas probably over 10.000 (not kidding) times just because I want the "perfect run"
Wait I'm not the only one that jumps around the room like a spastic when having exciting thoughts?
Is this ADHD?
i spend about 4 hours a day making up 'autistic things i do in vidya' and wait till this thread to post em so that i get (you)s
Post Obelisk
>Die to something because I'm bad at video games
>say aloud "WTF DUUUDE " in a whiny voice.
I know I sound retarded doing it, but it's automatic.
I'm a grown man btw.
I like to imitate Ranger's HUH whenever I play Quake.
roleplay the player character and try to think like i am interpreting him in the game
for example instead of just deviating from the main path to explore because its a videogame and there might be some items hidden somewhere, i think "i wonder if i could find something useful to my quest by venturing in this direction" as the character, also reflecting upon the world in the same way, having inner monologues that way and so on.
In games where you can upgrade your firearms I never upgrade ammo capacity past the real world maximum for that weapon. I also tend to not upgrade the reload speed because I enjoy watching it play out more realistically.
Everytime I die (especially in souls like games) I blame the jews. I literally fucking curse them and wish painful death upon every single jew.
I hate jews so fucking much.
Based antisemite poster
Overstimulation. Probably autism
I’m convinced the autist who reports these threads and posts the screencap is a yuro since he hasn’t shown up yet. Of course they hate fun so it makes sense.
If i'm on my own and cannot be shamed when i play pokemon and send out a new party member during a battle i mimic throwing a pokeball.
Nobody will ever know but you guys and me.
This is patrician
unironically based
Most Yas Forums users don't know they appear to commonly suffer from Aphantasia either, though they would probably call you a jewfag or something and dismiss it.
use an ambidextrous mouse so i can switch hands once an hour while gaming. i use the program AutoHotKey to temporarily remap all of my keyboard buttons too for left handed setup when i switch. AutoHotKey is the greatest PC program of all time
If i'm playing a game with a heavy survival tone like MGS3 i will sneak downstairs and rather than cook a meal like a human grab "supplies" and eat shit i would normally not.
This combined with watching Steve has made me strongly consider keeping in some MRE's and playing games like that in a tent in the woodland in my garden.
oh shit so this is a thing
Most Yas Forums users are genuinely mentally ill
Autistic threads you repost on Yas Forums
>tfw lived with this my entire life and didn't even know it
When I'm winning I hit my pecs like a gorilla
Do you actually think the right is more mentally ill than the left when they have more kids and are generally more successful?
I mean c'mon, mental illness defines the left.