Today's James and Mike Monday episode was basically just them acting like a couple of grumpy old men and talking about...

Today's James and Mike Monday episode was basically just them acting like a couple of grumpy old men and talking about how nothing made past 1994 is any good.

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They're just getting old. It'll happen to you, too.

>its a Mike shows James what a harddrive is episode

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I played FTL at 26 and thought it was one of the best games I've ever played

why are you watching this shit still?

This retard would back up his videos on vhs if he could still get his hands on them

Mike is a sociopath.

Mikes not a monster, hes just ahead of the curve

Attached: JamesFlinch.webm (1920x1080, 843.37K)

>pc laptop

I'm not much younger than they are. Being crusty and resistant to change has less to do with age than people think.

What's the most memorable AVGN line, Yas Forums?

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64 bits

We live in the year 2007, and they can't figure out that shit like that takes up too much room? These fucking things should be BANNED

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After watching that video of James ranting about blu-rays I'm convinced he's the epitome of a boomer. He's technologically inept as fuck.

Mike is a nice guy and is good at vidya.

He's on a whole different level.

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Kek, is he seriously intimidated by Mike?

Attached: mike matei.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)


so what they've been doing for the past 6 years or however fucking long the monday vids have been going for
they are so fucking boring and only fun when they have a script i cant remember if that one episode recently was just one single shot or unscripted

yall just jealous of mikes big dick

James is a fucking simpleton cuckold, I am SHOCKED people will listen and follow this joke.

he fucked james hard with his 3footlongshlong
James feel dat stratching

Nice chins, James.

who cares about what 2 has been e-boomer celebs have to say.

for me "
It's like trying to stick your dick in a cheerio " or Bee sheventeen bawmer

>literally trying to argue and say DVD's have better looking menus as a bonus

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I only watch AVGN, old monster madness before it went to shit, and when James just makes random fucking videos about old movies. The other content on the channel is trash and contaminated by the fats & Mike.

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why retards always have huge dicks?

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Just look at his hair. Thick and not at all receding like James'.

>Shit Pickle
This is when I should've known.

Isn't that the entirety of their show, though? They struck me as people like Son of Dob, who won't take anything beyond the 80s and 90s American versions of video games as canon.

32 bits

When is there going to be a ln eceleb board for all the youtube beggers?

God I miss this era of YouTube


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>ywn have a custom background or an embed video in your channel again
ill never forget having dumbass mario as my side vid when all my shit was just boss videos

16 bits

My brother has literally the same age as James and still keeps up with games.
I can maybe understand James who doesn't actually care about videogames that much besides the stuff from his childhood, but it's pathetic to see Mike stuck in the past like this when gaming is clearly his main hobby.

8 bits

what a fucking cringelord lol

4 bits

>68,882 subscribers
>#10 Most Subscribed (All Time)
those were the times, no normies, no ads, no sponsored content, no clickbaity shit

and now you know how people feel whenever this fucking board goes on and on about how gaming died in 2007 shut the fuck up already FFS

>no normies
Weird, I still remember the highest viewed content at the time being gay fucking shit like v-logs or Smosh (normie core)

>calling dodger anything but an angel even to this very day

wings were too heavy and got stuck on earth i guess

Didn't know midgets could be angels

Deus Ex came out in 2000 so that obviously isn't right.

>I want to be a filmmaker!
>I don't want to learn anything about filmmaking...
Is James a Dobson of cinematography?

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2 Bits

she is so perfect though even as a mother she is precious

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I'd still like it today

mike is a great artist and very skilled gamer


Still better than Doug.

great artist and funny

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What ever happened to thegamejew?

a drunk monkey with brain damage would be better than doug

It's amazing how that works. I'm 32 and feel the same way as them but plus the age difference. So instead of 94 being the cut off, for me it's like 2000 or 2001. Was literally just on the phone with my oldest friend who used to game on SNES with me before the N64 even launched, about how shit modern games are and how great they were leading to around 2000. The thing is, there is some objectivity to this. There are timeless classics from the 2D and early 3D era which had actual soul to them and see super fun. The same won't be said about a lot of these modern "classics" that will be a slog to play now and in the future. All because modern games only care about chasing the photorealistic visual design above all else.

I subscribed back when they made rentals.

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Where were you when you found out James is a coomer?

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Worst part of all this to James must still be forced to attend cons even though you don't even know videogames anymore.

Playing AVGN's still more rewarding than a regular job though


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Eh... they are both on the same level of autism in this field. I doubt that Doug is THAT tech illiterate tho.

Cope, zoomie.
AVGN is oldfag culture and that supersedes the rules

I think Doug is just a regular illiterate. I've seen that photo of his scripts before.

AVGN was videogames before you even heard of Yas Forums.

holy shit that's cute

Attached: Halo meets his fanbase.webm (360x640, 2.9M)

I want to ___ this thing

in his defense, DVD compresses video footage.down to a point where the quality "suffers". He probably likes the slight blur or effect it gives off, maybe to.the point where he sees it as reminiscent of Y2K adverts.

Its not efficient? No. But the effort mire than likely shows in the smaller details.


he typically uses a mac laptop because film school conned him into thinking editing can only be done with apple.