Protagonist is hella cute

>protagonist is hella cute
I will now buy your game.

Attached: qt bat.webm (854x480, 2.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>shopkeeper looks funny
I will now buy your game.

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based and batpilled

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It's kinda weird how so many animals like being pet. Like it's just an innate thing in so many animals to enjoy being touched.

Cringe and coronaviruspilled

Why doesn't that bat have dark skin and big tits?

I saw a gif of an eel that kept coming back to be pet .

wtf is up with his face? does thar dude have some genetic thing that fucks him up like that tree guy?

>bat looks cute
>remember I just had to give up my dog because of anger problems
Might as well kill myself now if this is what my life is gonna be like.

why did he do it?

>Giant demi-god approaches you
>Fear for you life
>Giant demi-god just pets you and baby talks at you
I'd be happy too.

Wish I had a bat pet.

Touch is the universal language, man. It's beautiful.

dude what... thats a monkey not a human retard xD

Sexual dimorphism. It is a mature male, those are his secondary sex characteristics.

Grooming is advantageous for health so you evolve to enjoy grooming. And since like 99% of animals can't groom themselves they evolve to allow other animals, sometimes even other species, to groom them.

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You don't, they smell horrible, shit everywhere, are noise as FUCK and extremely hard to keep.
Also they've got a dickload of viruses.


Don't you have a tornado to worry about?

show me another dude with same face, what are you talking about


>No one:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>Literally no one ever:
>Not even Deadie Cuckerrero on that faithful summer night:
>Chinks: Yeah, making a soup out of this will be yummy

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Pretty based that our ancestors figured that out. Wonder how many dudes died before we figured out petting horses was what we should do.

Bats are known to loathe non-whites.
>See Ebola
>See rabies outbreaks
>See how they only allow whites to touch them


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Hey...those bats look rather....tasty....

That's a heckin cute bat

For mammals and birds that like being pet, it's grooming.
For reptiles that like being pet, it's scratching an itch they otherwise couldn't get or helping remove shed skin (so basically grooming).
For some fish and other large marine animals, it's similar to being serviced by a cleaner fish.
Don't pet amphibians.

>Anger problems


Potion Monkey, I am going into battle, and I require only your strongest bananas.

OK, so you know how human males grow beards when they get older, while women and children do not? Same idea.

Orangutan males get cheek flanges. Basically it makes them look more threatening to other males and more attractive as mates to females.

The male in that pic is just coursing with testosterone. Think of a guy who has a huge beard vs a manlet with a shitstache.

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What happens if I pet the frogs?

>Having Micropenis cuck disease
Lmao just kill yourself basedboy

So instead of beard, they grow a face?

My bananas are too strong for your traveler.My bananas could kill an ELEPHANT let alone a mere ape.

Humans have all kinds of oil and salt and shit on our skin that hurts amphibians, since they absorb stuff through their skin.

those are monkeys you idiot what are you talking about

Do girls even find beards attractive? I feel like whenever I grow my beard out, people treat me like I'm gonna rape them.


But do they like being pet? I can just wear a glove

You have to maintain the beard, not just some gangly neckbeard.

if a girl doesn't find that attractive she might be genetic waste anyway

Every woman wants a deathgasm, this is why women LOVE refugees dude.
Grow a beard and get strong as fuck, all women will be drenched seeing you, either piss or pussy juices but I ensure you they'll be drenched.


Surprised no one replied this to you yet but mammals have nerves on their skin that reacts to pressure with the release of the classic "love hormone" or "hug hormone" -- oxytocin. Naturally this humans, we are mammals. Petting something also releases oxytocin in the petter's organism.

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Yes. You probably just happen to look like a greasy incel.

>Don't pet amphibians.
Look at this little guy tho. Hes just begging to get pet.

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a beard won't help you cope with your shit face lol

grooming behavior is comforting

I wonder what it tastes like in soup haha *cough*

no they dont.
will literally REEEEEEEEE at you


Actually, in Brazilian Portuguese we do not have double consoants other than "SS" and "RR", so it should be "SOPA DE REMILIA".

Some of the larger ones might enjoy that. But I've never seen or heard of any amphibian scratching itself against a rock or branch or something like mammals, reptiles, or birds sometimes do, so maybe not.


Yes, basically when they get older their cheeks grow huge due to massive testosterone production in their bodies.

Please don't call me an idiot when you are clearly the one very lost in all of this. I was using human beards as another example of sexual dimorphism.

Maybe, maybe not. The reason humans developed it as a characteristic is because it was selective to survival. Beards might be any combination of attractive, protective, or outright scare away potential threats.

Is bat meat actually tasty when properly processed, sanitized and cooked?

Birds can definitely enjoy petting.

Doesn't have to, it just has to be selectively beneficial to early human survival.

where do you think people say hella, user

The cutest bat experience of my life was when I was processing a bunch of them for a study I was helping out with. I had like 12 of them stuffed in my jacket to keep them warm. One of the females was cold so she wouldn’t fly when I tried to release her so I put her back in my jacket. She climbed up my shirt and snuggled on my neck for about 20 minutes.

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I could see beards being effective against punches but is that really the only reason we evolved to have beards?

Yeah I said that in my first post, it's like preening/grooming to them. That user was asking about amphibians.

Shame nobody here speak a single word of it

how do i reroll human race is the most shitty primate to play

Who gives a fuck if its tasty? its a fucking rodent for fuck sake. You could season and sanitize anything to the point where it would be edible but that doesnt mean you should fucking eat it. Just as a rule of life from now on: Do the exact opposite of what the chinese are doing. Full 180 degree the chinks, user.

*contracts ebola*

these things have dog snouts

>Pathetic excuse to just post not vidya Animals on Yas Forums.

Is that also what happened to boogie and wings?

You shouldn't be here if you here if you have anger problems.
Kirby games all have cute enemies, but my favorite is the broom guy.

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*coughs in your face*

Also I should add that it seems that humans are also somewhat designed to seem harmless to animals
>hairless like a baby
>eyes with visible whites and flat teeth, obviously not a predator (poor Dodo suckers)
>pretty slow and not very keen senses so it's easy to avoid them

go back to your coomer thread faygola

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Sky doggos are cute.

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That is a theory. Basically its a cushion that would protect you from facial strikes from other humans.

It coudl also provide warmth or be attractive to females.

It could also look intimidating. A big bearded caveman is more impressive than a skinny little guy with nothing.

That was the video that made me change my opinion on bats and now think they are adorable flying dogs.

However, just like squirrels, I still don't want to be anywhere near one.



off topic threads have been the only decent threads on the board for years
even jannies let them hit bump limit because its more civil than the constant wojak shit flinging im every other thread

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It does have dark skin.

stealth /an/ threads belong to every board