WTF? I love Western video games now

WTF? I love Western video games now.

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Is-is that a vaporwave goblin game
Oh fuck i’m gonna
I’m gonna COOM

this but unironically

Why do people support patreon devs that keep shitting out games using the same assets?

her ass cheek grinding scenes were better than actual sex scenes

Landlady is better.

who knows but they are pretty based for creating a market for these gobbo games

Ask Japanese anime studios that question.

Why do guys prefer older women now?

That is NOT nu-Lara.

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You forgot the:

Next update when?

Men have always liked fucking milfs but marrying a 25yo.

cause young women are trash

I can't speak for other people, but I like them because it's make me diamonds thinking I turn on an older women. Especially an attractive one that would have no problem attracting a chad for a mate.

why would i spend money when this is all free?

all porn games are free and even easier to get than actual vidya games

Would you play my game Yas Forums?

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milfycity 0.7 when?

If that girl is "older" to you, please fuck off from this board

no sauce fren, it's just a prrof of concept as of now

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yes i would

They made a Problem Child game?

Work on it. Fast

here's a corruption game with a fem protag

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talking about your game, It won't be allowed on f95. because despite being a den of pirated degeneracy, they still have moral rules for some reason.
so where auteurs like you post their games?

tentacles are shit tier fetish

>spend entire time edging mommy
>finally get to have sex
>coom buckets
>do the same thing another time but with Caroline

This is a good game

Why are her lips so full?


Try posting a good WEG

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>more loyal than women my age
>less drama
>less bitchy in general
>more open about things
The best lay I've ever had was with a woman 10 years older than me. She was a sweetheart but had some family trauma happen and broke things off to not pull me into it.

why is this shit allowed then

what in the fuck is that hahahaha give me a source


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Do you like aliens that much?

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...ill make it work

They softened their position on 2d.

I've been with top tier 29yo blonde girl when I was 18yo for less than a year, she apparently had a hidden pedo fetish since I looked like 15yo back then and she really was into it and I can confirm
It didn't last long because the age gap and our different mentalities eventually became an obstacle

I do like this one. You get involved with your girlfriend's mother and the scenarios get pretty wild, even if the sex itself remains vanilla throughout.

Attached: a mother's love.png (1240x698, 1.17M)

post the one with super buff manlets that looks hilarious

WEG aren't video games.

Google Teraurge

was thinkin of downloadin it. ill give it a shot

WEG stands for Western Erotic Games
/vg/ threads have VN generals
they are vidya

Whats the best WEG on the market lads

you see that orange statement? This game started quite big shitshow when it was banned from the site, and people started bringing up nergal games where you can anally fuck some 7yo girl on a playground, which were allowed.
But even if they "softened" their position on 2d, Project2 isn't allowed. And asking why and questioning mod behavior will net a warning or some shit.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-10 [VN] - [Ren'Py] Project2 [v0 05] [GoodTriangle].png (1381x322, 56.94K)

Four Elements Trainer

when you don't care about underage or incest and just want to make powerful women submit to the dick

It's very good, but latest updates featured a slog of husbands work that took fucking forever.
Also the magical girl shit is out of place along with teacher cuckery. uhh. what ever happened to that other game?

Being a DIK is still the best

Depends on what you want. Do you just want to coom or do you want a heavy story focus? Mix of both?

Naigad is the best waifu

Attached: Naigad_new.jpg (1192x1196, 125.6K)

The Visit. I didn't think you can do the Mom and she's a lil tease but you can. That got me diamonds.

four elements trainer, princess trainer, witch trainer with mods, good girl gone bad, something unlimited, rogue-like

if the purpose of the work is to make people coom, it's not video games. Is erotic literature really "literature"? Only a clueless fucking retard would argue that it is.
Castrate yourself, coombrain

I liked older women before, now I like women of my age.

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Just looks like every other generic weg, why is it good?

Haven't played this in a year, should I start from the beginning or just continue fellow lads? I think I'm at the point where MC and the mom are alone on a vacation

Sorry but Breirb is the best
>that scene where the main worm falls in love with you and you go into the hole to fuck her

I always set the text to skip with every Ren'py game in preferences. Then all you need to do is hold ctrl and let the text fly by even if you're playing it for the first time. I only slow it down when I need a bit more context.

i dont think i am degen enough to get off on this

I just any VN japanese VN that features incest, but doesn't focus too much on story

Can't wait for some bitch to get jealous and start a fire.

animations are goods and renders are nice. gets better as you progress, after college

A leg in one hand and a breirb in the other

>b-but it has "games" right there in the name!! a-and this other blue board has pornography threads!!!
double digit iq reasoning

pick one

If you like the sister in OP then continue, otherwise don't bother.
There's too much new stuff to play through that you shouldn't have to play the same game over and over, unless you're a full-time masturbator.

No, there's a line for fuck's sake.
That line being generally the 14th birthday

Can anyone please explain to me why 3d porn games are called goblin games?

Well played

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>doesn't focus too much on story
Have you checked out pornography? I think that's what you're looking for.

I like to be immersed, the slow teasing and the pay-off, if I get back in right now I can basically fuck the sister etc.
But is there so much new content? That's cool


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