¿how would you rename the "metroidvania" genre?

¿how would you rename the "metroidvania" genre?

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I wouldn't.

Backtrack 'em Up

Adventure games

>tfw society will collapse before silksong comes out

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Why would I change it?



Exploration games
>potential routes open up as player acquires more abilities to overcome obstacles, learns how obstacles interact, or understands how to use skills to sequence break
>doesn't restrict itself to 2d platformers
it's not itself a genre, but a modifier to the actual gameplay.
2D Metroid is an exploration platformer. 3D Metroid is an exploration FPS. Apply liberally to whatever genre you fucking want, it's the game structure that defines "metroidvania" rather than the minute-to-minute interaction


HollowKnight like

>Music fans are fine with terms like Jazz
>Movie fans are fine with terms like Film Noir
>Gamers get autisically upset at the term Metroidvania
Someone explain this.

Exploration platformer. It's a lot more intuitive since you adventure around the map while platforming.


2D Souls-like

Hop and bop adventure games!

Explore em ups


Darksouls of the 2d games

2D Souls-like

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I like this one. Wish I could upvote on this gosh blasted site

Yas Forums really is just one autist. He's angry because the name isn't a cool acronym like FPS, MMO or SRPG.


why do the spanish use these weird double question marks

yeah you would wouldnt you

2d exploration plarformer


and then get rid of the pretenders to the crown, like Hollow Knight, which bear absolutely zero resemblance to the formula outside of "need to backtrack after acquiring arbitrary gatekeeping ability."

>Wish I could upvote
Never agree with my pedantry with this sort of language again.

loves acronyms but hates "dps"

People who don't like this moniker are faggot-niggers

"HollowStained", from Hollow Knight and Bloodstained.

They’re Aussies. Society collapsing is just another Tuesday

metroid clones

It's an old joke by now, user. Get some new material.

No need for the hostility, fellow human

2D with Maps

I feel sorry for you my dude.

Too accurate


No one gives a crap about that one anymore.

It wasn't even good, I wasted 40 euros on that shit just to support Iga

Just use the same name the Japanese do:
Exploration Platformer.

The mechanics in place everyone is referring to as "Metroidvania" is just gated exploration. IE: keys, abilities, etc. There's a better name, it's just that no one has figured it out, yet

Eh, I had way more fun with Bloodstained than any other recent titles. It feels like it was the only one that knew the exploration angle is bolstered via platforming and not endless hallways/tunnels with enemy spam.

>The mechanics in place everyone is referring to as "Metroidvania" is just gated exploration. IE: keys, abilities, etc. There's a better name, it's just that no one has figured it out, yet

> gated exploration

Congratulations. There's the name you're looking for. And it's not a genre; it's a motif: a recurring element in the gameplay.

And for the record:

> "Iga-like"
-- would be more of an actual genre, composing a set of recurring motifs; visual style; gothic atmosphere; characterization and character design; method and motifs of story-telling; etc. meant to represent the *original* meaning of a Metroidvania - that of an Igavania.

>¿how would you rename the "metroidvania" genre?
I really don't get why people don't just call them exploration games. It's what Japan and other regions have already been doing since forever, and it's descriptive and apt and works perfectly fine.

And yet here people are acting like there is nothing that could be used instead of Metroidvania.
Not wanting to use another term is one thing, but acting like nothing else is good enough is just silly.



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Is Silksong a full on sequel on the same scale as Hollow Knight?

It still bothers me how that fuck jimsterling made a long video whining about people criticizing the term metroidvania, and not once did he ever so much as allude to or mention how Japan calls them tansaku/exploration games.
And then tons of other people made videos about it because he flared up the topic, and all of them misses this.

It's a full on sequel, presumably just as large if not larger.
It's no DLC/Expansion size if that's what you're asking.

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>As a small progress tease: You may remember for Silksong we promised over 150 all new enemies. To us, that always seemed a conservative estimate, and it turns out we were right! Here are just a few foes that came to life this week, enemy number 163, 164 and 165.
Hollow Knight had 150.

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Just type "based", it's the equivalent to an upvote, while "cringe" is the equivalent to a downvote.

Exploration is too vague, it doesn't capture what makes a metroidvania a metroidvania and too many games which aren't metroidvanias fall under that label

No need, the term is too prevalent now anyways.
Let's rename FPS games wolfendooms instead.

"Metroidvania" is fine. Everyone knows Metroid. Everyone knows Symphony of the Night.
It fits perfectly.

Are there any 3D metroidvania games?
only ones I can think of are Metroid Prime, thats literally it.

You could call them "exploration platfomers" but besides that its hard to get a better definition.

Metroid was one of the first to do so and codified the formular , and Castlevania Symphony of the Night honed and refined it. Calling them "Iga-vanias" isn't actually bad, but Metroid DID show up first.

I supposed "Metroidsymphonies" is technically the most accurate given that prior to symphony Castlevanias were linear platformers, but it doesn't sound right.

Depends on how you want to define it. Some old RPGs/Dungeon Crawlers might apply like System Shock, Xanadu Next, Vagrant Story, or some of From Software's stuff.

did anyone else get really bad input lag with Hollow Knight on PC?

Just Metroid-like, nothing that the metroidvania castlevanias added are necessary for games to be called a metroidvania, lots of games without any of those features are still considered metroidvanias so what's even the point of the vania part.


turn off v-sync? Also check if you've limited it to 60 fps. For some reason some recent update forced the default frame rate limit to 400 fps and it was causing my GPU to go to like 100 C.

El Caballero Hueco...

Explatformers. As in, exploration platformers.

action adventure with backtracking