FF7R & RE3Remake

"There is simply no way Final Fantasy 7 Remake won't be this years Resident Evil 2 Remake."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake is undoubtedly going to be one of the most critically acclaimed games of the year if not THE most, making it the second year running that a remake of a 20 year-old game trounces the competition in terms of competition, excitement, and capturing cultural interest, and that should embarrass the triple AAA industry like Ubisoft and EA."

Do you agree with him Yas Forums? (This is not a thinly veiled youtuber e-celeb thread, just a thread about the state of the industry.)

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He's wrong because RE2 Remake was decent but 7 remake is trash

>have nostolgia for old game
>company sells it to you again
>retards buy it and go on about how old game good, new games bad
>wtf how could industry do this

I agree with him being a fat fuck that can't game-end himself any sooner.

seething barry

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Hate that fat cunt and his annoying voice
Still can't comprehend how he has an audience at all

jim had not 1 but 2 (two) british trannies on his show last week

seething shill

some might be like me. I've followe jim since destructoid and he was much cooler back then. hell, even anthony burch was cool and conrad was cool. now 10 years later they all became insufferable literal communists who've renounced their former selves but jim still makes a podcast and I need something to do besides drink

this cuck still hasn't died of a heart attack?

>I need something to do besides drink
There's a myriad of things you can do if you just actually try things to find out what you like. The only person holding you back is yourself.

>The only person holding you back is yourself.
I realize this, but I'm really good at it.

E-beggar board when?

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>Want discussion on Yas Forums about remakes and state of industry

>Anons spam and shitpost

Sorry OP.

Ron Workman was the heart and soul of their podcast. It's a fucking travesty that Jim Sterling got big and Ron faded into obscurity.

No, I don't agree with him, he's wrong about everything.

>Ubi & EA literally minding their own business
>fat commy in a dress throws a turd at the window for no reason

Yeah I don't agree with it this time. He'll always be a giant faggot both in body and soul.

>Ron Workman
never hear this name. that might have been just before I started listening. I got on board with HAWP then started reading D-toid and following podtoid with Jim, Anthony, Conrad and Johnathan? Good times, I didn't even play that many games because I only had a PS3 and rented games.

Same but I'm trying to at least learn how to draw as a gateway to trying other things.

>Defending EA and Ubi


>defending a fat crossdressing commie
neck yourself redditfag

They haven't done anything this year. It's out of context. Irrelevant. It's the bland, expected, low hanging fruit, that this fat putrid fuck would actually deliver as something edible. There is a problem however, he's 600 pounds and will swallow anything, but I will not.
in short. Fuck you, retard.

I don't understand why people are actually excited for this
>$60+ for a remake of a twenty year old game that contains 25% of the game
It boggles my mind.

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I would if I believed in current year SE, it'll no doubt be the best selling and beat out RE2remake in sales, but I think a lot of people are going to be sour when they realize they have to spend 60$ on disc one and the gameplay isn't nearly as fleshed out as RE2re.

It won't be going to re3 either because the hype isn't there like it was for re2re, it's much like the original re3 was, positive but middling reception.

tl;dr it will be critically acclaimed but receive a lot of back end criticism for being a part one remake, and all hype will dissolve once disc 2 releases two years later with less content and none of the memorable moments because they changed the story too much and almost all the memorable things from ff7 happen in disc 1 besides Aeriths death, which they might not even keep in.

lol, if only

Dont try to understand, you dont have the IQ to process that.

look at that fat, stupid, piece of shit dressing like a retard. And you're going to listen to his opinion? How fucked are you in the head?

it's for people that want to be trendy nerds


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>i posted a porn crop lol u got fucking OWNED
You need to be 18 or older to post here.

me: Fuck all of you I haven't bought a single video game in 6 years but I'm going to buy a ps4 to play ff7R. Because I love the original. You're all fags. I want to fuck Yuffie.

>I want to fuck Yuffie.
Your post was fine until this. I don't like Tifa because of her boobs, I just fucking love fist combat and cute girls are a plus

>Because I love the original.
No you don't, otherwise you wouldn't support this poor excuse of a "remake"

I don't like a lot of games that come out, but I can at least understand why people would buy them. There is no reason for FF7R.

Not only does he dress like a dipshit but he is also a pathetic cuck with an atrocious idiolect and invalid opinions about everything.

good goy. I'll consider depositing a shekel in your account as a reward

>giving money to square and epic

>Buying a console for a single game
>One that's not even exclusive
>But everyone else is the fag

Share more with us, time traveler.

>played original in 2010 because I never bothered beforehand and played games like Twisted Metal, Crash games, and Mortal Kombat instead on ps1
>don't remember anything about it at all aside from a few things here and there
>play the demo of ff7 remake
>everything is pretty good, really like it
>characters have character
>play the original
>less dialogue
>characters don't have as much character
>atb gauge takes 10 years to fill and because of this the fights don't feel anywhere near as good as the remake
>people complain about the demo being too easy when it's pretty on par with the original in terms of difficulty

> one of the most critically acclaimed games of the year if not THE most
Nah it's gonna be TLOU or Cyberpunk.
Journos are gonna shit on 7 for being only part 1.

I don't think that's true since you're here posting lmao

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oh, you're right
*poor fag
might be more accurate.

This guy is toast if he gets the corona.

Must make you seethe that I have the $80 edition preordered


the "my boss made me do something not in my job description today, and I don't have much going on in life, so I'll vent my frustration online" crowd. All signing in.

I'm not mad, just really confused.

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Not that user but why are you confused that someone is buying the remake?

As if, reading comprehension level 0 kun, did you not read that this will be the first game I'll have bought in years?

why are you so mad bby?

Like I said in my original post, you're paying $60+ for an incomplete game. If SE is lucky enough to actually make a profit this time then who knows how long it'll take for the second part, and so on, to come out.

hello square shill

>Lying on an anonymous Brazilian motorboating image board

>you're paying $60+ for an incomplete game.
Its a complete game.

>Midgar only
I think said it best

>part of a story isnt considered a full game

Enjoy being bitter and angry while people are having fun when it comes out in April

The Midgar section was only one part of the story in FF7. This game makes the whole story around Midgar. No matter how you frame it, it's incomplete.

>This game makes the whole story around Midgar
No it doesnt. It coves the first story arc, which is different.

>"Fellowship of the Ring isn't a complete movie because originally LOTR was one story!"

>I'm confused as to why people are spending money on this, can someone explain the appeal?
>Lmfao seethe and cope while I have fun
Ok user.

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If you consider loud retard and thirsty thot character then sure

Because FFXV was so bad in terms of quality that this seems like a good idea.

>inb4 Barry spams his stale copypasta yet again

>There is simply no way Final Fantasy 7 Remake won't be this years Resident Evil 2 Remake.
>said during a year where RE3make is coming out
What did he mean by this?

imagine fellowship of the ring would end at frodo leaving the shire. this is how complete this story is faggot. only that square decided to elaborate on the time what frodo was eating, shiting and saying before leaving the shire. total boring bullshit with a guaranteed cliffhanger.
only cumzoomers following the latest trends are interested in that shit and ignorant fools who think this will be next level of entertainment.