Does anyone else wish we were getting the canceled Doom 4 instead of a Doom 2016 rehash?

Does anyone else wish we were getting the canceled Doom 4 instead of a Doom 2016 rehash?

Attached: Doom 4 [Cancelled 2007-2013 Prototype] All gameplay Footage 1-20 screenshotasf.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

>Call of Doomy

Attached: Doom 4 [Cancelled 2007-2013 Prototype] All gameplay Footage 0-19 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 993.84K)

Attached: Doom 4 [Cancelled 2007-2013 Prototype] All gameplay Footage 0-39 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)

Fuck no.

they could have easily made a doom 3 expansion with more level variety, that even fixes the base game's issues like the shotgun and adding more interesting enemies

Literally no one but Call of Duty loving tards like you wanted it.


No game was ever cancelled because it was good. Any good ideas it had were almost certainly utilized in 2016. Would be nice to get a playable build just to see what it was like, though.

wasn't nudoom critizied for being nothing like the old games, with the arena combat, glory kills, rpg mechanics, movement and second health armor bar?

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Attached: doom-4-beta-000099.jpg (1119x680, 133.69K)

>No one has made a Doom wiki page or something for all the cut monsters from Doom 4

Attached: Doom 4 [Cancelled 2007-2013 Prototype] All gameplay Footage 0-57 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

First rule of Yas Forums, never take any opinion of this board seriously. Most of the time, it's an incredibly stupid one.

Attached: doom-4-beta-000125.jpg (1120x700, 106.25K)

Imagine looking at this and going "yup, looks like Doom"

If you were in charge of the new games the franchise would die harder than it nearly did with Doom 3. Thank christ you don't work at id, you tasteless fucking hack.

>Zombie city slickers

Attached: Doom 4 [Cancelled 2007-2013 Prototype] All gameplay Footage 0-33 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Wait a minute.

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you sound like a progressive who'll eat shit just because it's in front of them. ANY fucking time a series tries to progress in ways that involve story or realism it ends up shit.

Doom 3 is the best Doom game and it sold really well and was very successful, the screeching about it being 2spooky is revisionist history shit like Youtubers trying to make people think the Sonic Adventure games are bad.
That's literally the kind of logic that Miyamoto used when ruining Paper Mario

Attached: doom-4-beta-000124.jpg (1120x700, 97.17K)

Attached: doom4_concept4.jpg (1024x576, 127.3K)

Uh? Miysmoto litterally did the opposite, he said "how is this different from previous games?"

LOL OP is an idiot

It only sold well because it had "Doom" in its name, moron. When it came out it was met with almost endless ridicule about how dark and slow it was. It was a big meme to call dark pictures on the internet "Doom 3 screenshots." I fucking hate you Doom 3 hipsters so much. It's the black sheep of the franchise and it always will be. It was outclassed by Half-life 2 that same year, FEAR showed how to do a proper spooky shooter the next year, and Doom 64 literally already did what it tried to do, but way better many years prior. Doom 3 is mediocre as fuck. Also Dead Space is superior to it in every way as well.

I would have liked to see a little Doom side game that would have resembled the original concepts of DOOM before it got simplified to what we have now - a four man squad with far more lethal monsters, limited lives and a fully realized UAC facility on a single map.

Wannabe fags pretend Doom is about running at 60MPH and blowing everything up from the first second. That's the kind of shit you got years after release once everyone played it so much that they can speedrun it all and got used to moving at run speed at all times. Actual gameplay (ie when you're playing it for the first few times) was relatively slow and tactical due to the very tight quarter environments, ambushes and constant monster closets.
Doom 3 is unironically closer to the spirit of Doom than 2016.
That canceled Doom 4 looks like a genuine take on Hell on Earth, just too lacking in the demonic presence.
2016 is a fucking Serious Sam game.

The cancelled Doom was a carbon copy of Resistance, it would be idiotic not to scrap everything.

Thank god they went with the Blizzard manchild aesthetic with Halo as the main character, right?

Beats the boring fucking trash you think "looks good" any fucking day of the week, you hipster faggot.


Please stop posting screenshots. They're putting me to sleep with how dull they look. Literally looks like a million other games.

If this shit actually came out the franchise would have died and it would be considered one of the biggest embarrassments of the gaming industry. This isn't my opinion, this is just straight facts. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Didn't they turn it into Rage?

Nobody does because it looked like fucking garbage. All discussion of it pre release was some flavor of "what a shame that yet another classic franchise is getting revived to become a generic brown and bloom shooter"

this is reaching contrarian levels never before seen. OP, kill yourself NOW

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If when even Bethesda, the "paragons of quality," tells you to scrap something you just know it was REALLY fucking bad.

This it’s like saying the holiday special was the best Star Wars movie

It's not the first time I see threads like this, someone is trying to make this a meme


Doom 4 looked like absolute trash

>generic brown n bloom cod clone
Yeah, no. Only a complete mongaloid would think something so fantastically retarded would be a good idea.

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I wish we would've got Croteam's Doom 4.

Attached: serious-sam-3-bull-png-8.png (925x566, 598.57K)

All of these screenshots look like pure trash. They made the right call cancelling this turd

Croteam needs to stay away from doom

But doom 2016 is serious sam like already


A KF styled multiplayer would have been so much better than the one we got for DOOM 2016.

People who say this don't know what they're fucking talking about. Serious Sam are only similar on the surface. Serious Sam levels are boring and flat with zero verticality, unlike Doom 2016 and Eternal. Serious Sam is just pressing backwards while shooting until everything is dead while Doom encourages you to get in close and use your air mobility to your advantage.

D44M wishes it was like Serious Sam.

maybe a few stages on destroyed earth could be good, I mean the oldies did it too, just not all of it.
on another note, im finding all this medieval fantasy shit shown in d44m2 kinda whack

No, because I'm not a fucking faggot.

>rich get richer
>rail gun
Wow so mobile!!


I'd like to play it but the one we got is obviously much better.

>Serious Sam is just pressing backwards while shooting
Sounds like you don't know what are you talking about.

>using rich get richer
>not using savagery, seek and destroy, and dazed and confused
Do you even rip and tear?

Even the fucking Croteam and devolver joke about how much of Serious Sam is just moving backwards, user.

>Doom 3 is unironically closer to the spirit of Doom than 2016.
Mediocre gunplay aside from the plasmagun, worst shotgun in the series, predictable teleporting demons, repetitive proto jumpscares, wanna be halflife with doom paint etc

>He uses overpowered shit and complains about the game being "too easy."

Both of those aren't coming back in the new game because of how broken they both were. Maybe you should stop being a fucking scrub and not use the crutch rune and the crutch gun?

>everything is brown
Looks like 2007 alright. Glad they cancelled this trash.

They went with the Doom aesthetic, which came before Blizzard and Bungie.

unironically hang yourself

this screenshot alone is scarier than most enemies in the remake. It just something about natural lighting with no filters, like cloverfield or something that makes it more appealing.

There's always that one kid.

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