He fucking betrayed us nintenbros
That doesn't seem like a wise place to invest in
He isnt investing in them, he is saving them. Cant wait for another 2 decades of gamestop's cancer
Why? No one can save Gamestop at this point.
Why join a sinking ship?
Thats...kind of shady. Like probably he is milking desperate attempts from GS to stay relevant. But it is almost like a facade for laundry money or something like that. Thay picture of him doesnt help at all
lmao based reggie getting a contract with gamestop so he can siphon their last bit of money from them
Based Reggie turning GameStop into a global chain of Nintendo Stores
Huh... wonder if he's gonna pull them out of the gutter.
he is the hero gamestop needs, but not the one it deserves.
He's only making their bodies ready for the end of Gamestop.
I think he's there to cure the cancer. That said, not even he is powerful enough to save gamestop.
he probably just wanted to know what shit exactly is going on behind the scenes at Gamestop management which is causing the business to fail and depending on that, might try to think of a way to save the company
Buy GameStop stock, bros
I'm all for someone fixing Gamestop. Sure, their sales practices can be a pain in the ass, but I think there is still a place for brick and mortar specialty stores. The disappearance of Toys R Us has shown me what a trainwreck it can be having less options available.
>no refunds!
Maybe the bitch was fat and ugly.
This is obviously what's going on and the retard just assumed it was because the fat cunt was black. Probably made a big deal of her "brown color" when he "rebuked it" so the kid equates brown people and obesity now.
>advised to never, ever think
I welcome it. I buy all my games digitally but I always get my sister physical copies as gifts in case she ever gets her own fucking Switch. The store near me closing down makes it a bitch to find things.
Realistically what suggestions would you have for Gamestop?
The only logical thing I could think of is shut down the stores and basically become Steam. Put out loads of opportunities for good deals and sales on video games. Get indy developers a chance to showcase their games, etc.
>5 years old
wait what?
you buy your sister games that she can't play?
don't snap at young kids whatever you do
if you snap at them that will just deeply ingrain whatever behaviour you tried to "correct" inside them
t. had a mum that snapped at me for spending too much time on a GBA I recieved from a relative on christmas
now I spend all day on the computer
Now you can literally go into a Gamestop and ask to see the manager until you speak to Reggie.
spoiler alert the outcome would had been the same if she didn't
pretty sure Gamestop is paying him, not the other way around.
What many fail to understand is that most of what makes a person a person, including their behavior, is in their genes.
You cannot resist your genes. He was destined to be a computer obsessed neet regardless of his mother's feeble attempts at influence.
You are your genes.
they are still the best source of used games, I bought a stack of PS3 games for cheap from their online store. have a pretty decent warranty and very lax on returning used games if something was wrong, it's basically no questions asked. I have the option of mailing them back or simply going to a nearby gamestop to get the credit back fully. you don't have those options or accountability from ebay/craiglist sellers. I don't want the stores to go away, that would be a huge hit to the used games market. even if they turned into an online only store, it would greatly reduce their reach and availability, less trade ins means less inventory and higher prices
how will nintenbros NOT buy from gamestop now?
I think he's playing his luck. He's had a good run but it's time to settle in on the retirement before he gets metoo'd
I don't entirely agree - I think the snapping and other habits are mostly formed by genes. I think however they are strongly reinforced and become almost impossible to break habits however the longer they go unchecked.
But, yes, the temperament of kids are mostly the result of their genes and parents really shouldn't be too worried. One also should not blame their parents for their misgivings. Or, at least get over it and not hate them for it.
He doesn't have anything to do with nintendo dumb ass, he retried from that company.
>leave the most successful company in the world to join blockbuster 2.0
what's wrong with him?
>yfw the Reg somehow single handedly saves the company while cutting down on its scummy practices
This sounds like the kid isn't racist (no 5 year old magically is unless their parents are), he just wanted to say something to get his parents to react. They probably don't give him enough attention. So snapping at the kid was like positive reinforcement. He's going to keep doing it because it causes a reaction. If they parents just said, "You shouldn't think that" and left it alone he probably wouldn't say it again. In fact he would try to get them riled up a different way. Doesn't solve the real problem but what they did, did not help.
Gamestop has closed a majority of stores near me.
I didn't even know when to dumpster dive
All Reggie knows is scummy practices.
racism is natural
Thats what they want everyone to think.
I wouldn't be suprised if that kind if unconscious bias came as a result of popular media the kid watched. But it's likely he'll grow out of it in time regardless.
what kind of popular media makes you hate blacks?
If this man implemented the p zone I trust him with GameStop
that's not true, they just can't be solely a brick and mortar store. everything is moving to digital, they have more than enough capital to change directions. What that direction would be? I couldn't even begin to speculate.
It's less "hate" and more "biased" against blacks, but any media that enforces negative stereotypes against them. A popular example would be worldstar videos, but I don't think a kid would probably be watching that. Again, I don't think the kid is racist or anything, and he'll likely drop these biases as he gets older.
The news.
he should have joined sega instead
There wouldn't be much of a point, Sega of America doesn't do all that much nowadays since Sega of Japan still doesn't want to work with them, especially after that whole Sonic Boom disaster.
You don't think it's natural for people to dislike those who are different than them? Why do you think a five-year-old can't defaultly think like that?
So SoA is pretty much around just to translate and run the twitter? That's sad.
if reggie convinces gamestop to bring back 10% or 20% discount on used games, CAG16, and lower used prices to more than $5 off a new games price that would be a good step. Can be better though
Why the fuck would you tweet about this?
attention and pitty
based girl
If it's not fun, why bother?
He's not going to save him, that's not how late stage capitalism works. He's going to help pillage as much as possible from the decaying corpse, put the company into massive debt, and then crash the company into the ground and leave a lot of people unemployed.
hows it bernin
>I put the fear of God in him tonight
Now he's racist and antichrist. nice dad