When did you realize dark souls 2 was the best souls game ever?
When did you realize dark souls 2 was the best souls game ever?
people who mention earthen peak to iron keep transition as nonsensical out themselves as low imagination brainlets.
why when people wouldn't shut up about it of course
first souls game to win goty
It's not, the best is Demons.
OP here, I agree desu I like Demon's Souls a lot, but Dark Souls 2 still has it's own brand of souls.
>When did you realize Other M was the best Metroid game ever?
Actually for me it's DaS1 = DeS > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3.
Shit art direction. Shit levels. Shit game.
I only date women who prefer 2 to 3.
>n-no argument
Only arguments you fags had was earthen peak and you just got btfo
Both Demon's and Dark 1 won goty awards long before 2 was ever made
More blatantly false DS2 apologist propaganda
The lothric part of this really depresses me
Then may you be blessed with cute waifus user.
BB = DaS ≥ DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
with DaS and DeS interchanging spots depending on my mood
Post picture of miyazaki with the awards for demons or dark1, otherwise stfu
In all honesty, dark souls 3 had it's moments, but it really shows how miyazaki was probably forced to do it, when bloodborne and sekiro both had their own unique aspects, dark souls 3 was just regurgitated stuff with no effort behind it whatsoever.
>just pump points into adp lol
Game is a joke after you get like 30 adp
No it isn't, but it does have the most soulful NPCs in the franchise.
>adp excuse
I finished the game with base adp as a sorcerer, if you need to pump adp before the game becomes playable then I suggest you stick to playing skyrim on easy mode.
im still angry about ds3 and lack of lore in it. No answers, just more shitty questsion, fully skipping serpents, demons, animal bosses. Just, why.
People hated this segment but It was honestly an incredibly unique experience.
Feels like some bootleg version of dark souls
Ignoring the OP bait shit, I actually like 2 but I never thought the NPCs in 2 were soulful desu, Dark Souls 1 had more memorable NPCs for me, Laurentius, Siegmayer and Solaire are some very memorable NPCs.
2 barely has any NPCs that do anything for me desu
Finally an agreeable post in this thread
i bet you used a thrusting sword and hexes, you absolute god gamer PLEASE fuck my wife
>above anything
I bet you think the remaster of DaS is worth every penny.
The linearity is shit, but I do despise how autistic people are about it.
It's not like there weren't a multitude of fun late game weapons that were out of reach in DaS. It's understandable that people want the option of doing a level in a different order each run but the value in that is exceedingly overblown.
It was one of those things that was really cool at first but an absolute piece of shit to do a second time and beyond. Grinding for a 2nd Bone Fist sucked fucking dick.
When I first played it
I agree. I fucking hated the goddamn snow thunder horses, but they really nailed the desolate feel. There's no area quite like it in Souls.
One thing I wish tho, is that that area had a good boss instead of lmao2cat
>using an atrribute
>getting DS3 iframes
Ds2fags everyone
I agree.
DS3 was indeed a lot more linear, but on the upside it has by far the best progression.
DS1 suffers a lot on this, especially Anor Londo. Whichever Lord you choose first will be hard, second will be so-so, last two will be piss easy due to the accumulation of levels
Seriously, what gets me is these same idots who criticize DaS2 love Bloodborne which had a literal ocean above a clock tower in the dlc. Hell in the stream I watched of it one of the enemies glitched out and fell from the sky at one point.
wait wait, so you're complaining that pumping adp makes the game super easy, then you're comparing the pumped adp to dark souls 3 iframes?
You can't claim 1 game is shit for one reason and then say it's ok when another game does it. My point was, adp wasn't important, it never was, unless you're shit then they implemented it as a crutch for weaker players.
It's ok bro it's all a dream. But your world can't also be a dream, no it needs to make perfect sense.
Not shitting on DaS2 but with bb isn't the whole game world some sort of dream state or some shit? At least it's jsutifiable there?
It's not, but it is very underrated. It's more flawed than the rest of the Fromsoft games, but I think it's great in other ways.
>what gets me is these same idots who criticize DaS2 love Bloodborne which had a literal ocean above a clock tower in the dlc
The game establishes that the nightmares have layers. You can literally see the initial area of TOH through the ocean, and the ship masts of the Hamlet poking through the fog near Amygdala's arena in the Frontier, and the Nightmare of Mensis perched on a mountain from the Frontier. DaS2's Earthen Peak is just a complete lack of regard for environmental design and consistency.
They should have had ice'd up monster like the deer or the various iced hollows. That would have been so much better than 2cats.
This pic is misleading in how it the connecting lines between areas are drawn shorter for Dark Souls 3. It make it seem like the game world is smaller when this is untrue. DaS3 has about as many areas in the base game as either of it's predecessors. Since warping is available from the start, there wasn't any need for areas to connect or loop back on themselves.
>DaS2's Earthen Peak is just a complete lack of regard for environmental design and consistency.
Ignoring the OP pic and the subsequent pic, those two pics are based on the actual level design from the dark souls map viewer app.
It's not about being shorter, it's that the lines stemming off the main path don't split further, no one is arguing that the world isn't large enough or that it's small, it's all about linearity and choice in where to go.
Except you can clearly see that there is no mountain or volcano anywhere near earthen peak
That's a dream realm you fucking retard. You see the hunters nightmare beneath the ocean.
>enemy fell from the sky
I assume you mean the snail creature in which case this is either bait or you're actually retarded.
There's still nothing connecting the two areas in your pic
>or you're actually retarded.
you're talking to a ds2fag
the or isn't necessary
I think the real point is to show how linear the game is compared to the other two which killed it for many people like myself. In DaS2 you could rush to many different areas to pick up the gear for a given build but in DaS3 you're forced to go through the same areas again and again each playthrough in mostly the same order.
Why are Dark Souls 2 fans such faggots? Who cares all the games have their strengths and weaknesses now shut the fuck up. Saged
lemme just translate this for everyone who doesnt speak loser: "god why does the souls game i like suck so much compared to dark souls 2 please stop pointing this fact out"
It's a natural defensive reaction to the massive amount of shitposting that surrounds this game. Kind of like whats happening now.
>Hell in the stream I watched of it one of the enemies glitched out and fell from the sky at one point.
That's not a glitch. That's a scripted event that establishes the multilayered nature of the Nightmare. The very level above it is the Hamlet where you found these very snail women. Holy shit, you are a brainlet.
The problem with the transition is that it feels like a level was cut between them, it's not farfetched since Mitra's room is in the middle of the tower, not the top.
A similar thing happens with Dragon's Aerie and Hilde's Tower.
The game was meant to be a lot bigger, but that was changed mid-development, a lot was cut from the beta, including the astrology covenant among other things.
it's a testament to the attention to detail that game has
In always took it as some kind of contrarian reverse bait.
When it game out the game was heavily despised because Yas Forums had an immense amount of hype for a souls sequel.
Today it's basically accepted that souls games will just be made as different IPs with slight experimental variation, but back then it was commonly believed that From was going to just release DaS with improvements.
People expected DaS, but with all the bullshit fixed, what they got was a weird mess .
Then Bloodborne was announced, turned out to be the more "complete" souls follow up. The fact that it was exclusive to PS4 basically broke Yas Forums's mind for a good number of years.
Supposedly each area was basically a level connected via a sort of open world zone they would have added. This makes sense given the locations appear far from each other on the Drangliec map.
But that director change really fucked it all up. They should have honestly just done a Demon's Souls and made the Thing in Betwyx a Nexus equivalent.
Spear of the Church is genuinely the worst fucking bossfight in the series. I just spent 5 minutes chasing a cunt around that did nothing but run away and roll which of course in Dark Souls 3 means that coupled with lag he's unkillable. I got comboed to death by the painting guardian. ADP is seven million times better than this fucking dogshit of a dodge system.
>game forces you to kiss the floor before a woman throughout the game
are they trying to give us femdom fetish?
When I became a brainless PVP faggot who didn't care at all about good lore, PVE or art design. Same as every other DaS2 fan.
Every single woman who has played Dark Souls has a cock.
based, pvpchads where we at?
Yes? Was there a point to your post?
The land is FUCKED and OUT OF PLACE
Shi in DS doesn't have to match up in linear time, place or hell even progression
It's Wapanese animu magic and just be happy the games are ok. Better than getting plastered with more sony exclusive fuck nuttery
ok memehacki
i liked all the souls games desu, never gonna understand this war with the games, im always comming back to play some DaS, 2 and 3