>Square seized a decade-in-the-making mod right before completion >released it on Steam with achievements and shit >stopped it from working with older versions of the game (there are workarounds) >uses its models as a reference for new promotional stuff (pic related, clearly traced from the mod rather than the OG game)
Revision ain't bad for a run or two but did they address to the issue of some doors being there purely for show without you being able to open them?
Cooper Gonzalez
Wasn't Deus Ex was full of doors that couldn't be opened? I remember being bothered by New York having many buildings you couldn't explore
Caleb Wilson
investing 50 million dollars into a sequel that came 5 years later and expecting it to top the charts despite doing little marketing and ruining release press by adding mtx at the last minute
Dylan Perry
As someone who's played DX to death, and even played all kinds of standalone fan mods (The Nameless Mod, Nihilum, 2027) is Revision worth revisiting?
Kayden Thompson
Aug lives matter
Levi Sanchez
Serious answers only.
Levi Bell
You got it
Adrian Barnes
This. People will regurgitate shit about review copies, video card shit, etc etc. The real reason it bombed is they tried to piggyback an inorganic political movement. See Wolf 2 for another spectacular marketing disaster.
Anthony Moore
>Square seized a decade-in-the-making mod right before completion ????
Dominic Taylor
Shitty marketing and loss of interest of even their biggest fans. Basically their own fans killed the series.
Fucking retard. Sometime i wonder if you shitposting faggots even played HR.
Nolan Russell
You people live in a fucking bubble.
Square had absurd expectations for MD, which was a great game that ended out of nowhere on a cliffhanger.
Liam Taylor
>that pink tamponfilter ah yes, just the color I associate with cyberpunk.
Revision is an abomination.
Ian Nelson
Keep seething
Kevin Diaz
>they kept fixing and expanding it Kek, it looks as shitty as always, can't believe they managed to make it look even worse than the original.
Samuel Morris
Imagine attaching your IP to the black equivalent of Charlottesvile.
That did not age well at all.
Julian Wood
Landon Martin
Of course they didn't. All they remember about it is seething at some promotional material.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Actually the Revision guys didn't make the new models. They just took models from the Project HDTP mod.
Nathaniel Cooper
FUCKING HOMERUN CHIPPERSON! Good job providing no refutation. And yeah, to people trapped by their own ineptitude, I imagine it looks like everyone on the outside is in a bubble. Complete retardation.
Lucas Gomez
Dylan Gomez
>the black equivalent of Charlottesvile You people actually believe this? lmao
Also, mentioning something is not an endorsement and in fact the pro-aug faction has a bunch of extremists.
Isaac Jackson
Landon Hernandez
It was a tiny detail in one single piece of concept art. Just because you got triggered so hard that it's still the most prominent thing on your mind when you see or hear anything about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided four years after it released that doesn't mean normal people ever cared.
Josiah Rogers
Brandon Jenkins
lmao that was such a fucking shitshow Worse than EA preorder shittery
Cooper Ross
Contrary to popular belief, being a gullible reddit tourist who greedily swallows every talking point granddaddy r/T_D pumps down his eager throat has never been a requirement for talking about video games on Yas Forums.
Grayson Green
I can't tell if you're joking, hardly anybody gave a shit about "augs live matter" but you faggots
Justin Scott
>releasing a shitty sequel to the original game >releasing a shitty prequel to the original game >having Adam Jensen as a protagonist because he's a boring overpowered character >having said protagonist in two games while jc Denton is the protagonist in only one >Churning out a cash grab game that was literally cut in half and filling it with greedy business practices such as microtransactions, one-time use items, that shitty VR hacking mode that feels like a greedy mobile game and DLC missions that were clearly chopped from the main game to sell separately >Releasing said game 5 years after the previous one, so lots of interest in the series died out >Making the story and events of the prequel games not fit nicely with the original game, angering autists and continuityfags alike
it's not like it's the first tier-based preorder scheme, SE genuinely thought people would gladly eat that shit up
Camden Adams
It should never have had a sequel. The whole concept was to run the gamut or prevailing conspiracies at the time which it did. There's no where you can take it from there without resorting to contrived crap which is what the sequels were.
Jacob Campbell
>you people
And yes actualy. Divisive identiy politics and a president creating more racial division IS equivalent to charlottesvile.
Unless youre implying im being too harsh on charlottesvile, that the negativity towards it was overblown.
Anthony Barnes
where's the lego packet
Lincoln Thomas
>Also, mentioning something is not an endorsement and in fact the pro-aug faction has a bunch of extremists.
So you're saying they were right on the money?
Josiah Anderson
Let me guess, "all lives matter" huh
Andrew Myers
Life Is Strange
Aiden Harris
I don't know, why don't you play it and find out :^)
Jason Richardson
Come on, if you played the game you know that was actually pretty redpilled You discover how the whole "humans vs augs" thing is pushed by elites through manipulated media, and half the augs you're supposed to feel sympathetic to are literal junkies and/or ruthless terrorists You're misguided by the fake parallel with current identity/race politics, while it's more of a classist issue and even then it's more convoluted than that Augmented people weren't born like that and they can rejoin society at any given moment, they just need to give up on their augs (something you clearly can't do with race) Yet they refuse, becoming slaves expansive drugs for the rest of their lives while endangering the life of normal citizens (they already went berserk and killed millions of innocents once) Lots of augmented people were forced to "upgrade" to keep their job, yet many rich people also went full robocop and they're now too selfish to reject their augs Roughly 90% of augs chose the cripple life rather than being a danger to society
The game doesn't really take a side, it's a complex matter with many conflicting factions and motives and you're mad because some asian marketing guy stole a catchphrase from a real life movement (which ironically made countless of "woke" "people" mad all over the internet)
Daniel Hughes
Yes all lives matter.
Angel Anderson
>they tried to piggyback an inorganic political movement. See Wolf 2 for another spectacular marketing disaster. Oh yeah, speaking of inorganic political movements, as if your disingenuous pearl clutching over Nazi punching wasn't exactly that.
Aaron Ramirez
Maybe people didnt want current day politics in a game set in the future?
Hunter Morgan
You just told me yours doesn't.
Brayden Davis
>replaying deus ex recently >find out you can encounter MJ12 as early as the third fucking level there is STILL shit in this fucking game I've never done before, goddamn
Anthony Reyes
If you can't handle one throwaway reference then you need to sort yourself out. Besides, it's not like people nine years from now will no longer know what BLM was, or fail to see parallels to their own struggles.
Evan Bell
If you mean the old ones, terminal consolitis. For the new ones, I ignored MD because they tried to push single player MTX with it. Don't know about anyone else.
Half the game wraps around the us versus them plot line. Im not talking about that one line, im talking about the entire parallel in a scifi game.
Maybe people dont want to hear about current politics all the time. Maybe they just want to play video games to escape from that. Maybe thats why it helped it fail.
Also to the point of attaching a political movement to your game. If blade runner romanticized the IRA (if they were closer in time period) I would think less of it.
Justin Kelly
Because you're very obvious. And the fact that you called a janny to help you because of the no no word is the most telling sign of your newcuckery.
Kevin Reed
>Maybe people didnt want current day politics in a game set in the future? Good thing they didn't get it at all then, it was just a single phrase used during marketing. >but You didn't even judge a book by its cover, you judged it by a facebook ad because you thought it was pandering to a group you don't like. That group hated the "pandering" so much they literally boycotted the product (marketing guys had to publicly apologize), while the game itself shits countless times on the folks you thought they were dicksucking.
Carson Harris
Same talking points? Do you start arguements about BLM often?
Charles Wilson
That's not even his default look, you need to go out of your way to enable that model. Also
Blake Clark
Sounds like it actually did hurt the sales then.
Also, I dont know why but you seem quick to attribute an opinion or position to posts. Not wanting current politics doesnt mean you have to be on a "side" with radical hatred for the other. In fact it sounds like you are projecting your own insane thoughts.