So now that the dust has finally settled...was it kino?

So now that the dust has finally settled...was it kino?

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No it was 2shorto and unfinishedo

You could've just said "it was too short and unfinished" but instead, for some reason, you said "2SHORTO AND UNFINISHEDO" and on top of that, you used your name to post this. What is this attention seeking behavior? It's really strange.


It was a very good video game. The idea of having skills talk to you feels like something that has been missing from RPGs for years.

How much fucking time do you spend on this board?

cringekino post

Not enough.

It's flawed but might be important to the genre. Breath of fresh air.

As an interactive novel, very good. As a video game, it's just ok.

>meme shitting underaged dectected


Yeah it was pretty good

Yes it was kino, but the ending sucked and sorta just happened. Sure you solved the case and I know you can't have a climactic or epic boss fight in a game like this, but you literally started a gang war which never gets mentioned afterwards.

>Responding to tripfags

I actually liked that because I played as an insane cop who believed all things supernatural and thought everything was connected to the case. If you want foreshadowing then the cryptozoologists' quest was it.

Yessss albeit way too long of a game for the style of game it is. I started eventually skipping words upon words of text at the end. Too many words to care when I had already felt that I got my money’s worth. I couldn’t believe how many words the game expected you to read. I won’t lie I could not wait for the game to end, but that doesn’t mean I regretted it. An 8 out of 10 mad decent!


Not really. Overhyped, boring and short. There is the usual bullshit about SJW/politics, but that's normal. Actual discussion is impossible too, too many people react emotionally to this shit, and thus attempted trolls are like 90 prevent of everyone in these threads. This is a circlejerk at this point.

>I can see it.

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Imagine how much better the game would be if it didn't have percentage rolls, only flat checks.

No savescumming like this. Except if the player is extra neurotic.

it is absolutly kino, and the dev are adding more content
how about dealing with your actions? bad rolls most of the time don't lock you up of content, and lead to hilarous conversations.


Say that to that one shivers check. This is a bad design choice.

At least initial build defines your playstyle a lot. That's actually good.

Disco Elysium is so goddamn remarkable and memorable. I don’t think I’ll ever forget about it

If you're the type of person who's save scumming, you'd probably look for a max stats cheat in case of flat checks.

Besides... there are only a handful of red checks and white checks can be retried if you unlock new info or increase the corresponding skill.

Not really. It's more of a "you can do it, or you can't". Sets out your playstyle. Here you can roll white checks forever, and you can succeed 10%, and fail 90%. How is wasting time for no reason better than savescumming?

I would understand if all checks were "red", right now it's stupid.

Every game that fucks around with dialogues in cRPGs is important.
Even if made by cringecommies.

>there are only a handful of red checks and white checks can be retried if you unlock new info or increase the corresponding skill.
stupidest fucking use of that part of the game.
and i know you got this opinion from reading it and not it being your own genuine belief. it sounded nice so you parroted it
its a stupid fucked retarded mechanic. wasting points into these checks is fucking retarded way to "use" points.

shit sucked

The shoot out should have been the middle of the game, not the ending.


Thanks, faggot.

I get how trolling works, but is it, like, genuinely thought by anyone that the devs are communists? They obviously made a joke at the fucking VGA.

Also, no, not every CRPG is good. Deadfire was boring. So was Outer Worlds. And that's just Obsidian. Telling a story isn't easy, and Disco Elysium's whole thing is just "everything is shit, you can roleplay it, too". That's not engaging.

>picked the game blind
>in first 30 minutes it becomes obvious that it's done by an ex-USSR kid who witnessed the hellscape of the wild 90s
>extremely bitter and nostalgic about the failure of the communism on top of it
This game feels like it was custom tailored for the people of my generation.

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Excellent game. Planescape Torment for our generation. Dont @ me.


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Only partially.

I did find it decently funny personally.
Having skills that add narrative alongside their intended purpose is a great approach for a story-heavy rpg as well, especially when some start to interact with each other.
And letting failures lead to alternative solutions or a bit of humor is also a nice touch, but also not used often enough.

But its skill balance is quite poor, quite a few skills don't even get (useful) skillchecks. They don't quite make sense at all times either, Shivers takes perception's role at a key moment for example. And the better skills tend to be overused for checks.
The thought cabinet is a neat idea but poorly implemented, most are just not worth the skill points for what they offer, they can easily be missed, and you can't even see in advance if they're beneficial to your current run without checking the wiki.
The story has the old tell-tale games issue of making you think you have more choice than you do, but just ends up railroading you into a few binary choices.
And the story is also fairly boring and anti-climactic. I'd say most of the writing shines in the inner monologue parts, but rarely beyond that.
The political commentary is crap, it tries to make fun of several ideologies but can't even properly describe most of them. Also who the fuck is a Moralist in 2020? And they confuse centrists with conservatives, blindly repeat the "democratic socialists" myth and plenty more stupid nonsense. I think they genuinely used the Communist Manifesto as an introduction to politics...

That scene stuck with me. I can't recall the last time a game was so thoroughly and at times comically depressing, but still manages to turn it around and make me feel hopeful.

It's not very Soviet, stylistically. Except going around with a plastic baggy, that's absolutely Soviet. Everything else can pass for generic modern fantasy.

About to start first playthrough
Thinking about 5 psyche, 3 physical, and 2 intelligence and motorics. Look good? Which skill to pick btw?

its a white check and it gets reopened constantly, almost every quest you end gives you +1 to it. There's nothing wrong with it, you can speedrun it if you have the proper stat, or you have to keep exploring the game.

Go 1 physical, it's useless. It's important to fix the lightbulb in the beginning, or there will be consequences. Protip, this.

Stylistically, no. But underlying ideas become clear to anyone who was born during the Perestroika during your first conversation with Lena already.

Replace my physical points in intelligence or motorics? Also how does the time system work? Should I be worried about wasting time in dialogue?

Good for one playthrough.
Following playthroughs are kinda pointless even if you respec because quests all stay the same and all you're gonna get are a few token extra lines for espousing different ideologies.

I actually had an IRL philosophy professor who was fond of postmodernism and openly disparaging of literally everything else. She was very fat.

Reading the "communist manifesto" isn't how this particular brand of degeneracy gets started, I think. Although it might be, Mao in particular was a pretty crazy dude. His manifesto for real provokes blowing shit up.

-INT is really good if you wanna learn about the case and the world in general.
-PSY is really fun and gives you a ton of ways to answer/personalize your cop.
-PHY is really good for speedrunning, keeping you alive against some surprise checks and to be a general badass, it also has shivers, which is really nice once you start to "get it".
-MOT is nice to have overrall, consider always 2 here,unless you want to be really clumsy with everything.

Overall your experience will be shaped by what you level up and what you answer more than your intial stats, but they matter.

I'd say, if you want to explore the world, INT, if you wanna have fun in general, PSY, and if you wanna be a dick first time, PHY.

it advances slightly every time you choose a dialogue option
also unless you're making absolutely no progress in the case don't worry too much about it, it's not a super big deal outside of some optional side stuff

Plenty of time. Adhere to major deadlines, everything else is pretty much irrelevant.


yes. I still think about it even though I played it on release and the OST is fucking great.

The rundown city reminded me a bit of places I've been to in Russia in the 2000s. I could tell the artist was eastern euro too from the way he drew the portaits, but I couldn't say why.

it's the Ilya Repin influence. you really can't unsee it once you realize it.

pain threshold should be the man from bladerunner 2049

which is the most underrated skill and why is it esprit de corps?

Forgot about Repin, you're totally right.

I am literally Russian, the fuck you're smoking. But maybe, I am an uncultured swine and had to look the artist up.

It doesn’t come out of nowhere, though.

I'm Russian but honestly Revachol looks more like eastern Europe.
Maybe except the abandoned church and surroundings, i've been to similar place not far away from my home town.

>how about dealing with your actions?
I've seen you guys discuss the game shamelessly admitting that you save scum. There's no excuse to shit percentage rolls.

absolutely, great game

Beautiful game, I still think about it all the time

I just wanted a noir thriller game instead of political game with commie bias.

Absolutely great scene, especially with the music.

Fucking kill yourself

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I like that it reward you for going off the rails in dialogues and the characters were interesting but the main plot was weak as hell and also too short.

>tripfaggot with no taste
that really updated my filter