Dear god Rean shut the fuck up already about your gay little 50 mira coin you got from being buttfucked by that fag...

Dear god Rean shut the fuck up already about your gay little 50 mira coin you got from being buttfucked by that fag friend of yours god you make so much more than that from one random battle against trash mobs GOD WHAT A HACK SERIES THIS IS FUCK YOU KONDO YOU FUCKING HACK

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Should've heeded warnings when they were first given.

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>they knew all the way back in 2017

>/fg/ has been around sice 2017
I refuse to believe this.

Yeah, Sen is literal shit in digital form.

Think it was actually around with the worldwide release of Trails SC in 2015, before the election years.

Was it? Felt like it was after CS PC ports.

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CS1 & 2 interface were much better, why is every vital info in the battle interface so fucking small? I can't read shit.



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/fg/ started in July 2017 to contain all the Kiseki thread spamming that resulted from the leaked Zero translation.

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Looks like it's going to have to do its original job again soon, what with Geofront's tranny-slation on the horizon.



A friend and I started playing Cold Steel 1 together and I mentioned the "Haha..." meme to him and he didn't think it would be that prolific. Now we're a couple hours in and he knows.

I'm sure Yas Forums's gonna have a total melty regardless ripping apart the "localization". On other thoughts, has anyone seen how hard Geofront's hyping up their release? They're hyping it up harder than some companies do for their games, it wraps around back to being pathetic.

Nah, the general is long past its good old days. CS4, publishing drama, and the pace of English releases slowing to a crawl killed most of the hype surrounding Falcom.

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They should have just cut the dating sim elements and just made Crow Sen's Joshua. Openly gay protags could have been interesting.


Soon kisekibros...

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You could have played them already.

God I want to fuck Laura so bad.

imagine the online upheaval

Recently at work I've been adding "haha" to a lot of my informal textual communication

People seem to think I'm competent and I even got a promotion recently haha

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I want her to fuck me

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Reminder that there are two Reans now

That's our Rean indirectly helping user with his social career haha


No fucking way

If I see even a comma out of place after the literal years of wanking off how perfect their professional quality release is going to be, I'm shitposting any mention of it

You could shitpost their meme-pandering translations that are already present, instead.

>leaked Zero TL and Ao spreadsheet released within a month of each other
it was truly a time to be alive

what's with CS4 and what publishing drama

Was the Hermit Rean after all?

Maybe. We know that Crow personally knows who the Hermit is, and that a dude wearing Rean's CS4 outfit (which, reminder, it was made for only Rean to wear) shows up facing off against Rean. Might not be the same people, but who knows.

>Hermit is actually timetravelling Rean
oh no no no

That's our Rean for you, haha...

CS really has fucked it all up beyond repair, then?

People that defend Rean should be gassed.

Become a part of the 41%


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And 3rd earlier in the year.

CS4 sucked and NISA getting CS3 caused a lot of initial drama given how badly they fucked up Ys VIII.

I can't take Towa seriously as a character. A part of me could understand awkward little girl genius in Tita and big brain mastermind in Renne because she's so fucked up mentally, but Towa just takes me out of it.

This little ass girl can do everything pretty much flawlessly and lead a bunch of military students and personnel no problem? And she fucking sounds and looks like that? Get the fuck out of here. I know it's just an anime game and who fucking cares, but god she sucks.

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No one likes Towa.

Cold Steel definitely introduced some really silly characters like Sharon, McBurn, Towa, and a few others.

cs4 can't possibly be worse than cs2

Towa is actually the only Sen character I like.

Well, let's put it this way: CS4 is to CS3 what CS2 was to CS1.


t. Kondo

haha, wow what a story Machias.

I'd only be Toshinori "Estelle and Joshua were embarassing" Kondo if I said Rean, haha.
I do like Celine as well, though I don't know how I'll take brown loli catgirl in chuuni clothes Celine, which I would love anywhere else, but here I'm not so sure. How didn't they completely delete Emma from canon after that?


Apparently enough people like her for them to literally copypaste her into another IP.
Except now shes both your cousin and your teacher because this chick didn't have enough anime gimmicks before.

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The only thing wrong with Mcburn is that he's related to Reans stupid Ogre bullshit

Haha Thors is still the same as ever I see

Honestly you could remove Towa from TX and literally nothing would change.
