This game really should've gotten more love. I've been having a blast and there's so much shit to do...

This game really should've gotten more love. I've been having a blast and there's so much shit to do. It's really clear how much care and detail the developers put into the game.

Attached: prey.jpg (570x400, 47.04K)

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Its a shame really. Great game just no need to be reusing that old ip name.

>it was a dream
now you realise why no one liked it

Absolutely, the game is really really good and deserved 2017 goty award

I loved it, definitely an 8/10. It's biggest flaw is lack of enemy variety, but that's pretty forgivable. Closest thing we'll get to a new System Shock.

It's cheap as fuck these days, too.

boring enemies

the biggest flaw was that human neuromods were too op. that and its name. should've been name neuroshock or something like that

>Closest thing we'll get to a new System Shock
Until the actual System Shock Remake comes out.

It's not a perfect game.

>enemies are repetetive once you get over the gimmick (mimic lol)
>enemies respawn in all areas when you backtrack but pickups don't
>not enough neuromods to give casuals a taste of some of the better abilities
>several plotholes, people are trapped outside the station, then you get blown out and told the doors have been sealed, like, weren't they sealed before?
>too much backtracking
>restrictive health makes the game too twitchy
>inventory system and menus clunky and unintuitive on console.
>game seems open world at first but starts fucking up if you try to deviate off the storylines set path
>that dude in the conservatory got locked in but when I hacked the door the open door button was right next to him
>it was all a dream lol
I liked it too but it needed more refining to make it more RPG-like.

You mean the ending?

That's gonna be a Never, Ever from me, dog.

Variety is good enough
There are more than enough neuromods, especially with the blueprints

Great game but had 0% immersion due to the audio problems that they never bothered to fix. The Typhon powers outside of Kinetic Blast seemed pretty boring too compared to Shock2's PSI.

What audio problems? I can't recall noticing anything.

Sounds of the menu/using a Typhon power/Morgan getting hit seemed extremely loud compared to the atmospheric volume. Same with dialogue going from TranScribe audio to in-person but it's not as noticable because you don't physically encounter the crew often.

>This game really should've gotten more love.

buggy as fuck
cant sequence break
inventory juggling
"better walk slow because everything can be a monster!!!" kills all will to explore


>love Prey
>cant get into System Shock 2 no matter how hard I try
I dont even know why, it just doesnt click with me.
I only ever got about an hour in, is the first hour or so just really weak compared to the rest of the game or something?

system shock is cancelled

The game takes maybe 2 hours to pick up. Once you start getting some decent gear/psi powers/abilities

You wanna know how I know you're a brainlet?

I feel like it ramps up in enjoyment until Nah. so I'd suggest sticking with it.

System Shock 3 is dead. The System Shock 1 remake is still going, just slowly. The current 2020 release date doesn't seem believable, but they do seem to be working on it.

>It's really clear how much care and detail the developers put into the game
What part was this??

Attached: 1368978109567.png (244x240, 83.62K)

Yes, the ending was awful because it invalidated all the choices you make throughout the game. They could have simply left out the last scene and it actually would have made the game better.

It really does. No game of this particular genre impressed me since SS2. Inb4 Bioshock, I really couldn't get into it. It felt incredibly linear in both gameplay and level design imo. Makes up for it with the narrative, but even then I feel like the opening hours of Prey felt far more seamless and intriguing.

If you played the game, you would know.

Attached: 1561139923186.png (1298x2048, 1.26M)

But your choices literally get weighed up and analysed

>If you played the game, you would know.
Yeah that's what I thought. Such an obvious shill. The game is so bad.

That was Persona 5

Prey had tedious combat on Hard, can’t vouch for the other difficulties. A pain in the ass experience really

kek, my usual playthrough of it is usually 3 hours long. helps that you know all the locations of stuff

Prey 2 never. Nobody played this game. The attention to detail in the narrative was phenomenal. I just wish it had a few more enemies and weapons. I want more reasons to play the game but I have already done everything. I haven't touched it in months.

That DLC standalone game is pretty fucking neat.

they released a couple dlcs, one rogue-like style moon thingy, admittedly I didn't like it much I much preferred the mind blowing original (fully modelled space station, good fucking shit)

There's a painful attention to detail in the game. Lots of things you can miss regarding the narrative, areas in the game, hidden caches you find very early, and certain novel mechanics that might completely be glossed over like the foam dart crossbow being able to open otherwise inaccessible rooms. The art direction, atmosphere and superb sound design is also something that anyone can appreciate even if they didn't like the game.

It felt like they ran out of time/money to make actual branching endings and instead did a voiceover equivalent of a text box ending. It was disappointing. Still one of the best games of the 2010's though.

Even though the Prey name was tacked on at a late stage, I still wish they added some of the original's gravity mechanics. Seeing how it's a space station, the 'wallwalk' platforms would be easy to believe.

>Dark Messiah
>Dishonoured 2
name one studio better than Arkane

>There's a painful attention to detail in the game.
Yeah except when it came to the enemy design, world design, characters, weapons or story. Fuck off.

Ah yes, the weeb has shit opinions as always

Everything you listed is top notch tho

still good attention to detail
3 outcomes to the story anyway: fail, pass or inconclusive

Nah bro, you fuck off. Why are you even in a thread for a game you don't appreciate? I bet you're a Bioshlock fanboy or something.

NuPrey is shit m8, you're just have bad taste

Yes I played and enjoyed the entire game until the ending where because someone said something I now hate it.


Attached: cringe.jpg (480x360, 14.21K)

>Shit enemy designs.
>Shit weapons, jesus christ that bubble weird cannon wtf where they thinking.
>Too much Bioshock INSPIRATION, literally the first 20 mins are a xerox copy with the plasmids machine in the first Bioshock.
>Builds and skills are retarded and shoehorned.
>That fucking ending.

I had such a feeling of time wasted when I finished this crap, jesus.

Persona 5 isn't even a game.

Attached: Persona 5 Cutscenes.jpg (738x302, 105.74K)

What the fuck?

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It needed a Switch port

Everything you just said is wrong.


Sorry man, crappy game, deal with it.


Holy mother of based.


>game tells you that you were replicating what the real Alex did
This is why I never trust Yas Forums's opinions

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Really is one of the best games I've ever played. It's what BioShock should have been.

Unfortunate that's obviously rushed at the end.

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Prey is like 10% Bioshock and 90% System Shock.

Mooncrash is very good imo


Formally of?


>alex was the fat man on the tracks all along

It was garbage only played by reddit

Wait till you get to the final third portion of the game lmao. almost ruined it for me.

Arkane is consistent in both making absolutely amazing games and simultaneously complete dogshit endings that sour the entire experience.

its a real shame they are stuck with jewthesda.

You're thinking of Hollow Knight.

>dogshit endings that sour the entire experience
Such as?


DMOMM, every Dishonored game, Prey.

At this point I'm assuming Arx Fatalis, a game I haven't finished, also throws a couple of lines of dialogue at you, gives you two or three options and then jumps straight into credits.

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>everything is bad
Grow the fuck up.

Oh yes. Top notch everything...

Let's the black squiggly line monster.... the biggoer one of those and then the bigger one of those...

Fire extinguisher is a weapon and so is a shotgun... but it has a LCD on the side that shows the ammo count... TOP NOTCH.

As for characters, there's let's see... Fat Chinese blob man, transgender main character, a bunch of characters you can't see because they are just audio recordings and are all gay for some reason... and uh... someone who had accent and needed medicine. Top Notch.

Also can't forget that one time when military bots got deployed and you'd finally get to fight a whole bunch of awesome mech type enemies bit oh WAIT. All they were was the vending machine bot but with a little tube on it that shot at you.

Yeah top notch everything. A truly Immersive Sim™

Too many lesbians.

>everything is bad

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I just said the games are fucking amazing apart from their endings you illiterate trash can.

No such thing.

I'm obviously talking about the endings, can you not follow your own conversion? the endings are fine, get over it.

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