Name a single video game character who could defeat him

Name a single video game character who could defeat him

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I always wondered what the fuck is that
Please can someone answer me

thanos from fortnite

Looks like a dead dog.


decayed whale corpse

fairly confident my knight build could

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looks like tree root

the answer is always Maxwell

Jackie Chan


SCP-682, better know as - your mom.

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Decayed whale
He is already dead so literally pick any

I'm somewhat surprised that a lot of the staff/old userbase on SCP hate this guy sometimes (at least from what I've seen). It's not particularly deep article, but he has a really fun gimmick IMO

Comic writers can't write consistently for shit more news at 11

682 is literally unkillable. How would rean stop him?

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I think they hate it because one of the most common SCP ideas they see is the unkillable monster trope. I'm pretty sure 682 exists just so they can reject other unkillable monster scps that people try to submit.

Destroys your waifu without even touching her

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None because he's designed to be unkillable.

>alternate versions have died in the past
Literally any reality warper past room level
Literally anything that has durability above anything SCP 682 can do
Literally anything that can create acid
SCP 682 is a shitty version of Doomsday

682 adapts and spits juice on the ground. Flash trips and gets knocked out.


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>682 is some guys edgy OC (that hates humans of course) that can magically beat/tie with every other SCP
>People fucking love it for some reason
I don't understand, it's literally the coldsteel of the SCP universe.

Flash gets a bunch of Hydrochloric acid and dumps it on SCP 682

>implying that Rean needs to kill
Judging by the series he's from, a good headpat should do the trick.

He can't, he's knocked out.

SCP 914
Setting: Rough

Alternatively I choose the good doctor

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TES hero with CHIM

My Grim Dawn OC

Swamp crocodile

This is so fucking stupid.

I love it.

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It was meant to curb powercreep like pointed out. Unfortunately it hasn't actually worked out that way; every other SCP these days is some multiverse-threatening doomsday fuckbomb that spreads through memetics (which has become to SCP what nanomachines are to the Metal Gear universe), and the Foundation itself is now some all-powerful technocracy that has infinite resources and perfect control of all the world's governments and corporations and FTL tech and interdimensional teleportation.

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Did this guy just outrun Death

Scp says trans rights

Based on the stupid rules in that picture the time it took for 682 to spit anything anywhere he could experience a couple of entire universes of time and still have some leftover to not trip like a retard.

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>to not trip like a retard
That's impossible for Flash.

682's power is being a writer's pet. Just get someone who wants to write it being defeated and they'll make anything beat it. This is basic capeshit comic logic.

This sounds like a horrible idea.

Mario - and he could probably do it in under 5 A presses

Setting: VERY FINE

>Turns SCP from an interesting form of creepy literature into dragon Ball z lovecraft edition because he got popular

God I hate him
Kinda like the sonic exe guy

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I love SCP, after they removed all the toxic creators and had pride month, scp is better than ever

yes lets make him even harder to stop


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I still cant tell what it is

Introducing an SCP that can beat all other SCP doesn't curb powercreep though, it in of itself is powercreep if it shows up as the strongest SCP at the time.
682s experiment logs read like they were written by "that kid" on the playground who would always have a forcefield that reflects your attacks back at you.
053 is a much better implementation, as it's also invincible but isn't some unstoppable human hating killing machine.

Rough isn't very fine, retard. Rough breaks things.

decayed whale corpse

Mario. There's nothing he hasn't been able to defeat by jumping on it enough times.

If he has a gold star, it's just a case of touching it.

Looks like a giant moray eel?

He's vidya now.

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Not just Death, but a version of Death specifically designed to kill speedsters.


Seriously, I went on there a year ago after a period of about 7 years, and it’s straight soi these days.

You two really think some caped baldy could beat 682? Nobody even knows who this loser is.

Gill, Sackboy, Maxwell, and maybe Bayonetta all come to mind.

It was called the "Montauk monster" and people thought that it was some kind of sea monster. Most scientists now think that it's a severely decomposed raccoon.

This is the right answer

It's Audrey 2's corpse. He ain't no mean green mutha no more.

What kinda raccoon is that long?

my peanus weenus

he was a big guy

yoshi could swallow him haha

Jeremy Elbertson.

The Montauk ones, apparently

Now if they said King it would be much more understandable

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It kinda sucks. You can literally read through the SCP wiki in order and watch as the overall quality just goes downhill over time. Very depressing. I'm up to 1350 and a lot of it is already scraping the bottom of the barrel.