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I thought he was retired and teaching business noobs

>I thought he was retired and teaching business noobs
Yes, he’s working with Gamestop’s executives.

he had to come back for one last job

okay now THIS is epic

board of director means you show up to meetings once a week, throw some suggestions, and collect a paycheck

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Gamestop is assembling a team.

Reggie in his years still hungers impossible challenges.

admit it, Nintendo was in steady decline when he came on board.

What's his master plan?


Reggie saved Pizza Hut, can he do the same for Fucking Gamestop?

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Apparently the former LT. governor of Nevada was appointed to the board of my financially struggling company. Pretty sure he has no background in the industry. It’s a joke way to get a paycheck.

He is teaching gamestop how to do business.

is it time to buy gamestop stonks?

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Ha I doubt it

Reggie, I get it man, you love video games and want to use them as a way to help make people happy
But you have already done your part with Nintendo, you've done enough, just let Gamestop burn and crumble and enjoy your retirement, don't go back into the world of soulless corporations, especially not Gamestop of all businesses

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Why? Gamestop is a sinking ship.

That's exactly why. Reggie is gonna save them baby!

>Nintendo was in steady decline when he came on board.
In what regard?

Reggie will make it soul

Come on man.

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No, because what's happening to gamestop is what happened to blockbuster. There ain't no going back.

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its a medium-high risk stock right now, but one that is worth taking especially in the very short term

user, you know that Nintendo has more than just home consoles, right?

why the fuck would he leave nintendo to work for gamestop? Jumping from a sinking ship onto a ship thats even more underwater?

The fuck is this chart even meant to represent?

He didn’t leave Nintendo for GameStop. He left Nintendo since he wanted to spend time with his family. GameStop arose later on.

>During his tenure, Mr. Fils-Aimé focused on the development and launch of industry re-defining products, including the Nintendo DS, Wii, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch
W-Wii U bros?

>Jumping from a sinking ship
Are we still doing this in 2020?

>Gameboy Color = 120 million sold
>Gameboy Advance = 80 million sold
user, you know that less is less than more, right?

It isn't modern Yas Forums without someone shitposting about Nintendo.

Gamestop has x10'd before and that was without Reggie, but they are fighting digital now too.

Or Sony/"Snoy"

>not Gamestart
They wuz doomed from the beginning with this attitude.

Reggie had a hand in the handheld boom too. I don't see how that discounts consoles in the first place.

user, its 80 fucking million units sold and the DS was released before Reggie as well.
Look I get you want to fit in here but everyone is going to call you out on that shit.

>Source vgchartz
That's gameboy+gameboy color. We will never know what the split was.

>Reggie had a hand in the handheld boom too.
He joined after the DS cemented itself user.

He was the one who presented the DS at E3 before it was released retard

>Reggie joined Nintendo in 03
>DS launched in 04
oh, let me guess, you read the erroneous wikipedia page that says he was hired in 2006? AHAHAHAHAHA

Not to mention including the GBC the GB was on the market for 12 years while the GBA was technically 3. 4 if you include the year Nintendo tried the third pillar thing.

One last ride

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It's supposed to be a place where you STOP in to buy a GAME. Henceforth, GameStop

Wow, it's like you think I was being serious and not just making a bad joke. I apologize for giving you that impression.

for ol' times sake

>Yas Forums suddenly loves Gamestop now because Nintendoman joins the board of directors
You people are pathetic.

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>coming out of retirement to try and salvage a dying, obsolete company
For what purpose?

well I appreciate the apology, I'm sorry I took it so literally

No one cares about Gamestop though. They could die and no one would give a shit.

>in millions
>data Vgchartz
>13m wiis
This is even post wii so not even Vgchartz has numbers that inaccurate.

Oh no, we're having fun with interesting vidya news, how dare we? We're clearly sucking Gamestop board of director cocks all day now. It's IMPOSSIBLE to ever have fun. We should be bitter, angry faggots 24/7 and HATE EVERYTHING!

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yfw the mad does it and actually fixes GameStop

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I'm just interested in seeing how is he gonna salvage this ship

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Calm down faggot.

Literally where do you see people loving Gamestop? At best he can prolong their existence before they croak

So what, is there some kind of anti-nintendo group here or something?

>You people are pathetic.
You first, homolust.

Stop being an overdramtic and overreactive baby, you big baby.

Probably got bored of retirement.
Even if he fails he'll make some cash.

Glad I stopped buying from Gamestop. I'll stick with Amazon.

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Blockbuster could've worked, it had every opportunity to change and it didn't. But it could've been a better streaming service and saw more pull because it's a household name.

Gamestop did the same thing, it just needs non retarded, non overly greedy leadership to not die. They just keep making all the worst decisions.

No one really shitposts about Sony though its mostly just the fanbase pushing their victim angle.


Literally how?

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>No one really shitposts about Sony though

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>one guy posts some gay shit

shit is fucking gay. Stop seeing one thing and saying it's everyone doing it.

Let me guess, you made that thread back then to shitpost.

>nooo don't be mean to Gamestop!

user, that post is meant to be ironic. Do you have negative braincells?

Oh, so you actually are just a shitposter. Enjoy your final (You)

They don't. If you ever go into a Sony thread they just scream nincel and what not whenever someone says something they don't like.

I don't think he can save the trash fire that is Gamestop

Reginald is a stupid name.

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>Hero joins the villain to save them from a greater villain

damn he had to get away from his wife that bad

You know the best part.
He's bumping it himself.

Desu you don't need to have experience in this industry to be a good game company CEO, just a resume with administrative and asset management skills and experience

now read it in cell's voice

>Walk into Reggiestop
>Wade through all the funkos and comic book crap to the back corner of the store that carries Nintendo games, the only games available at Reggiestop
>Employee greets me
>"Hi thank you for coming to Reggiestop. We're about kicking ass, we're about taking names, and we're here to sell games."
>Show Club Nintendo membership card and end up pre-ordering their exclusive collector's edition bundle for Breath of the Wild 2, along with a copy of the game itself
Fucking Reggiestop

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>nintentoddlers rush in to buy shit from gamestop