Post the very first thing and the very last thing that happens in a game

post the very first thing and the very last thing that happens in a game
Yas Forums guesses it
>wake up
>snap your dad's neck

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>wake up
>you get a doorknob and leave

>The Fat Controller goes off the deep end and hijacks a train
>assassination of archduke ferdinand

>Girl is looking at a flower
>Thanks for playing the demo

>wake up
>wake up

>your deceased gf screeches at you
>you fly away with your new gf

>catch tuberculosis
>six million jews die

Fire Emblem Awakening
Dead Space 2

>you wake up
>you go to hell for comitting crimes on an interdimensional scale

>wake up from a weird dream
>wake up from a weird dream again

>kill 3 guys
>blow up a tower

>wake up
>become satan

>Boat gets destroyed
>Retard eats a chicken leg

>wake up
>kill yourself

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Mother 3?

Devil Survivor?


Splash screens


Sounds like a shitty room escape flash game

>push a crystal
>get stuck in a train for a while until the next game

half life ?

>get stranded somewhere spooky
>use a rocket launcher and fly away on helicopter
spoiler its every single RE game ever created.

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Max Payne?

>look in a mirror
>enter portal


nice, never played it tho, is it good ?

>tube entrance
>princess kiss

>play vidya
>cause an apocalypse

prey, i think. the original one.

>wake up
>go to sleep

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>get out of shower
>open business

>wake up
>have morning sex with waifu


Super Mario 2

Go home
Leave home

>get shot
>"Kill urself my man"

>Wake up

New Vegas?

>you jump off a bridge
>you chat with someone while a vampire watches you

>wake up
>cant wake up

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>wake up
>im a squid now

>The Earth gets blown up
>Turns out, everyone was dead all along

this is just secretly a bloodborne thread

>wake up
>open door

>wake up in a post apocaliptic fascist bunker
>drown in the ocean

>Shop explodes
>Escape in chopper

>attacked by a foreign power
that created biologically engineered monsters
>final boss is god who you then kill when he resists arrest

>start off in a boat

>Enter hospital
I have no idea wtf was happening at the end of the evil within

The Evil Within

>talk to your dad
>you die

MGS2? Although I don't remember Vamp watching them at the end.

>two Americans ride on a helicopter
>two Russians ride on a helicopter

Bioshock Infinite

Vamp is hidden in the crowd.

>start the game riding in a Jeep
>end the game riding on a jetski

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>someone talks to a bunch of people
>bad guy goes through multiple mood swings and dies


>Get your shit stolen by a darkie
>Tell the devil to fuck off

It's an expansion pack.