GameStop appoints Reggie Fils-Aimé to its Board of Directorsé-William-Simon-and-James-Symancyk-to-Board-of-Directors-and-Enhances-Corporate-Governance-to-Drive-Ongoing-Business-Transformation.html?

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Can he save GameStop like he did Pizza Hut, MTV, and Nintendo?

okay this is epic

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>I'm putting together a team...

They're pullin a Pizza Hut. Very excited.

GameStop redemption arc

Nice retirement.

i thought reggie retired to spend time with his family

so this basically confirms that reggie "retired" because he disagreed with the new nintendo president and the company's planned direction, right?


No, that's your fever dream

Reggie was kicked out for being an incompetent buffoon during the WiiU era and allowing widespread censorship to come back

You son of a bitch, my body is in

More like he's old, sees gamestop is failing and is milking them for money till they shut down for good.

Nice schizo headcannon


Reggie sees easy money

you have my attention reggie

Pizza Hut has been on a downward spin until very recently. Includin when Reggie was there

Absolute madman. I'm legitimately interested to see if he can help turn the company around. I don't really care if he succeeds or not, I just want it to be entertaining.

so sell more nintendo funko pops is his business plan?

Gamestop might have a chance since someone that know's what he's doing is involved

Chief operating Officer =\= Board of Directors. Board just means you have a larger say so in a company but any bad decisions can be passed on to the CEO/COO. You also aren't doing the job 24/7 as board so he can still have lots of free time.

REGGIE?! The fuck are you doing?!

>NoA president who was close to the previous NoJ president (a nintendo old blood who worked on dozens of games personally during the golden years) "retires" 6 months after the new NoJ president (an accountant who worked solely within the pokemon company, the laziest yet most greedy division of the entire nintendo sphere of influence), gets put in power
>no correlation.

Yes, there's no relation because his retiring had to do with the fact that he's one foot in the grave and senile

All he's doing is drawing a check you retards I doubt he plans on leading a turnaround, instead he's probably telling the stupid suits common sense so he can draw a check for six more months.

>The first thing he does is make faek skus for Mother 3

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If anyone can do it, he can, but I think even this is beyond his capabilities.

If Reggie can't save them, then it's game over for GS.

Hopefully Reggie realizes the best way to save Gamestop is to turn it into a gaming cafe that also sells games.

Some people don't do well in retirement. They get bored and restless and end up going back to work. Considering he's been in high pressure jobs for 30 years, going from that to nothing was probably too much of an adjustment and he wanted back in.

>joining a dying company

Why is Reggie ruining his resume like that?

He's "retired" this is an easy gig for quick money, or at best he really might have a plan to turn the company around

It’s board of directors, it’s easy work he’s basically still retired and likely won’t do shit after this

>"Fun isn't something one considers when saving a dying company, but this [check] does put a smile on my face."

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Reggie doesn’t know what he’s doing

He’s on a board of directors and a tenure at a university. Both are easy going and well WELL paying jobs.

Good on him, and maybe he can actually do something about GameStop that’s not fucking retarded.

Give it to me straight Yas Forums: What's his endgame?

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saving this company.

with plenty of survivorsh

Reggie is the chosen one to lead us against the chinks, he will start a revolution

reggie was kicked out cuz he took full control of the game awards for nintendo. the japs didnt like that and retired him. now we have bowser who can't do anything but show up to places.

Reggie is the ultimate company man. He only cares about growth and gain, and will say anything required to give his company a good face. So he's going to do what he's always done: Sell.

>the new NoJ president (an accountant who worked solely within the pokemon company, the laziest yet most greedy division of the entire nintendo sphere of influence), gets put in power

holy shit this is concerning

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Why would he give a shit about his resume if he's already set for retirement?

It better be ensuring Gamestop and it's incompetent upper staff will never recover.

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Only way they survive is becoming an hybrid online retailer where you can order online and pick up in-store.

Wasn't he a fucking professor now or something?

Holy based

The real version would be the CEO being thrown out the window.

You can do both, being on the board of directors for a large company is 10 hours a week tops

More like fired from Nintendo lol

>failed business man goes to sinking ship for 2and time

Can you prove he was fired?

How could you fix it? Every console pushes digital games and Amazon will ship it to your door.

soooo should i buy gamestop stock?

GameStop is impossible to save with Amazon in the picture.

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