A saltwater crocodile could defeat 99% of video game characters. Prove me wrong

A saltwater crocodile could defeat 99% of video game characters. Prove me wrong.

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K. Rool uses toonforce so yeah

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im so fat right now because i ate too many people


why would you want to fight the poor croc?

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*shoots explosion pipe*

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Yeah probably.

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thats an alligator

Similarly sized mammals can destroy virtually any reptile. Any serious high prey drive dog will ruin any monitor, a dog that knows how to kill and has experience hunting reptiles will kill any monitor in less than a few minutes ive seen it done many times it is a very easy kill for the dog. And this is just domestic dogs we are talking about. Small tiny ratels can kill huge 15 foot rock pythons too. Hippos absolutely BTFO crocs.

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that saltwater crocodile couldn't even defeat obesity


Crocodilian solidarity bro.

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Ok, assume it is Gustav then.

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>Similarly sized mammals can destroy virtually any reptile

I mean you're right, but a juvenile crocodile is literally that, a juvenile. A full grown saltwater croc will sit squarely at about 15 feet and no mammal is going to get that big. If you let the croc get 20+ feet he's basically the king of the environment, nothing is eating him ever. At that point even humans can't reliably kill it.

Obligatory croc screencap.

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*blocks your path*

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What’s he been up to? Still cruising around killing adult water buffalo?

Damn that is a gorgeous specimen.

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>people still repost this hysterical tripe

I think you underestimate the percentage of video game characters who are giant robots.

t. mammal

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I don't understand the strange obsession with apex predator beast. Just fucking kill em all. We would be much better off if we killed every lion, tiger, wolf, bear, crocodile, and shark on this planet. They compete with us for their prey and sometimes get bold and attack a human directly. If liberals love them so much they can buy their own cordoned off sanctuaries to maintain them, but they must be financially responsible for accidental damages they cause and it should not be payed for by tax payers. They're already in low enough numbers their effects on ecologies is minimal as is. People think ecologies are these fragile complex webs where if you make one micro adjustment it all collapses, but actually they're incredible robust and self correcting. Removing these apex predators would likely cause no harm to ecologies at all. The little effect they have would be things like there being more deer, more fish, etc for us to hunt or catch. No down side.

wtf is it chewing, a head of a zebra?

what kind of weird medieval humans live near you user? i'm willing to bet an armored soldier could take one down also


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why does it look like a pancake

Never seen this pasta before, cool.
Yeah, theres a video if it eating the whole thing somewhere.

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Crocodiles are one of the few complex organisms that predates dinosaurs and still exists. The fact that it does this and remains and apex predator is proof enough they are incredibly smart, at least when it comes to what they evolved to do. I believe 100% a croc would develop a brain advanced enough to stalk prey, notice patterns, etc.

I'm talking about normal humans. If you use peak sonar technology and dropped a nuke in its pond no shit you would kill it, but for normal people who stop by to fish or get water crocodiles become a pretty serious threat. Don't underestimate how little defense humans have in the water and against ambush predators.

I'm glad someone on the video games board of fourcham has finally found the aptitude to speak out against established science.

Name ONE (1) video game character a saltwater crocodile could defeat

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Crocodiles kill more people yearly than any other animal. They arent a joke mate

Nah bro I could totally take a croc barehanded easy.

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Crocodiles are absolutely based and are the patrician's choice of animal. Lions are for faggots, dogs are for ledittors and gorillas can eat shit.

Big Boss

based until the last part, gorillas are based

99%? More like close to 0%.

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>gorillas can eat shit
t. Kremling

Exercise for both of us

Too based to live, too autistic to die.

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It's a screencap of literal factless, unproven, hysteric made up garbage. Pure LARP.

most species don't fare well when they're ambushed.

that's an alligator retard

Gorillas aren't even fighters. Everything they do is intimidation

>blocks your path

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t. mammal experiencing emotions

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caimans arent crocodiles



Literally the most based post on this site currently.

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>so well adapted to being an apex predator that they have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years
>evolution loser
this is retarded

damn how did the rest of that showdown play out?

I hope he’s having a good time

Who said they were?

Lions realized they cant flip the thing over or chew through hornback and left.

yeah and if a ant was as big as a elephant it would be the best and strongest animal alive

That's the joke.
Stalemate. Big cats fucked off after a few mins, croc lazed in the sun being immeasurably based.

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poor cripplecroc

I would really enjoy an adult on adult fight. When they're that small its just not interesting.

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did he fuck it

I love Yas Forums animal threads

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>Golfer vs Alligator

There was a video a few months ago where some Golfer got really fucking mad that a Gator was on his course and he legit grabbed that fucker and tossed him in a lake.
Everyone was freaking the fuck out.

Limbs are for losers.

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imagine if that was your dick