Im not sure if i should be laughing or crying right now...

Im not sure if i should be laughing or crying right now. I seriously hope that the same people frothing at the mouth over how this is a "masterpiece" and their favorite "game" or something arent pointing fingers and chortling about other games being "cinematic" or "movie games". Your average jrpg has more gameplay on a second to second basis than this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Momo a cute

Hi user, remember that you cant post here if you are under 18.

>more gameplay
b r a i n l e t

Sorry, my mommy didnt get me a playstation 2 back in the day so I only got around to your movie masterwork when it was free on PS+

>Yas Forums says it hates Sony and online subscription fees
>somehow the games that come out on ps+ get a huge boost in thread count every time

this -----PS2----- game has gameplay moments that most current gen games would only include as a cutscene

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the game is literally a giant cutscene. there is no fucking "gameplay". Nothing takes any skill to do. Its a giant animated thing that poses for you as an enemy but in reality youre staring at the most mind numbing and laughably simplistic puzzle/platformer combination with deceivingly complex and bombastic visuals. Its insulting to anyones intelligence to pretend like this is some masterpiece of a "game" when the "game" behind the already laughably barebones mechanics is to figure out under 20 animated platforming puzzles


quality "argument" there my drone "friend", preordered TLOU2 already I presume or are you a bit spooked by the possibility that it might have a bit too much gameplay for your average SOTC dicklet?

Shut the fuck up faggot

SoC is still cinematic in a way only games can be. It would entirly pointless as a movie. Unlike The Last of Us or Uncharted or Dad of Boi.


Falseflag thread

thank you for some quality bait to keep this SotC thread alive

You are correct. Im not shitting on people for liking SOTC, im shitting at people who like it and actually have the gall to call anything else a movie or froth at the mouth about some game supposedly having weak "gameplay". This "game" is the definition of all flash zero substance

quality "arguments". reddit never fails to disappoint

I been earning my money since back then so I bought it myself, faggot. Man the fuck up

that's all good bro but unfortunately you are in the vast, vast minority with your shitty "opinion" so ultimately, nothing you say here will change the fact that SotC will forever be remembered as a masterpiece. i hope this thought makes you extra mad

it sacrifices fast paced and responsive gameplay for something more slow and clunky because it adds to the artistic vision they were going for. pretty much everything people complain about is stuff that is meant to enhance the experience.
Im not even a big fan of SotC (ICO is way better) but you are being far too narrow minded

>the fact that SotC will forever be remembered as a masterpiece. i hope this thought makes you extra mad
so will TLOU. Its a good thing I never identified with the retarded masses who dont actually care about videogames. Probably since I grew up playing on PC instead of the bing bing boom boom console for the timmies

I dont care about how "clunky" a game is. resident evil had a restrictive movement system on purpose to enhance the game. the "game" in sotc behind the sluggish mechanics is just utter nothingness but zero substance spectacle that can safely be enjoyed from the confines of youtube if you wish to subject yourself to a repetitive slew of giant stone creatures getting stabbed while "epic" music plays and then try to wiggle you off for 15 minutes

Just posting some quotes to make the OP even more assblasted:
>Cited as an influential title in the video game industry and one of the greatest video games of all time, Shadow of the Colossus is often regarded as an important example of video game as art due to its minimalist landscape designs, immersive gameplay, and emotional journey. It received wide critical acclaim by the media and was met with strong sales compared to Ico, due in part to a larger marketing campaign. The soundtrack was also widely praised. The game won several awards for its audio, design, and overall quality. Shadow of the Colossus is also referenced numerous times in debates regarding the art quality and emotional perspectives of video games.
>"possibly the most innovative and visually arresting game of the year for the PS2"
>"a fiction of unquestionable thematic richness, of riveting emotional power, whose fundamental artistic qualities are completely fused with its interactivity."

Seethe harder, OP

the barren, empty wasteland is also designed to add to the overall experience of the game.
again, pretty much everything people complain about is intentional and designed to be that way.

I also played this game for the first time last year.

I was not impressed.

>pretty much everything people complain about is intentional and designed to be that way.
yes, and?

>game isn't hyper complicated but still requires thought and puzzle solving
>a methodical approach and good management of stamina are key to later bosses
>also there are some smaller ones that will tear your asshole a new one if you underestimate them
>"movie game"
Ok, it's always contrarian time on Yas Forums

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I really like sotc, but saying "DUDE everyone likes this game and thats why you're STUPID and WRONG." is dumb.
i mean, OP is stupid and wrong but your argument stinks

I dont care if someone intentionally made it shit and then sold it as a feature. None of my posts have said anything about the open world at all. I said that the game is an all flash zero substance lie which is exactly why all these söys have been going crazy over it since it came out hailing it as some masterwork BECAUSE its not interactive or require any effort to "play". If you want a masterpiece of ludonarrative perfection and video games at their peak look no further than devil may cry 3 that debuted on the exact same platform. I shit on shadow of the colossus. Its shit and its for the exact same people who love the current snoy movie lineup except its EVEN LESS of a game yet somehow these delusional nostalgiafags who "beat" it as a 7 year old are acting like its some great game. System shock 1 is a great game. DMC3 is a great fucking game. this is an insult

>your argument stinks
i'm not even posting any arguments you retard
why should i bother arguing with OP when it's obvious we won't be able to change his mind on this subject? all we can do is make him mad
>b-but you must construct a solid argument or else you won't be taken seriously
fuck off, eat shit and die

Where did the hype come from?

forgot I was on Yas Forums for a moment, thanks for reminding me.

yeah if you want a safe space to make serious internet discussions (lmao) you should go back
but i'd prefer if you just killed yourself so there is one less soiboy in this world

>discussion and giving actual arguments is now le onion
>gushing over a game because everyone likes it is completely fine
fuck off, kid

>discussion and giving actual arguments is now le onion
it is, engaging in "serious" online arguments is peak onion
you could've been playing games right now instead of wasting your time with arguing online, or jerking it to eva green like i am currently

I might get around to actually finishing it this week after all these threads, thanks Yas Forums!


Holy based. Me personally I found this game's camera to be a huge piece of dogshit that constantly tries to correct itself. Oh what's that, you want to look to the right? Well get fucked the camera will keep on correcting itself, it's a feature!
Colossus are easy platforms with no depth for which the devs hope you're amazed at their presentation and thus not think about the shallow gameplay; and the idea of exploring the barren world falls flat when you can't even move the fucking camera at your leisure.

>not smiting for half the health bar

>why should i bother arguing with X when it's obvious we won't be able to change their mind on this subject?
You can use that argument for every single user here so why even bother posting on Yas Forums if that's your posture? Fag.

I played it 15 years ago. Great game. Pushed the PS2 to the absolute limit and the animation was incredible.

>walk over boring long distance
>finally see boss
>has a simple gimmick
>stab it a few times
>walk over boring long distance to temple
>repeat 16 times

How is this fun, edifying, enjoyable, etc? I sincerely don't understand boss rush games especially slow boring ones.

>games are either STORY or GAMEPLAY

tard, honestly. people like you are killing the gaming industry.

ITT: zoomers surprised that a 15 year old game feels outdated.
Also pretty sure the gameplay aspect has never been the big reason why this game is so loved. In fact, most criticism towards the game is based on the actual gameplay. Most people are also aware that this is mostly just a puzzle game presented with nice visuals and music. The atmosphere has always been the main selling point.

Looking at the game now i can see why some people find it shallow, but when i played this as a kid, it made my imagination run rampant. I still remember that glorious feeling after finally managing to climb to the secret garden for the first time and searching for hidden triggers for a 17th colossus. Now when i replay the game and reach the secret garden, i realise there's not really anything to do and i just move on.

good job putting words into my mouth retarded, autistic kid. DMC3 has not only infinitely better gameplay but also a far better story than SOTC that it tells you through every aspect of the game. There is zero "story" of any kind to SOTC, its just an atmospheric puzzle game where youre meant to feel bad for the stone giant wailing around while you stab its head repeatedly

>Yas Forums says it hates Sony
You what?
They're the only company here that get anything close to love.

Based, may Fumito Ueda forever be blessed for giving us Ico and SotC

The game would be better if there was a lore cutscene after every collossus.

Why are you comparing SotC with DMC3? Other than being released in the same year on the same platform, they have absolutely nothing in common.

way to prove my point RETARD. all you care about is STORY or GAMEPLAY like a moron. why cant games explore more?

and guess what? not everything has to be for you.

Probably because of the litany of shit people keep pretending ive said in this thread including Nobody addresses the arguments because they cant so they have to resort to these epic posts screeching "zoomer" or some other dogshit mantra on repeat

>way to prove my point RETARD
you have no "point". Games are about interactivity. the best a game could hope to do would be to invoke its intended emotions through interactivity. whether or not shadow of the colossus succeeds has nothing to do with the original argument and OP post that its an embarrassing barely interactive game and that I sincerely hope that the people championing it as some masterpiece dont pretend like the state of modern snoy isnt a direct result and exactly what they always wished for

Its basically an Boss Rush where every Boss is a puzzle. The Story is told with very few dialog and has a lot of room for interpretation. Controls are kinda ass (much better in the Remake) but the atmosphere and Music are godlike. Also the ending hits like a truck

Well you can't really expect people to take you seriously when you post dumb shit like:
>the game is literally a giant cutscene

(Even tho pretty much everyone got the Story and ending spoiled already so it probably doesnt have the impact that it had back in 2005)

Thats a response to a post pretending like SOTC was doing something magically impressive and deep by giving you "gameplay" that would be a cutscene in other games. In reality the game itself is barely above being a cutscene in terms of interactivity and mechanics so no shit youre climbing on the walking setpiece because thats all the game offers. Most games focus on creating an actually engaging set of systems and scenarios to use those systems on rather than being all flash zero substance movie games. I dont hate "movie games", I hate dicklets like the SOTC autists who pretend to hate movie games while championing for shit like this

i remember being a virgin and still getting so angry over video games
you need to get laid, user. once you do in the future, you'll remember and look back on this post and realise how pointless it all was

The PS2 game is.

I could care less about some fucktarded remake.

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>haha le virgin duuuude get laid haha

is that why youre on the bidoo game board on Yas Forums? quality post there my mouthbreathing "friend". go back and stay there

just trust me bro, chase that pussy and your anger will start fading
i bet you also punch the walls during rage moments while playing video games, right? trust me, that will also go away

ps+ game of the month

quality projection there, lost your virginity this month I presume or why is the topic on the tip of your tongue? like I said, go back

>that its an embarrassing barely interactive game
Well if your metric is to compare it to DMC3 I can see why since you need constant and chaotic battles. Make no mistake, SoTC is a puzzle game first and foremost and makes efforts to create a world that is desolate through minimalism and emptiness. I know you or another user disparaged this notion early on but this is a hallmark of this studio; both ICO and Last Guardian are games about isolation within an environment that isn't immediately hostile. Whether or not you like it is another matter.

But the idea that SoTC is a "cinematic" game in a bad way is ridiculous. It's cutscenes are non-invasive and brief. The gameplay isn't sacrificed for any sort of auto-pilot sequences punctuated with QTE's. And what was the point of comparing it to jrpgs when the general notion is that jrpgs are mostly story stapled together with menu driven combat, as opposed to SoTC which is bosses stapled together with cutscenes?

OP just sounds like he's looking to shitpost and hoping people bite the hook. I'm happy to oblige but I don't expect a good rebuttal since it's clear your bias is more important than objectivity. People can like this game purely because of the atmosphere and the light challenge of surmounting the Colossi. Or the exploration that has defined the community around this game for a literal decade trying to find any and all the potential secrets hidden in the world. Which ironically led to a nice easter egg in the PS4 edition.

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> the only company here that get anything close to love.
nigga what kind of bizarro Yas Forums are you lurking? this place has always been nintendo central, the shitflinging only got worse this gen with all of the snoy memes

if you are too insecure to interact with girls, i suggest to look at the Yas Forums sticky and start lifting. it will unironically change your life bro
get rid of that skinnyfat body and start going outside, and i have faith in you that you will lose your virginity within the next 2 years
don't even doubt me, just do it

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SotC received a hefty boost in critical reception on release because there was a desperation in the industry at the time to prove that games can be art.

Dunkey's 3 out of 5 is a correct score. The open world is ugly and pointless and frustrating to navigate, and despite being a game with only boss battles it's not even like every boss battle is good.

sounds like you need to
have sex

>I'm happy to oblige but I don't expect a good rebuttal since it's clear your bias is more important than objectivity
there is no "bias". every single post is objective and calling out the hypocrisy of calling this game a masterpiece and pointing fingers at other games for not having enough "gameplay". In fact I go so far as to say that I dont blame people for liking it but I blame hypocritical mouthbreathers and even more so when they desperately sidestep every single argument posted with empty bullshit and epic "zoomer" posts

I do lift. I hope you enjoy the bans for the off topic dogshit

dont you fucking dare use DMC as shitposting ammo you cocksucker, by your retarded definition 99% of all games released are not games because "HURR DURR Y NO EVERY GAEM HARD ME NO MAKE EFURT"

are you retarded?

>by your retarded definition 99% of all games released are not games because
show everyone where "my definition" is visible in the thread

>every single post is objective
Except for saying the game has less gameplay on a moment to moment basis than JRPGs. Except for the post claming the game is a giant cutscene with no gameplay. Also the same posts says the game takes no skill is wrong. I fail to see what is objective about any argument levied against the game outside the user who talks about the Camera being a pain which is valid since it is.

Like I said, I don't expect (you) to have any good counter-arguments since your opening arguments and subsequent ones are all pretty shit.

>the hypocrisy of calling this game a masterpiece and pointing fingers at other games for not having enough "gameplay".
says who? you are getting mad and clenching your buttcheeks over fictional people with their fictional opinions

I am still disappointed that none of the beta elements were done in the remake, all because the devs thought that we wanted the game to be an "exact replica".

I wanted to fight against the tiny demon colossus, and the monkey, and the phoenix, and the worm, and the third bull thing.

I would have easily paid $15 for DLC for those.

>I hope you enjoy the bans for the off topic dogshit
i bet this wojak will make you seethe even harder lmao

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>I need muh e-celeb to think for me

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