Mfw I actually enjoyed a Rockstar game for the first time

>mfw I actually enjoyed a Rockstar game for the first time

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I have no desire to ever play it again but it really was a fantastic fucking game. Comfy as shit just camping out and then going hunting all day with my grizzled beard and legendary bear hat.

wojaks aren't accepted here, newfag. Kill yourself.

>born in 1993
>never really heard of 80s culture and such
>play Vice City
>understand 80s perfectly.
How did they make this game so amazing?


Its weird, I feel the opposite, this is the first Rockstar game I really didnt like at all. I love almost all their others.


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This is one of their worst games after the cynical shit that was GTAV.


i disagree
in fact i think rdr2, gta5 and mp3 are some of their worst titles to date
seems its only downhill from here

I knew what was going to happen, Rockstar just can't help themselves
Take RDR1. A PERFECT game. But for whatever reasons, Rockstar have to take what's good about it and try to do it differently
Horse-riding that was widely regarded as the best of all time? Make it "realistic". Now nobody ever fucking mentions horse riding when talking RDR because it's a chore
Crisp TPS shooting from Max Payne? Nuh uh, now you get shaky aim when getting shot at. Also you can't play the game without auto-aim.
Being an epic outlaw mass-murdering whoever you want and then popping a pardon letter later? NO!
Rockstar staple of having safehouses and acquiring them? (extremely fitting for an outlaw on the run) CAMP TIME WITH SOME WOMEN AND NIGGERS
not to mention the mass of other niggles like getting realistically launched off your horse, getting realistically bountied up after a nigger stumbles into you, realistically not killing natives and scalping them, etc etc etc

RDR2 is beautiful, but FUUUUUUUUUUCK you rockstar, I know what could have been. Take your happy fun-time camper gang and fucking shove it.

How the fuck could it be worse than RDR1 when its better in every way

can't remake SOUL

you really think the hunting is better in RDR2?

Both are ridiculously barebones.

Sit down son

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you don't like realistically hunting animals with a bow and arrow?

The mission design is pretty awful, but I can't think of anything else you would dislike if you liked previous Rockstar games.


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>2 seconds of input delay on every little thing for the CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE
>2 hour long on rails prologue where control is wrested from you every 30 seconds, i was literally falling asleep "playing" this segment
>weapons are all stored on your horse for the sake of realism, have to run back to it and navigate some clunky piece of shit interface every time you want to switch
>murderous cowboy protagonist that practices woke politics in a time period nobody like him ever would have
If they wanted to make a movie, they should have just made a movie. This is not a game like the first one was. Biggest disappointment in a long time and I've been playing games for 20 years.

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cute attempt

>Horse-riding that was widely regarded as the best of all time? Make it "realistic". Now nobody ever fucking mentions horse riding when talking RDR because it's a chore
lol this is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. RDR1's horse riding was never considered good. When it came out everyone complained that it just felt like reskinned cars and how boring it was.

RDR2 on the other hand unquestionably has the most detailed, involved and realistic horses in video games and it's not even close.

>think RDR is one of the most overrated pieces of dogshit whacky zany ride here cinematic shit games ever

>absolutely love RDR2 despite it's glaring flaws in pacing, storytelling and mission design

I think it's a combination of grafix and Roger Clarke carrying the story that makes me love it.

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Now I know for a fact you're younger than me, shut the fuck up kiddo

It would be fitting that a complete faggot like OP would like this game.

>2 seconds of input delay on every little thing for the CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE
Wrong. It's weighty movement.
>2 hour long on rails prologue where control is wrested from you every 30 seconds, i was literally falling asleep "playing" this segment
Pleb tier, the introduction is great.
>weapons are all stored on your horse for the sake of realism, have to run back to it and navigate some clunky piece of shit interface every time you want to switch
This is one of the most comfy features. Pulling the shotgun from your horse is immersive.
>murderous cowboy protagonist that practices woke politics in a time period nobody like him ever would have
>If they wanted to make a movie, they should have just made a movie.
I actually agree with you here. 10 part TV show.

>witcher vision

Buzzword BAD!

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but dude! bow and arrow hunting to not realistically ruin that pelt!!!
>let's casually ignore all the marksmen hunters of times gone who could shoot out a squirrel's eye with tiny pellets

The epilogue was unironically comfykino

>Its shit on purpose

watch a fucking movie you fucktard

You can't even say that there was hunting in RDR1.

What kind of cancer will it take to replace wojak posting

Here you go bud.

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>Kill animal
>Take parts from it
>Sell them
You even get a costume if you keep doing it.

there was hunting though
and I enjoyed it a fuck of a lot more than RDR2, because it actually resembled the type of hunting an outlaw would do

Uh oh user is overdue for his medication!

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What a souless wojak.

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Yeah, that totally proves me wrong.This game did nothing but up the graphics and remove pratical mechanics while adding in shit that should be at best optiolnal.

>Why yes, I don't mind holding A while characters talk for over thirty hours because I enjoy deep, introspective writing in a Western homage setting.

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b-but people liked it in the first game!!!!!!
that means we need more of it right?

You sound like a wagie who doesn't have the time or privacy to enjoy slowkino anymore.

I swear even the longest horse rides in 1 pale in comparison to the amount of bullshit I have to listen constantly in 2.
Also is it just me or do everyone just keep repeating each other at times?

You sound like a retard who gets off to this kind of attention.Get something more meaningful to do, its sad to even imagine how you got to this point in your life.

There are more than 2x the species of animals in RDR2 than there are in the first game, that's excluding the species that have extra subspecies as well, and probably like an order of magnitude more collectibles and stuff like that in RDR2. I played the first game a long time ago and never even remember hunting except in the woods with Jack at the end, I never had the DLC so I couldn't unlock an outfit, but without the added content there is no reason to hunt at all. Also, fishing.

Mad, wagie? Imagine not being able to enjoy RDR2 on your 4K TV because Staciella wants to watch The Bachelor and you have to go pick up the kids from football practice, make dinner, then wake up at 6 AM the next day.

Yikes lol.

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>didn't enjoy Midnight Club II
>didn't enjoy Manhunt
>didn't enjoy a single GTA game


It's a shame harassing people as Marston isn't as fun as with Arthur.

RDR1 is still gonna be my most replayed rockstar game I think
it's too good, a perfect western
the 4k remaster on the oneX makes my mouth water when I haven't played the game for longer periods of time

agreed, the game was really boring. Its like watching a movie with very slow pacing

Also the RDR 1 map sucks ass. A weird ass small feeling desert basin with nothing to do and a WEIRD dread inducing biome transition from the McFarlane ranch to the desert.

I swear looking at Armadillo from up there gives me existential dread. The weird, half loaded cactuses and almost realistic lighting with that drab, tiny immersion breaking river to the left... seeing the trees at Mcfarlane ranch poke out from Armadillo... yuck!!! And the bridge from mcfarlane trees to mexican canyons.... makes me feel physically unwell.

You didn't refute him.

there's also witcher vision a great addition


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Even if the gameplay was a little more on the cinematic "gotta be flashy" side of things, I enjoyed the more relaxing side stuff like hunting and just camping out at night innawoods

That and Arthur's voice is a treat to listen to as he doubts Dutch's plan to head to tahiti and grow mangoes

crowbcat word BAD!

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more soul than all of RDR2 put together
and I thought RDR2 was supposed to be "kino"

It's somewhat caricatured, Vice City was heavily based on Hollywood films of the 80s, such as Scarface

San Andreas was largely based off of Boyz in the Hood and NWA videos, which themselves were romantacized depictions of the high-crime era.

>Horse-riding that was widely regarded as the best of all time?
this never happened