Your turn to Die yttd

Is the rest of 3-1 getting delayed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This game is fucking gay cringe gay shit. Don't even reply to me. Danganronpa is way better. Zero Escape games are way better. They're better by Virtue of being made by actual competent companies instead of a shut in Japanese hack unable to respect how own deadlines. The characters are bland. The setting is bland. The music is repetitive. The setting is bad. The graphics are bad. Cope more.

At the rate the threads are going we'll be relegated to /vg/

i wish we did get tossed to /vg/


Who gives a shit, keep making threads on Yas Forums.
I don't know who memed people into thinking you can't make a thread on a videogame
>A video game thread of a game part that's going to release next week? Insane, send it to /vg/
Dumb niggers would've been begging for poohball to be moved

threads are the same 30 people with artspammers and metatalk

To be fair discussion's been pretty much tapped out.

Speculation in the last week before the next part is fine.
This shit can get moved when the game is finished and YTTDfags moved into the fanfiction crafting phase of the general


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When It's Doneā„¢
You'll get it before you get another protagonist for the island spinoff probably


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Take that as you will:

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So what will happen with Miley?

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Chapter B for Part 1 or part 2?

also who the fuck is this

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She and Safalin will be busy making out.

But I also wonder who her accomplice is.

That's Nankidai himself silly. Also Google Translate can be pretty gay at times but he's referring to chapter 3-1b

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>be nice to dolls
>both end up getting the best pussies
Q-taro and Alice are smart.

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>Kai dabs on Miley by hitting her with his pan, then by cucking her out of a satisfying execution by an heroing
Gone way too soon. YTTS made me love him even more.

Yes and now Kai is deceased while Miley is still breathing.

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miley will never forget her humiliation at the hands of kai. maybe that's another reason why she dislikes gashu. the satou genes are too much.

Midori > Miley > Gashu > Rio > Safalin

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Meanwhile Keiji with the shit taste being wary of the oppai loli.

>good looking babe boss wanted his dick
>gets her killed because MUH AUTISM
Well seems Keiji isn't really as bright as we thought he was. Q-taro and Alice can enjoy their waifus while Keiji can continue being wary of everything.

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what would you guys rank on kai's examination?

Do you think he could tell how often I masturbate?

i'm sure he can. it's kai. but if i were kai, i'd say

masturbation level: 49

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alice is so fucking lucky.

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I'm voting for this user. He needs to be put down!!!

Fuck off Sou.

I really want to see Alice being rewarded with affection, like a hug from Anzu. I felt really bad for him when the doll Reko threw the bongos on the ground, or when he said that he couldn't vote for anyone's little sister. Or when he boasted about being able to play big brother with Kanna. He must have had a fucking good reason for murdering Sou Hiyori.

I don't think Sou did anything wrong to warrant Alice killing him.

i hope anzu opens up to alice completely. him defending her and the rest of the dolls was already the start of her seeing him in a different light.

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You see the guy go fucking nuclear when Rio led him to believe Reko was dead. Maybe Sou threatened Reko or something and Alice snapped. Either way I can't wait to see what led this lovable chuuni fucker to commit the ultimate crime

>Alice dies smiling knowing Reko is still alive when you do the bongo sidequest
Huh, that's sweet.

The fact they've been holding out on the details on the whole Alice killing Sou thing for this long has been kinda weird. It's been a plot detail since the end of 1-2 and it was pretty much the hook for that ending. Now we're in 3-1 and still don't know what happened between those two that led to those events.

Alice's kind heart was what finally made Anzu begin liking him. Which shows that she has more exclusive dialogue with him than she does with Reko but we'll see how thing progress with those guys.

I wonder how the idea of the sacrifice holder being able to pass his role in the middle of the main game discussion would fare. Imagine him threatening you to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep due to him sticking the role onto this person. What would you do?
Actually the game of tag was maybe set up in advance of the main game to decide who'd be the sacrifice

I wouldn't be surprised. But then it makes me wonder if Midori would be the host for the final main game.

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>best character design in the entire game remains unused
I will never not be mad.

Nankidai is mad too user. I don't know how he'll do it, but I hope he makes use of her design somehow.

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Frankly it looks pretty bad.

the tits were too gross for his tumblr fanbase

Must be suffering to have taste this bad.

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Wonder how Tumblr reacted to Kai bonking Miley with his frying pan.

time to take a piss

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So how will Midori have some involvement in Kanna's backstory?

So how will 3-1B go down?

Does anyone happen to have a hallucination texture?

Please post Mishima pictures for this lonely mishimaposter

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>manga has Ranger wear spats
>game doesn't
I'd like to leave Nankidai some feedback

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Wew. Please tell me we get more lewds like these with the other characters

This mangaka is pretty based ngl. He also did an ass and pussy shot of Nao in Mishima's death scene but I'm a fucking retard so I forgot to save it.

>He also did an ass and pussy shot of Nao in Mishima's death scene but I'm a fucking retard so I forgot to save it
>I'm a fucking retard
I agree. You are. How could you not save this?

Not made by me.

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