I seriously hope you guys make the correct choice this April

I seriously hope you guys make the correct choice this April.

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Yes I've already got my Trials of Mana preordered.

For Switch.


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>Don't care about RE3
>Don't care about FF7R
>Don't know the third game
Is it gonna be 2019 all over again? I've been looking at my Warhammer figurines recently than gaming. Probably for the best desu.

RE3's looking like the best one desu

To be honest gets turned into desu. What the fuck?

how. fucking. new

Since like 2016 bro

How new are you

Joined late October of 2019. I ain't going to Reddit. You can't make me.

Yeah. All 3 because I’m not a poorfag

Easiest choice - I've already played better versions of all those games.

Easy choice for me

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I will, it’s gonna be Re3r, the rest are shit.

Trials of mana comes out the same time as ffviir? What the fuck is Square-Enix thinking??

The only correct choice is not buying a Playstation 4 to begin with. Sell them while they still hold value on the secondary market, buy back back in after 5 years when everything is cheaper and the feelbads of buying movie games, reboots and weebshit for full price can be mitigated.

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I'll be picking up Trials of Mana. You have to be retarded to buy the other two on release considering how big of a price cut they'll be getting within a couple of months

This is not 2014 anymore

>i order the entire menu in a restaurant so i dont look like a poorfag

don't forget your $75 figurine set, my dude

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I am. excited for trials of mana

Then kill yourself.

3make for sure

I unironically love delusional autists like these. Its always some sub 80 iq pajeet who doesnt know anything about any medium of art and they go around frothing at the mouth over old game good because it can run on their epic pajeet laptop. In reality the FF7 remake for example has already objectively outclassed the original in every imaginable way in the demo and I can only imagine what a curbstomping will it be when all of the parts are compiled into one 300 hour box set

I dont own a ps4

Dam Son, eat a Snickers or sth

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RE3 and maybe trial of mana ,FF7R later when it releases on pc

The correct choice is Trials, but I'm getting it and FF7R.

yeah trials of mana and RE3

>buying a third of a game directed by tetsuya nomura and motomu toriyama

>Mana 3

Sure will.

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based and bannerpilled

Looking forward to all of those, but I'll probably be late playing Trials of Mana because I wanted to play FFA and SoM, plus the original version of ToM before I play the ToM remake. I played RE3 and FF VII 20 years ago (and multiple times sense then), but I've been meaning to play the Mana games for 20 years.

Of course

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This, big time.
Plus normalfags are going to buy the other two in droves no matter what, so why waste your money on them on launch? You're gonna get more FF7 and Resident Evil no matter what, but Mana might die if people don't buy it.

newfriend exposes himself

Literally cant go wrong.

>FF7 remake for example has already objectively outclassed the original in every imaginable way in the demo
Explain your statement right now nigga

This is the only one I care about. I'm going to choose the other 3 characters I haven't played as yet.

I'll pirate it when it comes out on PC. My brothers buying it so I'll watch him play it, just like we did back with the original.


>shitty remake with goblin faces
>shitty unfinished remake
>shitty remake with no bro-op when it was a main feature of the original
Fuck all those

FFVII: remake will be twenty dollars brand new this time next year

Already pre ordered RE3make, i want trials of mana too but it has no discount.

Can you not bait?

>they're even all from japan so we can't play the west bad east good card

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i have never given a single shit about the RE series and i wont start now
ill just buy doom in april instead


People who pre order the fucking remake are dumbasses. It's gonna become half off in a couple months after release and they'll release the pre order content via DLC for $3 or $5.

same thing happened with KH3
>tfw sold my copy then ended up buying it again when re:mind came out and still made a profit

Do it for her

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Megaman ZX
REmake 3
Doom E.
I'm poor as fuck, is November the same?

They all look really good? I don't get this meme.

5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 4

and her

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not an argument

Literally how the fuck hasnt it? Im being serious right now, what the FUCK is supposed to be better about the original? The original has a nice atmosphere that comes from the audiovisual side and it has some funny characters

The remake has BETTER and dynamic ost that surpasses the original, the visuals that the original dreams of being able to present, the character as intended instead of as ugly block chibi robots with fully voiced dialogue and none of this is even getting into the combat system because anyone with more than one braincell would be able to figure out why FF7 curbstomps the original and maybe all other FF games on that front

All 3. Idort master race

>only one of the classes has pantyhose
My choice is clear

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great "argument"

RE3 it is.

You're right, because my 1 image is enough to call out your retardation.

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buying REmake 3, waiting for the complete edition of FFVIIR and I didn't even know the trials of mana remake was out next month

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looking forward to trials the most, re3r 2nd though I haven't played the original but liked re2r and will get around to og re games at some point, ffviir not really considering I'm not interested in playing the original or the remake at the moment

I'm buying all of them.


Meant April wtf

Its actually not, it seems like youre a literally retarded autist. You asked what is better about the remake and I listed every single thing and there is literally nothing you have to refute that except epic reddit images because you dont actually know anything about videogames. The remake is objectively deeper, more fleshed out in every fucking way and actually looks/ sounds better which is the only thing that FF7 ever had in the first place. The fucking "gameplay" was always barebones shit at best

>Not pc
Zoomzoom. Trials is made to be played on PC.

I went out and bought a PS4 pro this past weekend just to play ff7.

>Only one combo without a butt cape
Fuck off, Square.