Tfw not a single good MMO

>tfw not a single good MMO

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Other urls found in this thread:>tfw not a single good MMO/


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Redpill me on new world

Just google it, bro

no, redpill me

It's gonna suck some major ass. It is not possible for an MMO to be good. No exceptions.

>This quest is for Members only, click here to upgrade.

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>no, spoonfeed me

>Massive Multiplayer Online
I like Planetside 2. Joined an Outfit for the first time today and it's a lot of fun cruising with your mates and zerging the enemy.

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Why does she looks so smug?

I almost forgot: There's a private server for warhammer online, the dudes have ZERO cash shop nor accept any donations, and the game has like 3k people online constantly nowadays, I've heard from a fellow MMOjunkie friend that it's a really good game.

Because the moon rabbits are seething and there is nothing they can do about it.

cope wowfag

I tried WoW once and it sucks too. What's your point?

Amazon funded Ark/Rust survival game rebranded as mmo. Originally designed as survival PvP game but had PvP relegated to instanced arenas and opt in because playtesters didn't like the "toxic community environment" it caused. No class or roles as everyone can do anything with a weapon switching mechanic. Time gated character progression with crafting timers and optional premium subscription that gives additional EXP boosters, a new set of monthly tasks, extra workshop space to queue more crafts, and $10 of premium currency. Has microtransactions for additional inventory, bank, auction, and skipping craft timers alongside your usual cosmetics. Will be shilled heavily during beta and release next month alongside a $500 and $1000 twitch bounty for streamers.

this sounds fucking awful, I hope you're lying

shitty rust clone with dailies

why do all MMO's do this? it's not a fucking job, it's game

Why is this thread made everyday with some variance of this anime pic? Are you this much of a faggot to remake the same thread over and over OP?

You sure? I heard they changed quite a lot after receiving the alpha test feedback

there was no thread yesterday

t. spent 24 hours shitposting yesterdat

>login and do your chores user and we'll give you 1 gold token
>by the way you need 50 tokens to buy one item

>why are there different people that would like a good MMO to play?

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Atlantica online

go on

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Any MMOs with cute girls? I'm tired of gacha games.

There's really not many that's not dead. I guess FFXIV is the closest game that's still alive.

please... i just *cough*... just give me an mmo that isnt bad... it doesnt have to be good... just not wow

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people suggest them MMOs then they act like picky whiny fucks.

>I want a MMO that's not subscription based, has no microtransactions, isn't grindy, has 10000 hours worth of content to do without me getting bored, has no tab target combat and can sustain good ping with 100 players doing action game dmc tier combos at the same time, has pvp that is better than dedicated pvp games with no pve, has crafting that is indepth but isn't a chore, etc etc etc

Because faggots who make these threads don't actually want MMOs, they just want to bitch

ESO is comfy and fun

Guild Wars servers are still up.

Well, I'm unironically hype for a maplestory pserver set in old-school client, but the absolute fucking madlads recoded the entire client from the ground up, so it has custom mechanics, and pretty much custom everything. It releases this year, but no hint of when.

desu I'd pay 50 dollars a month for an actually good mmo that wasn't just a themepark or get large sections of the game horribly wrong

I love the questing in that game, I just get bored everytime I run out of quests, which is why I'm holding off and playing multiple expansions at once. I really hate engame in MMO's in general. I always burn out so fast.

>Pay2win game by Amazon.
That does not surprise me in the least.

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> Amazon games

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My friends and I are excited to try Blue Protocol. Join us whenever the English beta starts user.

Attached: 1539307493564.png (253x307, 60.3K)>tfw not a single good MMO/

do you fucking mind

pay for 1 month then quit. nice. you're not the target audience.

Nobody could tell me if PQ chests worked yet

ah so it's the same retard from Yas Forums that watches 1 anime about a MMO made by someone who has never played MMOs then wonders why MMOs aren't good

Can confirm, Return of Reckoning is good. Europe based servers and playerbase.

Well, there isn't much to do except shitpost apparently.

Seems based to me

Do PQ chests work yet pls help

See it's one faggot


I don't understand why this makes you so mad? We have multiple threads on this board that's constantly running, smashshit and other coomer garbage. What's wrong with trying to find a MMO to play with other anons?

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Jap CBT got delayed because corona. For now I am playing RF Online on some new russian server.

I remember a good few years back they explicitly removed all the shit that would prompt ‘this is a members only feature’ from the workd because they said ‘they did not want F2P to just feel like an ad for the real game’. That shit got walked back hard.

You gotta sell features or your shit don't sell

I don't like anyone who does this. Any image, thread, post, I always sniff it out and post the archive. If you don't want me to do it, make a threads with something new to talk about.

Okay schizo, but no one cares that it makes you mad, it's just strange that you get this upset about a video game thread on a video game board.

right, I'm the schitzo and not the person who makes identical threads for weeks on end. You seem to be really aggressive after someone pointed out that you've been at this for a while. Maybe you're upset that your autistic thread making habit is being called out.

These threads are never about people playing MMOs together. It's about bitching about how you're too poor to pay FFXIV sub so you settle for F2P trash or how your old MMO is dead and you're salty&jaded about how it ruined your teens.

Why is Koisuru Asteroid so shit? It and Anima Yell have to be the worst Kirara anime by a long shot.

> Something new to talk about
> Is on Yas Forums

My nigga we have daily fallout new Vegas threads since 2010 and Smash shit threads since forever. Why start bitching about MMO threads. Classic case of some retard who hates MMOs just bitching for the sake of bitching

just play classic retards

I'm presuming it's because the same guy makes the same thread and contributes nothing
I get that nobody contributes anything on Yas Forums, but poster is mad that OP is willingly part of the problem just to get some lulz for themselves

>tfw the only new mmo released in the last few years with good gameplay is kill
Was it perfect? FUCK no. The gameplay wasn’t even that good until they fully embraced mouselook and click for primary abilities. At that point it was both great and already dead. What a pile of fuck.

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Nah, might as well play RO if I want a grind

Why aren't you playing Shadowbringers user, why are you missing out on the hype?

ebin falseflag, I doubt these threads even need to repeat all the shit wrong with that garbage fire

because freedoms

>he doesn't build with his bros in roblox

You mean how you're poor and you're too jaded from MMOs

This thread is common, but is just a venue for people to bullshit about current MMOs and upcoming ones too. If this is a problem then Smash threads should be dealt with too

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>Recommend me MMOs to play
>*Gets recommendation
Fuck off and stop making these threads

Guild wars 3 when?

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> Sees someone asking for MMO recommendation
> Tell them FFXIV

> Someone asks for a recommended pop brand
> Try Coke

Well no shit, your recommending something he already knows about, nobody on Yas Forums doesn't know what FFXIV is

I love everything related to the story of that game, and the music is phenomenal. However, going through the story is the biggest god damn slog I've ever had to do in an MMORPG. It's just hundreds of filler quests that are all so ridiculously easy I can feel my brain atrophying.
I did like the dungeons and raids though.