Why is everyone mad about this?

Why is everyone mad about this?

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They're mad a metrosexual looking character can pull a threesome when they can't get one.

t. ranny

I don't feel strongly about this but I would like to point out the hypocrisy of people who try to hand this away as no big deal. See MTG and Chandra deciding she was just going through a phase instead of being gay.

That scene looked pretty non-consensual.

why are americans so obsessed with gays, trannies, and scary brown people?

Oh so suddenly Yas Forums cares about consent, yeah right

mutts gonna mutt

Because One Angry Incel went into huge detail on how Alucard gets fucked in the ass while conveniently forgetting the woman riding his dick.

They wanted their boy to be a top.

Jews ruining a long-standing, based Nip IP

why are you so obsessed with americans?

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netflix alucard is not like the series' alucard at all

we've seen what they've done to european countries.

the absolute state of castlevania

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Being a top is gay.

More like CastleGAYnia lmao

Not him but you're fucking everywhere. Even in my own country we've got to deal with your bullshit.

Holy fuck that animation looks bad.

because he is a bottom, really, there are no other reasons, Alucard having a insatiable anus ruined him in the mind of his female and gay bottom fans

Yeah, but it's slightly less so

>duh it was rape because Alucard has the mind of a child
He is a fucking vampire who kills people

Because Alucard was not a homo. He banged Maria and Richter confronted him about it, almost coming to blows.

It's just a mediocre Warren Ellis show, nothing groundbreaking nor worth getting worked up over

Yas Forumsirgins are just upset that alucard had sex and they never will

funny, Alucard is the one taking it up the ass, but the only one butthurt is you

If anything, it reminds me of those korean movies with a completely unrelated sex scene that is never brought up again and has no relevance to the plot.

No, you're literally having sex with a guy. Being on the bottom is just helping a bro out.

>He banged Maria
with his fingers or tongue? i'm not sure if he has something down there

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>being an alucuck
Grantchads rise up

imagine if crash bandicoot just got a show on netflix, and for some reason they show him getting raped by a black guy. and they actually show it, dong and all.
this literally just happened to alucard.

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Welcome to the American hegemony which you will serve for the rest of your life, Europoor. Now lick my size 16 timbs, bitch.

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Because it's western woke writers getting their hands on a Nip property and doing ass-pull shit like this for cheap controversy and clickbait and turning characters that aren't theirs into walking talking virtue points.
Of course people that pay for Netflix liked it. They're exactly the people Netflix is made for. Kudos to them for knowing their audience I guess.
That said, some of the fall-out has been pretty funny.

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Another bullshit moment. Everyone knows that just lightly tapping Alucard on the shoulder sends him flying backwards screaming and with blood flying everywhere.

Is anyone mad, or are they just making fun of Alucard?

because he got fucked
its funny cause if he was the giver, people might give it a pass
i feel like living in the old roman days, where it was totally ok to fuck dudes in the ass as long as you were the giver, if you were the reciever you were called out as a sissy and mocked for it

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bottom fag detected

Alucard should only bottom for a Belmont.

But it's manly to take dicks in your ass.

Made for BBC (big belmont cock)

You don't know anything. Bram Stoker himself famously wrote his novel while getting spitroasted by Tyrone and Jamal. Alucard being a bottom is the right lore, why do you think his father was known as Vlad "the impaled"? Get some culture you ignorant fuck.

That's because back then only teenage boys bottomed, and it was "okay" because they hadn't matured into men yet. Bottoming as an adult was frowned upon because it was thought of as renouncing one's manhood

the impaler sound like he was a giver not a bottom

Alucard is determined to make sure his bloodline never continues or spreads any curse in the games. As such, he won't have sex. Netflix basically had him risk having a kid and giving people AIDS.

Guys, in season 1 when it was established nearly right off the bat that the entire Church was evil from the ground up, you should have known right then and there the series was going to be Castlevania in name only. It's just episodes of Warren Ellis tipping his fedora through characters as they tip their fedoras. I mean as long as all the characters are getting fucked up the ass metaphorically, might as well be literally too.

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>it was thought of as renouncing one's manhood
that same feeling stuck till these days it seems, thats really why people see alucard as a fag now

men can't be cute and straight

probably the smartest and most well-rounded post I have seen on Yas Forums in about a year.

Cause Konami just recently ported it on phones but not the Switch. It seem really weird that they are avoiding it so hard.

i dont think you could risk having kids why being buttfucked, he didnt even fucked the pussy that was right at his side, only took the dick

This. Straight men are disgusting and unhygienic.

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Alucard almost got butt pregnant, that's why he was crying, he was thinking:
>oh god what if my butt baby takes after father?

Everyone = Yas Forumsfaggots crying as usual. They don't give a solitary fuck about castlevania they just want to cry and scream.

i too love revisionism

Not american but this made me laugh kek


I don't see Alucard as a fag. I see a Netflix show with a character who happens to be named Alucard who mopes and weeps while getting railed. But no, I don't see Alucard from Castlevania as a fag.

based, and, might I add, bussypilled?

If you defend this "show" you should be euthanized

it's nature's law, if you look like this, you top

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just say asshole you fucking tranny.

but if you look like this you bottom

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I don't think people are mad. Just having fun about this characters being turned into a joke.

dont give them what they want

Yup, there's definitely not been any corrupt Ecclesiastical orders in Castlevania before.

Heroes don't bottom, especially by choice.

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also Yas Forums: omg I want to fuck that trap futa shemale, anyone want to trade steam names? I ero :3 UwU
You faggots are cringe

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>discord trannies pushing their agenda is Yas Forums
Fuck outta here, dumbass

Konami really must not give a damn to let these kinds of things happen. At least the lead writer has admitted to never playing a Castlevania so we can rightly condemn this cartoon as something below even fanfiction.

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everything netflix makes has this kind of shit in it and it's fucking beyond obnoxious.

yes taking it in the ass is gay, giving it not

>Caesar was known for taking old man dick

>Konami really must not give a damn to let these kinds of things happen

If it isn't pachinko or mobile shit they do not fucking care.

Alucard bottomed, that's embarrassing. i don't even consider him a male character anymore
>Yas Forums: omg I want to fuck that trap futa shemale
nothing wrong with that if you top, josou seme trash is also disgusting shit

it's ok and highly reccomended to be gay if you're the top and the bottom is girly

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What is Bailey Jay?
This board has been gay for decades, fucking faggots.

Isn't Warren Ellis in his 60's? Why does he still write like an edgy teenager?

I don't really care that it happened in the context of some shit netflix show.
What I do dislike is that people will now try and push that as canon to the games because either they're seeing Alucard for the first time in that show (i.e. they didn't play the games), or they're desperate for gay stuff in games, despite this being some random westerner's project.

correction, it was a political insult, not a fact
as i said, it was seem bad to be the reciever, so his political oponents said he was

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If they're so desperate to make GoT with vampires why not just make their own fucking characters? Why drag Castlevania into it?

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I think it's hilarious, i love when numedia tips its hand too hard
Also fuck Konami, Castlevania died a long time ago and anyone still following this shit company should die

Only gay people say that topping is not gay.


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>its funny cause if he was the giver, people might give it a pass
I wouldn't, it would still be retarded.

Well, the problem is that it was quite a stretch.

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I still wouldn't give it a pass.