How are you enjoying the FF7R demo?

How are you enjoying the FF7R demo?

Attached: __jessie.webm (720x720, 424.59K)

is that...................a FEMALE GIRL


thighs not thick enough, hips should be wider, arms should be up and showing armpits it also lacks sweat, 6/10 try again

lul she dies


Attached: 1521785199290.gif (400x304, 1.95M)

>boob armor

Attached: 1438032896334.jpg (225x234, 13.64K)

>anti-boob armor drone

Attached: armor.jpg (1024x674, 103.52K)

replayed it so many times and it's fun each time

Attached: 1583782683827.jpg (577x606, 52.25K)

Needs a bigger wider ass

Not going to pay for Plus just to play a demo.

She gets smashed by all of sector 7, what a whore.

you don't have to?

The demo is locked behind a Plus subscription and I don't have the free trial anymore.

Attached: Jessie.png (1379x1853, 2.28M)

>Biggs sloppy seconds

no it isn't

In my shithole of a country it is.

>locked behind a plus sub
No it's not. I got the demo a couple days after it launched and I've not paid for Plus at all, nor signed up for a trial sub.

I played it just fine and have never owned plus

where is this from

>string doesn't go in between her buttcheeks but stays atop of it
It's so fucking obvious that the dude who made this has never seen how a thong works in real life. Kys virgin.

how horny are you to start a thread with that webm?

stop living in g*rmany

Attached: 1583754957382.jpg (1058x1196, 233.11K)

you're right she shouldn't be wearing anything

>The demo is locked behind a Plus subscription
No it isn't you fucking retard

playing around with the models

Attached: jessie dildo cropped.webm (1202x422, 822.84K)

This shit triggers the shills. Post more.

this is my type of woman

Attached: 1583755073122.jpg (1320x990, 1.01M)


>blind idort

Attached: dfbgd546464.jpg (801x384, 90.53K)

Thong too thin

Gameplay is giving me XIII ptsd. Never again.

Next you’re gonna tell us it’s directing the blow toward the sternum or some other retarded shit

I mean I kinda just ended up just playing it like an atb but with having to mash the attack button in between commands

Attached: 1504553005965.png (600x600, 838K)



I gonna cry if she die in remake uwwwwwu

user too gay

Literally the first girl of the entire game to get her claws into Cloud. After all this time is it so wrong that i wanted Jessie to play a larger role in the story?

Attached: kogpcwv.jpg (540x405, 50.49K)

Women wouldn’t be fighting any way so might as well make it look nice

Women feel uncomfortable wearing armor that doesn't make general space for their breasts however. It was literally something Joan of Arc even complained about in actual history.

Stop getting triggered by literally nothing to get flustered over and just accept the human body for what it fucking is already.

wow how dare that women objectify herself by wearing boob armor, it's almost as if girls like to accentuate their feminine features or something

>Yas Forums is pumping up this early game girl to get waifu coombrains all hype
>just to watch the threads after it releases REEEEing about how she DIEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS

giving women the right to vote was a mistake because they only vote with their feelings.

>boob armor

Attached: boobarmor.jpg (957x1200, 86.8K)

And you don't? The feeling of insecurity if they tak you guns. The feeling of anger when they let foreigners into the country. The feeling of disgust when they support the lgbt-movement. The feeling of injustice when they take your money as tax. You've always voted with your feelings, bud.


what the fuck is your point with this pic?
like what does it trying to prove?

Played it once, not bad. Then again when the "gameplay" of FFXV taints your expectations anything looks good in comparison.

I do feel that the ATB gauge of your allies needs to be a bit brighter or a different color

Where are these from?


>Got NIGGER who never studied medieval armory

>Put your fiancee in the game
>She gets into SFM porn
Is Ferrari a cuck?

its not tho, its a demo. FREE DEMO. Played it myself not having plus for a good half a year now.

>coomer bait has better art style than actual game

it really doesn't

trash body type

Attached: Museo_archeologico_regionale_paolo_orsi,_corazza_in_bronzo,_da_tomba_5_necropoli_della_fossa,_370-340_ac._01.jpg (1026x1075, 783.83K)