Looks like Doom's making a big comeback

Looks like Doom's making a big comeback.

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Okay. Now when will the Switch version get a date so I can pre-order and get it for free?

>New episode that takes place between 64 and 2016, featuring the Mother Demon's sister
>Motion control support for PS4 and Switch
>Mouse/Keyboard support for Xbox
>Switch and PS4 can move around the automap with the touchscreen or touchpad, respectively.
I hope the latter 3 features come to the other ports.

just buy it's only $5

Oh boy it's gonna be like Randy Bobandy's Duke episode

I was going to tell you to not be dumb and just get the thing on PC but then I remembered Switch has gyro so it's probably the second best option in terms of old Doom.

So modern Doom is now canon to the original series?

Sweet. Will this be available on Switch when the other systems get it or do we have to wait for the Switch port of Eternal?

It always was. If you squint.

Probably, except I won't feel totally bad about giving the company my money.

I'll still feel a little bad though since Bethesda gets a cut.

no, old doom is just canon to modern doom that's all

The other example of a rerelease-exclusive episode was excellent, though.

It's on the the eShop for the 20th still.

There's some allusions that Doomguy fell into Argent D'Nur sometime after Doom 64 and joined up with the Night Sentinels but the time space doesn't make any sense (Doomguy is already from the far future and it's not like he comes back to a time too far removed from that; plus if everything already went to shit on Deimos and Phobos prior to the Slayer's Testament, why is the UAC still fucking around with Hell?).

Groovy. Thats gonna be a fun day.

Look at that shit. I can't wait for them to ruin the entire fucking game by making everything mat_fullbright 1

The implication is that theres only one Hell, but it can access/invade any number of alternate Earths. Which makes ever WAD ever made canon.

So after Doomguy finished 64 and stayed in Hell, he eventually went to a different Earth then his native one and joined up with the Night Sentinels.

how does gyro help in a game with no y-axis

You fuckers are never happy.

Doom 16 was very insecure of itself from the start, which is why most people thought it was going to be shit. So it did this quasi-reboot thing where it's never made sure if it's a sequel so if it bombed the franchise wouldn't need to commit to anything.

But since it succeeded not only are they marketing this thing up the ass, they want to make sure everyone knows this is "True" Doom unlike 3.

It gets around the really slow turn speed.

This. Its also implied that he used the Soul Cube at some point before it was banished to ANOTHER version of Earth where the events of DOOM 3 occurred.

>ruin the game
>hurr your never happy

They confirmed in the article they're not touching the brightness.

>new chapter
That's neat. The devs probably knew those who already played Doom 64 EX would have no real reason to pick up this version otherwise.

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>in b4 it's just kaiser's old custom levels refurbished

ok shill

report in faggots

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64 is the one Doom game I haven't played and I always imagined since it was a sequel it was more akin to a Build Engine game which while still had some auto-aim also made alot more use of verticality.

If that's not at all the case then I fully accept being the retard in this scenario.

Why would you preorder it before news if it's better or worse than 64 EX?

Its literally DOOM but prettier. No verticality at all.

You get it for free if you preorder Eternal.

You couldn't pitch your aim vertically in 64. But it does have some engine enhancements like the illusion of room-over-room, scripting, and colored lighting.

Brutal Doom 64>Doom 64

>you get it for free if you buy it
This is literally why we can't have nice things, fucking retarded consoomers.

Well colored lighting isn't that impressive. PlayStation Doom does that as well.

I remember renting it as a kid and being too scared to actually play it because I was 6

It did, but such a change is still an improvement over the original games.

>the illusion of room-over-room
The game actually has room-over-room, it's just never used for whatever reason.

Except Doom 64 was entirelly built with the lighting in mind.

considering the Doom64 EX dude is working on the port yes.

Why would you preorder Eternal before news if it's good or not?

>you get it for free if you buy it
Not what I said and you know it. Continue to get upset over nothing, I guess.

How did you get Doom 64 to show up in your library? It isn't in mine.

I didn't, I'm just explaining why that user has it already. You can't buy 64 on its own yet.

It's used in a few levels for bridges you can walk under.

Playstation is also hardware released a year after Doom first released in a time when graphics improved leaps and bounds almost at a monthly pace.

So you can preload. And you can still refund if you decide it's ass. Literally no downsides.

Do you think the new episode will be any good? 64 was too good and only mapfags could make it justice.

I preordered eternal since I've already played it at the britbong quakecon so I know what to expect from it, 64 is a bonus but I've already played through it before via emulation and the EX port so it wasn't a big deal until they announced the new levels
restart steam

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no he's right, it's not free it's just a time limited part of the purchase

Kaiser's made some fun maps in the past.

>mother demon sister
But they said DOOM 2020 has the first ever female demon in the series history WTFFFFFFF

Kaiser will make the new episode? Is it confirmed?

Why would you pay $60 for a computer game without waiting for sales?

It's not confirmed, but he is working on this port.

so, Aunt Demon?

Alien World Order was fucking great, though.

>Hugo Martin said he didn't have a PC as a kid
>First experience with Doom was Doom 64 which he regards as his favorite
>Because of this, he heavily implied Doom 2016 takes place after 64, makes several references to Doom 64, and brought back the Unmaker

We just don't fucking deserve this guy.
Bless his fucking soul.

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What's the difference? I buy Eternal now and get 64 along with it for free. If buy Eternal after release I don't get 64 and have to buy it separately.

>new episode for 64 decades after original release akin to Sigil for 1 and No Rest for the Living for 2
Will the Doom hype ever stop?

Attached: Unmaker.webm (1600x900, 2.99M)

Why does Hugo Martin have so much /soul/? He reminds one of Romero in a sense.

I mean it's his port. He'd clearly have some kind of input of the new maps at the very least.

>KBM support for xbone
fucking finally they use that

I can’t wait for that extra content to be locked behind signing in to your Bethesda account.

>Which makes ever WAD ever made canon
Don't know why you guys get so hung up on that point.

Hugo is literally the only man from Bethesda I respect.

>Oh boy it's gonna be like Randy Bobandy's Duke episode
Why that specifically and not No Rest for the Living?

If only they used the 120 hz mode as well.