Doom Eternal Thread

KAR!! EN!! TUK!!
KAR!! EN!! TUK!!
KAR!! EN!! TUK!!

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karen took the fucking kids?

Attached: wewanttheOWaudience.jpg (1311x697, 142.94K)

everything about this retarded game is bad and cringy

She took the fucking rabbit to hell.

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will be ported to pc in 1 month

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Sooo... Hypothetically speaking, if they DID do a DLC campaign that revolved around a different character, how would you do it?

Personally? If the Slayer is really Doomguy, then maybe we could have history repeat itself with a similar premise.

>Play as a soldier sent to grab any human survivors as fast as they could so they can get 'em off world
>End up getting your gunship blown out of the fucking sky
>Deep behind enemy lines, your objective is clear: Get the fuck out of there
>However, as the story goes on, our protagonist starts to experience demonic corruption.
>He also becomes a scary motherfucker to the demons because there's no way he should still be alive.

Also, our protagonist has a different skill set compared to the Slayer

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Nope. Switch Exclusive. Try and mod THAT into the game, mother fucker.

>3 enemy limit
>no map design
>in your face cutscenes
>QTE's every kill
Ill pass.

ofc it will be about the betrayer

Why does doomguy have a sword in every single promotional art?
Its extremely midleading since this game doesnt have melee mechanics but only mini cutscenes that are triggered by pressing a button, why are they lying to their audience?

Okay. Thanks for keeping us informed.

>If the Slayer is really Doomguy
He is. It's confirmed. Please shut the fuck up already and just accept it.

Doom Eternal deserves to be 'shilled'
It will be game of the century. Didn't you guys see the IGN videos?

Thats nice. But it would be nice if they could add back the missing weapon animations.

why do people discuss this all the time in doom threads. why is this even important

sounds like NOX spells

It's already coming to pc retard, the Doom 64 port will be on everything.

It's probably an important plot item.

Just make one with Crash or Marauder

>Marauder fighting human soldiers
Could be neat.

God damn this bitch is fuckin' biiiiiiiiiig.

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anyone downloaded that vimeo vid before it was taken down?

the ultra pussy slayer edition costs 84 dollars in my not dollarized and devaluated country (argentina)
what do

just make it crash
this will never happen tho, seems that id woked wolfenstein and is protecting this ip

> PC spec come out
> GTX 1060 6gb is on the minimum end

fucking hell, i run DOOM 2016 at like 300 fps on ultra with this card. It doesnt look THAT much better. Hopefully those specs aren't right

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>PC spec come out
look again

the minimum specs are 100% bullshit, the game can run on a switch

What game does he play?

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They arent on steam, they were released by the various news sites. But i guess that leaves a bit of room for error

Google Street View

they appeared and disappeared on steam actually

Ok Ill buy it


>Why does Doomguy have a sword
>It's misleading because all he does with it is kill demons


We've seen the axe in action and it sure as fuck doesn't look like a cutcene


that's what I'm saying, that he should look again

I DO think he's Doomguy, I just want to be modest about it.


>those bezels
A FUCKING reminder that MetaDoom had an update and let's you make maps for it.

>tfw just now getting into DOOM
>tfw really fucking enjoying what I've played so far
I just beat Doom 1 E2 for the first time this morning. That Cyberdemon fight was disappointingly easy but oh well. I was one hit away from dying at least and I'm only playing on Hurt Me Plenty.

I still don't think the slayer is the og doom guy.

How many buttons do you need?

>But it would be nice if they could add back the missing weapon animations.
go to Twitter

I appreciate you're enjoying it but
>I was one hut from dying
>disappointingly easy

You wanna qualify what easy means?

Difficult for me is when you have to try at something 10+ times before you finally git gud enough to beat it. I only died like twice.

>play easy mode
>wow why is it easy

I want to get into nu doom but my god it seems like everyone who plays it is retarded
>is doom slayer also doom gui??!!
>le edgy rip and tear quote
>butt rock
>too angry to die wowie gee doom slayer is so badass

try some mods

That's a post-dark souls mentality. Turn it up to Ultra Violence and give it a whirl.

Those games really redefined what 'hard' is. Remember all the posts early on when a LOT of people were like 'WTF THIS GAME IS BULLSHIT'? That's where the whole Git Gud meme came from.

You got gud a long time ago. If you want Dark Souls level play, you need to ask the game for it.

>letting a fan base get in the way of a single player game
Stop hitching and do what you want.

That's what happens when people genuinely enjoy something and don't feel the need to put on a cynical facade


this place really is reddit huh

I never beat Dark Souls but okay

I generally beat games on their Normal difficulty setting first before moving onto Hard and above but I guess I can turn it up.

>Difficult for me is when you have to try at something 10+ times before you finally git gud enough to beat it.
That always makes me feel shitty because I feel like I just finally got lucky rather than like I finally got gud.

You don't have to have beaten, or even PLAYED Dark Souls to be in that mindset. That's just how gamers think of 'hard' in this day and age.

Your Dole Dippers, madam.

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>That always makes me feel shitty because I feel like I just finally got lucky rather than like I finally got gud.
I don't see how desu. When that happens, usually my accumulated experience from dying over and over again makes me learn what works and what doesn't work, the boss's patterns, helps me tighten up my technical skill, etc.

I guess. I'm just going by what I know from action games like DMC and Bayonetta.