Rank them
Rank them
metroid > castlevania
Super Metroid > Ori > Sword Guy game > power gap > Hollow Knight
Aria of Sorrow.
That will be all.
The name of that sword game escapes me.
The 1st Ori isn't Metroidvania
The 2nd will be
Found it in the video. Rogue Legacy.
Ori is barely a metroidvania, very linear
Hollow Knight outclasses all of them and it's not even a contest
Rogue Legacy is the worst of them just for being procedural generation, Dead Cells did the same garbage idea.
SM isn't a metroidvania, it doesn't have any vania in it.
Super Metroid (the classic that started it all) > Ori (quite linear, mid tier but better than the rest) > Hollow Knight (babby's first metroidvania) > Rogue Legacy (not even a metroidvania btw)
I like Kirby and the Amazing Mirror the best.
SM >>> Ori >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HK
Never played the 3rd gamr, so I can't rank it.
Didn't play knight game and hollow knight is trash
HK>ori>metroid i dont know the 3rd one so i cant say anything
Rogue Legacy isn't a metroidvania, OP's image is retarded.
How can you rank them if you don't even know what one of the games is? Then again I'm retarded for replying to obvious bait.
good one, OP
Hollow Knight was great until they kept adding content just to pander to vidya masochists.
Seriously, you can say "git gud" all you like but some of the content in that game is unreasonably difficult.
dude, i love this game but it's too linear
Castlevania = Metroid > everything else.
People on Yas Forums can’t be this retarded, can they?
what is the prettiest metroidvania whilst still being a good game? I still think its shadow complex, hands down. Hollow knight, metroids and ori are still good but I'm tired of the 2d art style. Shadow complex is the only one I know of to utilize a 3d art style and actually incorporate things in the foreground and background.
>indieshit on both sides
Rogue legacy isn't a metroidvania, op image is retarded wherever it came from.
The Switch eshop has a surprising number of good metroidvanias, even some I would call hidden gems, especially for how cheap they are and how well the genre works on handheld devices
anyone played Blasphemous yet? how is it? I liked the demo, seemed a tad easy, though
Metroidlike =/= Metroidvania
Met > Hollow > Oni >legacy
super > hollow > literally who #1 > literally who #2
for me its valdis story
>nooooooooooooooooo, you can't just add optional content that is difficult
>what should we add to our game who's main strength is exploration
>a bunch of "follow the pattern of my moves or die, also don't use any of your powerups " boss fights connected by a linear hub world, the exact opposite of exploration
Based purely on gameplay, Metroid Fusion is the peak of the genre
nigger you dont even know what the game on the Yas Forums side is
no one on this board does
Based purely on gameplay, no Metroid game is as good as any Castlevania game.
>1.- Hollow Knight (by far)
>2.- Metroid
>3.- Ori
>4.- Yeah that game
>wonder boy
>good tier
>monster boy
>only good tier
>only good
>Yoku island express
>not shit
>pirates curse not a metroidvania even though it is
>ESA not in God tier
>literal homosexual fudge-packed Alucard in Trinity when it should be faggot tier now
>La-mulana in trinity because hurrrr it's hard
>don't even refute me nigger I beat the hell temple, lick my pussy and my crack you simp faggot.
you're pathetic--the only person in this thread to even play all those games is me.
Ori 1 is not a metroidvania.
my favorite metroidvania is Metal Gear Solid
>la mulana that high
if this tier list is for games that fit the genre the most, then i guess? but the game itself isn't that good
Procedural generation makes for a shit metroidvania, but the game can still be fun.
Metroidvania are about complexly interconnected level design not randomized trash.
It's optional retard. You can get 100% without even touching it so cool your autism.
>doesn't even have pic related on it
It is that good though. Also SotN is up there so being amazing isn't a requirement anyway. That game's only a challenge for like one hour and the inverted castle is ass.
d..don't summon the creaking skull.
at leats we can all agree that Hollow Knight is objectively better than Super Metroid
furfags get out
they could've spent the time they put into this dumb shit on getting silksong out faster, or adding actually worthwhile content to the game that plays to it's strengths, or improved issues with what they already had
i do
Timespinner and Environmental Station Alpha were awful though, they should be at the bottom.
It's La Mulana
What do I win?
There are no issues with the game, it's perfect. There's no point in adding another optional area since a Boss Rush was what people were asking for so they delivered. I'll give you the Silksong point though.
>t. ori was my first metroidvania AND PROUD OF IT
Timespinner is very playable if you skip all dialogue
TSA is good, the main story at least. After that it becomes too cryptic and repetitive.
What was wrong with Timespinner?
>furfags get out
user when the day of reckoning happens we will need their help
That's not even the game he's talking about...
>Command & Craft
____________I know___________
>want to have a comfy castlevania thread
>find a thread and discuss with likeminded peers
>suddenly smell something foul
>the smashfags are nearing closer to derail the thread
>proceed to distribute the industrial gasmasks
>door bursts and brace for the worst
>oh my god
>it was far worse than a smelly smashfag
>it was the dreaded hollow knigger
>the vapid stench causes some of the gas masks to vaporize into thin air
>those without masks soon dissolve into a black and dull goo
>try to escape
>suddenly eyes begin to burn
>desperately claw at my mask
>realize it has been punctured
>can feel my eyes oozing out into my mouth
>as i drown on my own
>the last thing i hear before drifting into darkness is incoherent rambling about gamefeel
This is the type of melodramatic dribble all Castlevaniafags sound like whenever someone brings up one (1) game
>people can't like well known or popular things!!!!
what's a better name
Exploration platformer?
fuck you mang
>What's a better name? Something descriptive and indicative of the actual gameplay?
>starting a non-specific metroidvania general
You wanted a shitstorm, didn't you, OP? Okay:
1. Metroid
2. Hollow Knight
3. Ori barely counts as a metroidvania
4. Rogue Legacy isn't a metoridvania and is also a shit game
I'll never understand why Yas Forums has such a hate boner for Hollow Knight
It was originally one guy that hated it so much he spammed every thread. Now I dunno, haven't been in a HK thread in a while so maybe that one guy succeeded forcing the meme that its the reddit game.