Why do I get such a weird feeling from walking around early 3D environments? Does anyone else feel the same way...

Why do I get such a weird feeling from walking around early 3D environments? Does anyone else feel the same way? I don't know what it is. Its like this profound feeling of atmosphere, calm, and mystery all at once

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This is a symptom of schizophrenia. I'm sorry, OP.

Attached: namcomuseum_001.webm (720x594, 399.4K)

You're schizo bitch

comfy lounge

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Probably because it's a bit weird. Very simple, not really realistic, usually very empty. i dunno.

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It's surreal. It's not really trying to mimic reality. It makes you think what the purpose behind the design was. Unlike modern games where you can tell you're being sold the cheap illusion of realism.

Low Poly is an underrated artstyle.

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I get that same feeling from the Eyewitness intro


It gives off the vibes like the museum is located in its own pocket dimension that has nothing else in it, and the thought of being stuck in there made me feel uncomfortable back when I was a kid

It's a mix of nostalgia and uncanny valley.

I know what you mean, it's called Phantom Fart syndrome. It's like phantom limb but instead of your brain feeling a non-existent limb, here your brain is trying to connect to character's non-existent anus to produce a fart.

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I fucking forgot this shit existed holy damn
I think the low poly count forced certain design characteristics and unusual vertices, very different from mordern games which just look similar to real life.

Forced creativity through restricted resources/options. Pic related

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doesnt feel uncanny as much as like a mental mindmap

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back then we were exploring a brand new dimension in video games, it was mysterious and fresh

Who is the bald man?

Winston Churchill, the first president of Spain


Fuck man that's some nostalgia right there


This is what people don't understand when they day modern art is bad. It's not bad, it's the response to perfection (which had been achieved in paintings and photography).

Orson "Fellini" Hitchberg, the hater of eggs

Just get on worlds.com and start exploring

i also totally forgot about this

>tfw Namco abandoned the MUSEUM of Namco Museum after the PS1
>tfw there will never be a low poly Namco Virtual Museum that features VR with additional wings/games as DLC

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for some weird reason it makes me think of the afterlife


I used to play this in bed late at night as a kid, it was maximum comfy, those nights were magical.

>Why do I get such a weird feeling from walking around early 3D environments?

Who do you think they had to appease to get that kind of expensive technology, user?

But modern art IS bad, user. There's no other way to cut it. It cannot be any other way when it bases itself on jewish bauhaus and its only goal is to launder money.

The opposite to me, I think new graphics give me uncanny valley, they look almost realistic but not good enough, I prefer a bit dated graphics over new ones.

I'm glad indies are finally graduating from pixelshit to low-polyshit at least

unpopular opinion: pixel art was only done right in metal slug. Anything else that tried it sucked. I wish low-poly/ps1 aesthetic will have a better run

Dude, its just a videogame.

Ah shit I was trying to remember this the other day but couldn't remember what the name of it was, thanks

Technical perfection can expand on nature, though. Simulating a fantasical world requires more than the ability to simulate reality.


Early 3d games were so limited technology wise that 3d artists had to be very clever and creative how they presented the environment. Often you couldn't accurately portray reality so you had to potray an "idea" of reality. This often gave early 3d game a sort of surreal, dreamlike quality to them.

It's why Picasso paintings got so popular, the "idea" of reality is more interesting than reality itself. We love seeing stuff through other people's eyes.

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whats this from?


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because early 3d is simplistic enough to feel realistic
meanwhile realistic graphics have the opposite effect

user please stop shouting at the wall
were all very concerned

Mah brigga

We call that another name here.


All of these games had great looking hubs. What I wouldn't give for a well-done remake.

i knew i wasn't insane when i got some weird abstract feeling from old low-poly stuff
it hits me harder with late 90's to mid 00's internet stuff, just this surrealist expression that was the best those poor souls could do

For me, it's Quest 64

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For me, Jolly Roger Bay.

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There was some old 3D demo tape YT video with various surreal environment showcases from the early CG tech days that used to get posted around a lot. Anyone have it? It was great.

Broken Reality.
One of the few games I helped kick start and do not regret it. It's a work of love and pays homage to vaporwave, its influences, and the overall early-90's internet culture.

Pure soul.

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Even though it's a lackluster RPG, it's still cozy as fuck.

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Early 3D is an aesthetic unlike anything else that exists in any form of media including even video games. If you view it not as "bad graphics", but as some otherworldly place that's SUPPOSED to look like that then it's a totally unique immersive experience.

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I don't think there will ever be a blander JRPG in existence than Quest 64.

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that dreamscape at the end is pretty crazy

the top of the information center in lego island gives me this feeling more than almost anything else

also lego island in general is really atmospheric to me

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wat dis

>Final boss deletes soulful buildings in a terrifying and stressful way
What the FUCK were they thinking putting kids through that?

I honestly hated all of this back in the day. Why did such simple games need multiple minutes of load times just to play them. My dad bought me one of these collections and I kind of hated the purchase. I get what he was trying to do now and just seeing the image in OP makes me feel a little too nostalgic.

walking simulator a month club or something

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It's called SOUL

no, it's really called nostalgia.

Man, that's just comfy as hell