Linux gaming

What games are my fellow Linux gamers playing today? Native, Wine, proprietary or libre doesn't matter.

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I played some Dwarf Fortress, but got bored after i tried everything out i wanted to do. Now i play some Deep Rock Galactic. Most games i want to play in multiplayer still don't work.

I'm now waiting for the Geforce Now browser version to see if input lag is low enough for some games i want to play. Dual booting is not a option for me, because fuck windows.

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Played some Prey and some GTA 2 today.
Prey through Proton, GTA 2 through latest WINE that comes with Lutris.
Downloading me some Half Life 2: Deathmatch, which runs natively.

mostly emulators.


Persona 5 on the emulator (4k60fps) and GTA Online

Why am I playing Sekiro then?

Linux? Is that some sort of homosexual code word?

I studied IT stuff but never worked as an IT sadly
what are the essentials I should know about linux to get a job?

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This incident will be reported.


Learn the command line, use a distro like debian/ubuntu, centos, suse, fedora/red hat. Become familiar with their package managers, upate cycles, mkaing scripts to automate tedious stuff like backups ect. Best to try it in a virtual machine or on an old laptop you have lying around that doesn't have Nvidia or else you'll be in a world of pain trying to get it working as a newbie.

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still distro hopping
could just use ubuntu but I hate bloat

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thanks user, I'm saving your post so I can try some of that stuff later

I always used ubuntu, tried some other distros a little, messed a little with a linux server, etc...

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no amount of denying it will make the snowball stop
cope as much as you can

>download arch
>use wiki to install it
>get a fancy tiling window manager
>use nothing but your terminal and hotkeys to do everything
>make a custom script for your tiling manager for fun
>do some nice ricing
>screenshot your desktop and post it on /g/
>get shit on
>update your machine
>forget to read about the update
>break your whole system
>someone tells you to chroot
>but you just don't understand
>install debian based distro
>it just works

Take ubuntu for a ride or got the arch/manjaro way with a tiling manager and learn everything like a real man. Your choice.

I use arch btw

Then just get Mint and settle for a bit.

on the scale from TinyCore Linux to macOS, how bloated OS are you willing to tolerate?

Just use
it has less bloat than Mint and Ubuntu

Installed Chiaki and have been playing some RDR2. Though I'd hardly call streaming from a PS4 real Linux gaming, especially since the PS4 runs FreeBSD.

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Good luck user, you can do it! Also learning git, scp, network locatinos, samba and vim are all very useful to know. If vim scares you it's fine to start off with nano but learning the former is great since it's a standard for a very long time.

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OpenBSD would be the perfect OS for me if not for the lack of GPU support. Seems like most distros fall into one of two categories
>Stable system with packages four years out of date with lots of bloat and shitty software preinstalled
>Cutting edge system that feels like it's held together with duct tape and could kernel panic at any moment
And bad documentation, god I fucking hate trying to look up what an error message and the most recent google results are from 2009 or trying to follow a tutorial that is woefully out of date.

I used mint for a while and of the bloat distros I liked it the most but I want to try something new.

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lutris is garbage, messed up my custom proton folder and now non-native games refuse to launch :/ even if im not using lutris, had to reinstall everything.

anyone got that pt unreal demo to work on their rig? linux/winjeet it doesn't matter.

Fedora if you don't mind a bit of bloat, Debian netinstall if you want to go full minimal (or Crunchbang++ if you can't be bothered to do a netinstall), and then add testing into the repo list.


Not a fan of Lutris either, I stick to making simple .desktop files and double clicking them. Only advantage of Lutris is that it's easy to manage different versions.
>now non-native games refuse to launch
Probably registry stuff, for my cracked CODEX games I specified that they don't write to registry/system information so they're somewhat portable.

Both Fedora and Debian have non-GUHNOME spins.

>get IT job
>get a personal network linux VM
>fuck up logging in a bunch
>uh oh

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no Christmas presents for you this year

guess I'll give xfce fedora a go.
I've installed debian before and I hated it.

retard here, do distros like ubuntu and mint update less frequently that arch or manjaro? also how is fedora?

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Honestly I don't get along with Debian either, but Fedora is solid.

yes ubuntu and mint get new releases every 6 months, arch is cutting edge, manjaro is a week behind arch. both release schedules have their pros and cons.

Ubuntu etc bundle all the updates together and release them all in one go (every 6 months for mainline and every 2 years for LTS).
Arch etc get the updates as they're uploaded, no waiting.
So Arch gets all the new shit first, but the chance of breaking goes up. The base system is pretty solid, but sometimes you'll update and your browser or something will stop working and you'll have to wait until the browser gets rebuilt or rollback an update.

>do distros like ubuntu and mint update less frequently that arch or manjaro
>also how is fedora
quite updated, but not as edgy as Arch
It's a beta for RedHat Enterprise, so you know that you get the datacenter-running level stability for the most time-

I'm using Mint for few years for a second system, and I'm getting kinda bored with it. What should I try as my next distro? Thinking about some Arch derivative, but I'm kinda afraid. I enjoy sleek design in Mint, but I need some fresh shit to mess around. I'd like some Nvidia support if possible, too.

what are you looking for

Good looking, snappy distro with some gaming support if possible, optimization for laptops would be nice addition.

mint is probably still the best choice

does Manjaro have Nvidia support?
I'm on AMD so I don't follow the state of Nvidia on Linux

yes, don't expect it to really do anything better than mint though

Use Arch and follow the tutorial page the arch wiki provides. Don't be afraid, its easy as fuck when you have a 3 digit iq. My first linux installation actually was arch. It did run for 2 weeks until i borked everything.

Just don't be afraid and do it when you have like 4-6 hours of time. Most fun you can have before your bloat your system. Also remember that the only real difference are the repositories. Every linux distro is basically the same in the end. There is no real big difference between most distors. In the end its all the same under the bloat. I would always go with AUR just because its the better repository though.

S¤yboy OS

Made the decision to start Atelier Ayesha. Got my first KO, and was surprised that I didn't lose progress. Losing a day isn't exactly better, though. Outside of that, I'm playing XIII, and I'll probably couple it with Dead Space or Condemned if I get to play at night.

the 60fps patch breaks timings/effects btw, but you do you

if you're hopping because of bloat, you don't know what bloat is

stop listening to /g/

look at this loser
i hope you dont expect windows to recover a fucked hdd

So how do i install windows when i already run Manjaro? I guess i just have to slam it on a NFTS partition and repair grub? Or did something change?

It's different if you have a UEFI motherboard. But you might want to put windows on a different drive entirely because 10 doesn't play nice with Linux.

I have UEFI and legacy boot support. I make the HDD i will install windows on bootable right now and just throw the image on there. I guess i have to boot live manjaro after that and repair grub.

Thanks a lot anons

Been playing heaps of synthetik. Runs perfectly. Randomly crashes after a few runs though. But it does that on Windows too.

NFS Hot Pursuit 2, emulating the PS2 version.
Can't say I'm enjoying it too much, the rubberbanding is just absurd.

Post your favorite sysctl commands! guys do harden your distros right?

I've been dual-booting and using windows for gaming, been working pretty well so far.

Oh no linux bros we got too cocky

He's right. I'm switching back to windows right now...

>a free to play game, on epic store only
>funded by a kickstarter that promised steam copies
I see the devs won't have any issues implementing a capture-the-flag mode with all these red flags they've been stocking up on.

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Played some Code Vein yesterday. Wreckfest now and then when the mood hits, EDF5 and Ace Combat 7.

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unironically if you do all of this you'll end up learning enough about the OS to seem like a pc wizard to normalfags

Normalfags thought I was hacking the CIA when I played MUDs 20 years ago.

Nah, I even boot with CPU mitigations off. I live life on the edge.

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